How much money do you need to actually "make it?" I'm 19. How much money would I need to live a modest life and never have to work again? I don't want anything special, just a nice little house in the woods of rural NY, and a friendly QT wife who I'll have a few kids with.
How much money do you need to actually "make it?" I'm 19...
Other urls found in this thread:
> "make it"
> wife and kids
already running into some problems here user.
you honestly don't need that much.
with $1mil for example you could easily buy enough property for let to live off the passive income easily.
Doing blow out of hookers' asses and driving lambos for the next 60 years sounds fun and all, but I prefer a modest life user. Simple stuff.
I was thinking around 1M, but in my mind that just seems like too little. Maybe I'm wrong though.
you dont need money, you need the things money gets you. figure out how to get them without money and you can life cheaply if you hunt your own food and fetch your own water n shit.
but yeah like 1 mil if u dont wanna live like a neanderthal from 10000 b.c
Good luck
This. $1M before you turn ~30-40 years is pretty much "made it".
dieing before your 20 is "making" it
>tfw that's less than the median house price in the big Australian cities
I'd honestly enjoy living off the land, but at the same time I don't wanna go 100% Ted Kaczynski.
I don't mean to be a retard, but how exactly does one make $1M last a lifetime through passive income and whatnot?
Tough to say OP. I’d say $5million to comfortably live without caring about money. I get you saying $1mil because you want a cabin in the woods with wifey. You’ll be sleep in, and hunt animals and catch rain water. Sounds great right? Except what if you or one of your kid gets sick? Maybe little Susie was playing by the stream and fell in. She hit her head good but thank god she’s alive! Helicopter ride to the ER, many exams and a week in the hospital. Next thing you know you have a $100k hospital bill staring you down and no healthcare. You comfortable with that?
hospital bills are bullshit. you can end up paying 1/15th of the cost just by not being a complete cuck.
just think about it, does it really cost $100k to pay 3 nurses for a few hours and a doctor?
maybe if they made $10 million a year
So you have to live for around 40k a year
Exactly. That's the kind of stuff I'd be worried about. $1M by itself probably wouldn't cut it.
Also I might be a little biased because I have universal healthcare
Just move to a country that isn't fucking retarded when it comes to healthcare.
Buy a VEN node. But one or two investment properties you can live in if shit got real. But bitcoin.
>never wanna work a single day
>buy a house
>wife (women are fucking expensive)
>fucking kids (are you motherfucker serious? There are studies that show that you need $200k to rise a kid 0-18, you also want a couple of kids, you will burn $500k raising them..)
You need at least 3 milions.
Great, so you can spend all of your money on tax instead.
not to turn this into a healthcare thread, but USA subsidizes the entire world's healthcare research.
90% of the groundbreaking papers come from USA because we have the funds for research.
y'all ought to be grateful instead of bitching we don't fall for the communized scam.
what is it, 3 month waiting periods for critical surgery in the UK now? while imported terrorist shitskins get priority in the queue?
They're not just pricing in the employees.
They don't rub you with fucking Vaseline and send you on their way my dude. There's a lot more costs associated with running a hospital.
Before we even break down the equipment costs. Several people had to interact with you before you even fucking get to the er bed. Not to mention if it's an emergency visit we're talking about a premium you're not in the business of keeping afloat. After paying for everything u want to make money as a hospital.
2.5 mil.
Think house purchase and child raising.
This is a good point. You can't just accept the fact that you can live off the land. Think about the price of raising 2 kids from infancy to 19~.
Probably moving away from NYC helps reduce some of these costs significantly
yeah it takes about 100 people to get me my burger at mcdonalds yet it still ends up costing $3.50
hospitals are scam, you pay what you negotiate.
$1M in the bank with 2% interest will give you $20,000 a year. If interest rates go up then that's even better... or
$1M in a blue chip stock (try to buy in when cheaper than usual) with a 6% dividend will give you $60,000 a year.
NY, don't know why it autocorrected as NYC.
Don't only think about making it on the way up but scaling down is the point in trying to make.
Could you move two states over and significantly make your goals easier? Etc.
Fellow scandibrah here. I can fall off a mountain and get mauled på by wolves, picked up by a paramedic team in a Seaking helicopter, patched up at the hospital, flown to germany for specialized life saving surgery after the wolf ate half my brain, and only pay 200 NOK for the whole thing.
Then they will pay for physio and therapy, and my doctor will recommend me an all payed vacation to the US where I can then hang out with people at my post-injury IQ level for therapeutic effect.
Yeah, 100% of medical costs are patented pills, treatments and what not. Certainly not the more mundane quotidian matters...
Fuck off with those myths. More like it comes from the US because your government is fucked enough to allow that price gouging racket to continue.
