ORIGIN TRAIL - No FUD possible, 10x, Idex and ED only

OriginTrail (TRAC)
Current market cap: $35 million
Currently tradeable on: ED, IDEX, GATECOIN

> What is Origin Trail?

OriginTrail is a decentralized protocol for data sharing and data interoperability along any supply chain.

It targets three bottlenecks of current supply chain data solutions:

1. Scalability and cost issue of blockchain.
2. Fragmentation of data.
3. Issue of sensitive data that underpin a stakeholder’s competitive advantage.

They will implement these solutions to these bottlenecks:

1. Offchain scaling (like Vitalik Buterin recently recommended) via ODN and graph databases.
2. GS1 Standard = A well-known industry standard for data (other standards for data exchange will be integrated later on).
3. ZK-Snarks to protect sensitive data.

Hence OriginTrail is all about (offchain) scaling and providing interoperable data sharing between multiple supply chains on the blockchain.

The TRAC tokens are used for nodes and each action (reading, writing, etc) to the blockchain will cost TRAC tokens. Nodes will get rewarded in TRAC as well. Tokens for the team, advisors and preICO are locked for 2 years, receiving a percentage every three months. The whitepaper is really well written, it was a delight to read after so many baseless buzzword whitepapers and I advise you all to read it.

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share ed / idex link and tell me when to sell.

go 20 btc sitting

check coinmarketcap sempai

I sure feel bad for every user who ignores this extremely obvious moon mission.

To anyone on the fence here: for fuck's sake DYOR, read the whitepaper, check out the website. Don't pass this up because you see dozens of projects shilled on Veeky Forums every day and you think this is just another shitcoin.


sell when it hits $1 billion market cap


I'm selling half at $1.35
The rest at $3

Delete pls

I'm jumping in fuck it

Good, help me tear down these sell wells

fuck it il throw £100 in

I did the same, lets see where we're going user.

1 billion mc, you serious nigger?

By the rate it has been growing it will hit 250m on ED alone. When mcap gets updated and everyone sees +200% its gonna skyrocket

Sorry user, EVE is ahead of the game on this one.

Fun while it lasted

DYOR user

This pic right there what me me invest in OT. Every damn "logistics" coin will have added value from using this protocol.

I see 1 bil maketcap in 1 month!

welp, i just b ought 28k of these. will it be enough for a masternode?

How does it help the other coins?

isnt the circulating supply a little too high to compete with even the likes of wabi and especially WTC?

OT acts as a offchain "midleware" beetween blockchain and a databases. Any othe dapp or platform can use the ODN data for itself.

Also read the whitepaper.

they gonna need a name change. way too similar to oregon trail.

out of all these supply blockchains. vechain has best name. not a shill either.

Its not a competition. All logistic chains can use and benefit from ODN

We already have million different coins aiming to do the same fucking things

>b-but this time it's different

Okay I've finished accumulating, you guys have at it

no wait what the fuck why is etherdelta withdrawing to a wallet address which isn't mine

didn't you hear bro? ED got compromised again. Sorry.

You fell for it, gotcha

exactly...afraid to say that vechain is already being implemented and tested as we speak to do the same thing. Note roadmap and NDA signed partnerships, which means it's been demonstrated and likely being utilized now under NDA to by those partners. It is being non-disclosed as to allow the partner to field test in real live applications, an official announcement only means that it has been approved for mass deployment, which is huge.

are you fucking for real I just put 10eth why isn't there some kind of fucking news announcements about it

You should've given those to me

Guys this coin is being shilled by a Discord group , They will dump on you guys when their target is reached !

So etherdelta didn't patch the dns leak from last months hack.....hmmm, insider at isp?

maybe their interface is messed up. turns out the transaction went through alright even though the transaction looked like it was sending my wallet funds to them instead of withdrawing

I don't really know what just happened but I have all my funds

don't need a discord group
they have an "ambassador" programm for poor pajeets who get coins for shilling

>marketing whore wrote the review on icobench by herself