If you don't think we are here you're kidding yourself, just because people know the word Bitcoin doesn't mean we have hit Media attention yet, think about the growth of the internet and it's Media attention.
Other urls found in this thread:
not media attention,, not at all, in 2018 you, my Norman friend, are the early adopter.
>Katie Perry asking to Warren fucking Buffett about crypto and with coins logos on her nails
>50 cent
>CNBC & media coverage all day
>Coinbase app #1 in the App Store
>Twitter fags
>Youtubers fags
>Bitconnect adoption by normies
How do you guys not see this.. I'm. Other even trying to cause fud. I believe in the tech, and want to make mills too. But this looks a too spot on
TA fag here
This is the tech bubble
Everyone and their dog knows about bitcoins and feel they missed out on a bubble.
Then short it you absolute faggot
Dont kid yourself, best case scenario is we are in the media attention and enthusiasm phase. Worst case is greed.
Do you know how we will find out we are in the delusion or "new paradigm" phase? Its when even the rational normies who know its a bubble get in.
The faggot graph again
True.. I just look @ these stupid fucking charts when it's late, I get spooked
BTC isn't going to moon bucko already missed the rocket.
ya people think 20k is the highest that BTC will ever go? HA!
You don't get it, sure that is some Media attention, but not what is referred to on his graph. Start asking people what is blockchain? 0 idea, knowing of hype words is not Media attention.
Bitcoin is on it's death throes, but I know the coin that will replace it that's in the stealth phase as we speak.
I would say though, that most of the top 10 coins are following this pattern. No homo
wow such stealth much sneaky
it's turtles screencap this
chad fad is the only longterm btc chart that matters. not even being ironic. crypto can do whatever the fuck it wants, it's a massive ponzi scheme and the last billion humans into the game are going to be the only "losers" but it wont crash permantly so much as it will merely increase more slowly from that point on, finally becoming stable enough to use as a currency. it's just going to keep going up during the investing stage until every person who is going to jump in has jumped in then it switches to the stable inflation proof currency phase of its existance
Bitconnect was a ponzi tho
registered jokes will be the worlds currency
Because in the real world nobody give a single fuck about decentralized vaporware with 0 real use case working product.
People is scared by decentralization, this game is all about speculation, you are a fool if you believe in a decentralized world in the near future.
people don't "know" about bitcoin.
They've "heard" about it. Half the people on this goddamned board probably can't tell you a damn thing about the block chain.
When people start talking about crypto seriously and when you start actually paying for your gas with crypto the. We have not reached mania
This is simply the AWARENESS PHASE people are AWARE of bitcoin but that is it they just know the name
lol, you're the fool. nobody trusts decentralization? quite the opposite. it's TRUSTLESS you don't have to trust anyone thats the whole fucking point. normies aren't retarded they're just slow, they'll figure it out. after al the entire point of blockchain technology is that you have a distrubted ledger everyone can confirm rather then having to trust a centralized ledger. allowing anyone with a computer to become a trusted source for all the blockchains possible functions.
the whole fucking world for better or worse is going to run on blockchain so get used to it
Pretty sure we are in or past the media attention phase bro stop coping.
If you dont have at least 100k usd or even 50k usd in this game you are probably not going to make it.
Fuck, I juts hope we're not all in the denial phase. I want us all to make it.
and then, when the world thinks it has solved all its problems that centralized systems and corruption in government have created by using blockchain solutions... when humanity has its fucking everything cryptographically secured in trustless decentralized ledger. when our economy and voting and fucking toilet paper rolls are on the blockchain... then the elite who have been researching quantum computers in secret for decades will fully have us by the balls. by the very process of trying to escape the establishment elite and their influence humanity will be putting its balls right in their hand. and they will fucking rape us and our decentralized ledgers using the power of quantum computing systems beyond all measure of what we are expecting from current technology. but the rape phase comes later.
That fucking chart should be an instaban
Death to chartposters
denial would be bad, capitulation would be fine though
how close are people to actually paying with this shit though. especially bitcoin in its current state, which might be able to handle the tx capacity of a mall.
like honestly the valuation doesn't make any sense for most of this stuff. i think it'll be worth it down the road but it's not there yet
>what's a market cycle?
Go back to pol you dumb nigger. The world isn’t ending any time soon
Quantam computers exist now. I'm assuming they aren't powerful enough or something?