I also love how you guys never refer to that guerrilla army you have going on there as a "communized scam".
It takes someone to wheel you in, someone to drive you in before that if you came on an ambulance. Then you're inside the hospital and you need to interact with a security guard a triage nurse a clerk and maybe more depending on your situation. You're in the ER not even admitted yet, no equipment or medication yrt,and you've already had how many people do their jobs? The reason your conclusion is so asinine might be because you use McDonald's as an example for everything in your head.
That might be why you needed to pay hospital bills too. Keep away from mcd
>bank with 2% interest
Yeah but for non life threatening things that are still a problem in every day life, good luck getting any help and waiting on that list. There's a reason Canadians come to the US for medical treatment, because the lines over there are too long and if you pay here you get seen (isn't that the beauty of capitalism?)
>an extra 2-3k a year
>no medical bills
Is this lifestyle really that expensive?
Fuck the lambos off for sure, but coke is like 60 euros a gram. Hooker 100 an hour and entry 50 in Germany. Say 200 euros once every other week for an hour of solid debauchery?
For me it is 500k and I live the easy life for the rest of my days.
Nice house, dependable car and let the rest set and gain interest.
I would also keep working some of my more lucritive jobs.
I don't disagree on the flat premise of what you're saying. But I'd on think degenerative behavior happens on a schedule.
>9pm Wednesday
>Time for my monthly heroin binge
2-3 million depending on where you want to live and cost of living. Lets say after inflation with below average luck you can pull out 4% a year without touching principle. That's a very safe number. That's 80k+ a year without worries. Plus if you have to dip into that you can still get a part time job to help.
our gorilla army is also what keeps you ungrateful assholes safe from Russia.
and you cry for help every time Putin makes a move in Ukraine or the eastern bloc because you don't pay for your own armies.
UK is the only country that actually pays us our fair share.
don't know why i'm arguing with you, there's hundreds of cases of people negotiating their bill down to 1/15th of the initial price the hospital gave out. you end up paying $8k to $15k on their $200k stated bill
I'm from Australia and that's the best we can get at the moment. 8 years ago I was earning 7% interest on my life savings in the bank. So back then if I had $1M in the bank I would having been making $70,000 in interest.
These days in Australia it's better to invest in blue chip stock with a good dividend.
There are plenty in Australia you retard, some even give you 3%
That doesn't mean anything other than they treated someone who couldn't pay and they collected what they could.
Me giving you 1 dollar for a burger at a restaurant after you caught me in a dine and dash doesn't mean the burger cost 1 dollar to make. It just means that's all I had in my wallet because I'm homeless.
Maybe you can understand that logic.
It happens a lot even when insurance is involved they have trouble collecting from either party.
That stuff is fun and all, but wouldn't it be much comfier to get to fall asleep next to the woman you love every night? The dream is to live comfortably as a rich crypto-autist NEET and have my wife cook me tendies.
What do you mean?
in america, at least 10 mil. in asia, s america, or africa 500k
I actually pay about $40k per year in tax, not $2-3k.
True, we have medium to large queues in our system for heart conditions, cancer and so on. Treatment is almost based solely on public health statistics. So it can be very frustrating for the single individual not feeling he's being taken care of. The gov is leaning towards a more mixed private/public model know that aims to reduce the queues.
There's a reason why we're not on WWV by now, its nukes. US or not their existence prevents any typical old school conventional war between major powers.
And don't act like its some selfless act on the part of the magnanimous US, the western liberal order of the past 70 years has benefited you guys tremendously.
More private is always a good thing.
The problem with America is too much government, not too little.
Prove me wrong.
Fellow scandibrah here. I can fall off a mountain and get mauled på by wolves, picked up by a paramedic team in a Seaking helicopter, patched up at the hospital, flown to germany for specialized life saving surgery after the wolf ate half my brain, and only pay 200 NOK for the whole thing.
that's pretty amazing. and yet here you are sitting at home bizposting instead of taking advantage of that by falling off a mountain and having half your brain eaten by a pack of wolves. not gonna make it like that user.
Different strokes for different folks I guess. That'd be nice I guess but when I'm 40-45 is the plan.
I'd rather spend my days in halcyon days of travelling the word by bicycle, reading and lifting interspersed with a few days of abject debauchery.
You can move out into the middle of nowhere in America with a shotgun a truck and no one will ever come looking for you. The smaller towns in rural America are basically lawless
> Own 20 acres in the middle of nowhere, have killed countless deer, grown over 20 lbs of weed, made moonshine, not 1 cop has come to see me.
this is literally all you need to make it op
The wolf howls at my shitcoin 100xing
Which bank? And is it a savings account or a term deposit and if so, how many months/years is the term for?
Well nonetheless I wish you luck user. We're all gonna meke it brah.