>just because people know the word Bitcoin doesn't mean we have hit Media attention yet
That was in 2013. Today, you are wrong.
the ones you know about aren't powerful enough
do you think decades long secret research programs aren't possible? of course it's possible. and of course better computers are going to be a top priority.
the world is run by evil people at the top and they do secretive shit and run secretive programs. of fucking course they're working on a better quantum computer. even if they're only a couple decades ahead in quantum computer technology they'll be able to rape us all once we've got our everything on the blockchain
Don't care about le meme chart, but I'll be seriously surprised if this somehow goes up again. Who's still buying? The majority of normies are in. Regulations are looming. People are losing interest. Still no real use (though getting closer). This may likely go up in the distant future, but until then we're in for some more pink wojaks
actually scratch that, i've just remembered that quantum resistant ledgers are a thing now. there are coins out already designed to be quantum computer futureproofed secure. so maybe i'm wrong.
but on computers even the backdoors have backdoors. i mean honestly, how can any of us trust anything a computer does?
In the early era of altcoins, yes. When Ethereum was not even a thing and people talked about DarkCoin, BlackCoin, NameCoin.. Today, niggers take mortages to buy Bitconnect and stupid roasties blabber about crypto on Instagram, how the fuck is this NOT mania?
because crypto has opened a new paradigm
>zombie delusions
its at the stealth phase all the time everytime
because the average person still doesnt really understand what a blockchain is. when you got people working at macdonalds that understand decentralized ledgers are the future and will replace many current centrzlized ledger systems. when your mom can hold a conversation regarding the importance of ledgers throughout human history and how decentralized ledgers are trustless and so will replace all those previous systems that require trust. when the guy pumping gas into your car has been "all in" on cryto for the last few months. when you dont even have to explain fuck all to nromies because they already know how it basically works. then maybe we can talk about mania phase.
right now we're still in the phase where the average normie thinks you have to buy an entire bitcoin
Couldn't you say the mania was in December though. Dec was when I started to hear news about people taking out loans for btc.
If Dec was the mania phase then the chart would actually fit the bubble chart perfectly.
Again, I'm not trying to fud. I'm trying to be pragmatic about this
now ask an average person how does the internet work then tell me how did that go
clearly since they dont know how the internet works the in the whatever phase I like to tell people its at phase
>because the average person still doesnt really understand what a blockchain is
How is that even relevant? The whole world might switch to blockchain the other day, yet the bitcoin price might drop below 1k.. Dissemination of technology has little to do with speculation
Yep. sounds a lot like trying to convince himself. People already know and own crypto, that's as far as it's gonna go, at least until real-world applications actually come in
>Its when even the rational normies who know its a bubble get in.
"of course it's a bubble, but it would be stupid not to ride it" - Veeky Forums every day
Im too young to remember what it was like during the dot competition bubble, maybe you know.. do you think the guy who pumps your gas was all in then?
>and feel they missed out on a bubble.
that means we are still early, when shoeshine kids and taxi drivers will feel like the bubble can still grow, that's when you get out.
people know how the internet works. you plug a thing into the cable in the wall and data comes out. it doesnt matter if they understand the tech, what mattes is they need to understand what they can do with it. people everywhere know full well everything they can do online.
i remember when i was much younger average people didn't understand the internet. many average people didnt own computers and didnt see the point. they couldnt imagine social media or watching vidoes over their dial up modems.
now they understand what the internt can do for them. once they understand the very very basic gestalt of what a blockchain is and how it replaces trust in centralized ledgers. once the applications for blockchain start becoming widespread. then they'll understand enough about blockchain for us to talk about mania phase.
we're in the dial up modem phase and we're in the early days of that
this guy might be right though. but i doubt it. once everyone knows blockchain is the future they're going to want to "find the next google" and get in on it
This, people don't need to have a fucking clue how something works to be part of it or own it.
Other guy is a complete faggot indenial that he missed the early adoption phase.
Assuming it's fair to compare this to the dot com bubble, I'm not sure, but strongly believe not every person on the planet was Invested it tech stocks back then.
I think in crypto we are all expecting for every last shoe shiner to get in. Are we aiming too high?
"right now we're still in the phase where the average normie thinks you have to buy an entire bitcoin"
THIS; so much of this. user ,I salute you
For how long have you been here?
You can zoom into the btc chart and see this pattern several times.
>The majority of normies are in.
Not even close.
The people I'm waiting for are the faggots who smugly compare crypto to tulips despite knowing fuckall about blockchain and smart contracts. Once they turn around and start buying in, it's time to fuck off.
Yeah... with the difference being that we never reached this amount of media attention before. Once Katy fucking Perry puts crypto logos on her nails, it's fucking over. There is no denying we are WAY past media attention right now.
OK sure, I believe that. It's like a fractal.
But get this. If you layer the dot com bubble chart over the btc chart they mimic each other perfect to the date.
Either way, I'm all in in crypto And I'll go down with this ship
then again, take a look at where the NASDAQ is today
so far all people understand based on the media attention is that "bitcoin exists, its a thing"
they can't yet even concieve of all the possible uses for it. even some people in crypto like on Veeky Forums can't see the obvious sci-fi future that awaits us with decentralized trustless record keeping. i dont believe even i yet can comprehend all the possible uses many of which will one day seem obvious.
just like in the early days of the internet people would hear about internet on tv and they might say "we don't need it, i dont need to do my taxes online or whatever or read a digital newspaper on a tiny screen, i dont see how this is going to do anything for me". the knew the internet existed and some of its basic functions but they couldnt see how it would soon be fucking everywhere. they didnt see that everyone would have the internet in their pocket, they couldn;t imagine the point of that. some people could and they invested in the dot com bubble in the early days
They are on totally different timespans you utter retard
You should take this chart and shove it up your arse, it'll be more useful that way.
Also short it if you actually believe this shit instead of shitting up the place.
You're a bunch of retards, this shit is UNSUSTAINABLE, you can't just print money. Yes every coin is a cash printing machine. It's called super inflation.
The majority of normies who were ever gonna be in are in. Saying things like "1% of the world population owns crypto" and "1 in every 3 millenials owns crypto" is not a good sign, it means that almost everybody who was gonna buy already did. Those numbers are huge for an asset that currently still is mostly just speculation
>Despair below Stealth Phase
Literally when is this ever true
You actually can just print money, governments do it daily.
maybe log scale, not linear scale? newfags
Hit the brakes kid. If you look at the chart and supstitue 1992 for 2009 you will understand what I said, ya bitch
And if it reaches "stable inflation proof currency" what point is there in owning it? There are already plenty of safe investments that easily beat inflation.
I might be going against the idea of crypto, but I honestly think that complete decentralization is not mass-adoptable. At all. A few things need to happen for this to become usable by the masses:
> Coins need to be stable. This volatility can't continue
> Losing your private key and key phrase must not mean you lose everything on there. There needs to be a way to recover through a middle-man... which defeats the purpose of the blockchain. You don't honestly think this is something your average normie will accept?
> Need a way to get back money you sent to wrong adress
> Need a way to get back money you sent to wallet of other coin
> Have a single app for every coin. Normies want convenience, they won't use 20 fucking wallets for different coins. We have fiat already, they'll just continue using that
As far as I see it everything points towards a future that adopts blockchain in the background, but not as something normies will actually knowingly use. And it also won't be as volatile as it is right now. There's no reason for coins to be worth hundreds and thousands of dollars. We WILL get mass adoption at some point. But when that happens our gains will become so small that you could just invest in stocks instead. If you want mass adoption you better kiss your volatilty goodbye.
the point in owning it will that it will be finally stable enough to perform the basic functions it was designed for. speculation phase will be over, now its just a tool, after some volatility of course. its not just going to stabilize easily, its gonna shake out and crash a bit. but we're a long way from having so many people in crypto that it stabilizes
It's completely useless for making transactions though.
I'm honestly trying to be pragmatic. Like I said, I'm all in in crypto. You're a fuckn retard if you never have any doubts.
i can agree with that
those things you mentioned in greentext will happen as the technology evolves. and stabilization will occur and when that happens speculation phase will be over. at some point you can kiss volatility goodbye
but we;re clearly still a ways off from that.
>this whole post
you're not gonna make it
If you think Bitcoin’s meteoric rise to 20k doesn’t correspond to the “Mew Paradigm” you’re delusional. It literally had all those stages leading up to it, all the media attention, the public starting flooding coinbase when it hit 10k, the greed came in at about 16-19k and they all got raped. Now we’re in literal freefall.
Having doubts is fine because people here are delusional fucks and crypto is not going to replace fiat contrary to popular belief, perpetuating that meme chart is another thing.
This, so much this.
Relax faggots, even George soros thinks we wont get JUST'd as hard as the pic above. He basically just confirmed normies are exaggerating the bubble burst for crypto.
>Soros, who made $1 billion betting against the British pound in 1992, said that rather than suffering an abrupt break cryptocurrencies are more likely to “have a rather flat top.”
>“Normally when you have a parabolic curve, eventually it has a very sharp break,” Soros said Thursday. “But in this case, as long as you have dictatorships on the rise you will have a different ending, because the rulers in those countries will turn to Bitcoin to build a nest egg abroad.”
forget everything i said earlier
if soros is in them i'm out
there is no future with blockchain. everybody pack up your shitcoins and go home. its over
they cant tell you how it works, but they can describe what it is. They cannot with blockchain.
Why not? I'm still riding the volatility and don't care about my fucking beliefs if I can make money off of this.
Yeah, if sorrow publicly says anything. That's a bit of a red flag.
Also, he mentions crypto flatlining. But this picture doesn't look flat at all
You really want to bet against Soros? I'm glad he thinks we wont get JUST'd hard.
I can tell you for a fact now that of all the people I talk to in person I'm the only one that even knew that blockchain was what powered crypto. They all had and used crypto and had no fucking clue what the blockchain was or how it worked and it didn't stop them from using it.
This isn't going to deflate to trillions when there are new inflationary coins every day. Only BTC prints
It's crazy right, people can be wrong regardless of who they are. Like who would've fucking guessed?
I'd bet money that sorros doesn't know f the blackchain is
You know it is right you fucking salty bitch
exactly, people don't need to understand how it works. they only need to understand what they can do with it. which right now isn't much yet.
even on Veeky Forums people that know about blockchain, even myself, we don't yet know everything crypto will be able to do one day. but as the picture becomes clearer, people will really start to understand that blockchain will be everywhere. and they'll want in on it once they begin to understand that this is a paradigm shift technology. right now they don't even understand that much
do you really think people CARE about cryptocurrency? holy shit, do you really think people care about what banks do with their money and decentralization and BLA BLA BLA crypto?
95% of people here are speculating on money not on revolutionary financial system against goverments
Fucking idiots man jesus
"bu-but they don' know hoiw blockchain w-workk!!"
Maybe Crypto is a conspiracy.
And Satoshi took down the twin towers
what i am saying is time for this fucking bubble to explode is now accelerating, normies and media is all over the place
how long do we have? 1 year?
That doesn't mean the tech would be ruined or something but all this market will be over
No one knows. Just keep your eyes on it.
I still hope we make it, bros
they dont need to know how it works and they don't care, you're right about that.
but once they understand WHAT IT CAN DO then they dont need to understand how it works
just like the internet. in the early days people saw it as a way of doing taxes and writing documents, they didnt understand that one day they would use the internet for everything. by the time every normie on the street understood the future of the internet they started to invest to get in on it, causing the dot com bubble.
we're not yet even at the stage where crypto enthusiasts even comprehend the things blockchain will do.
yes yes stop spreading these lies
we are at return to normal.
if u cant see it u are fucking retarded. bitcoin was on the media every fucking day in 2017. we now got pajeets like katy perry or 50.
everyone who wanted to buy already did. where should all the new money come from? ??
the thing is we have got thousands of shitcoins and they are all not needded.
the marketcap for such a useless asset is way too high
Great point. Crypto hasn't even shown its capabilities.
when this bubble collapses, it'll just wipe out most of the speculative/ meme coins. Just like what happened to tech during the dot com bubble.
it will definitely cause some pain during the hemorrhage period
BTC is a bubble and so is most of crypto, but there will still be survivors.
Chainlink, for starters.
>I'm glad he thinks we wont get JUST'd hard.
All he said was he doesn't expect it to completely fail. He thinks you will get JUST'd, just not as bad as normal parabolic curve corrections are. So instead of dropping to 5-10% of its high it might drop to 10-20%. You do realize that this bull market Bitcoin increased in price 100x right? That means the bear market will drop a similar amount, just not quite as far.