I put 10 ETH into this bitch at .18 cents purely because I saw one thread about Mark Cuban being an advisor. Fuck you user who shilled this bullshit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Cuban is a piece of shit
Sell at a loss, all in on AIX, and come back to suck me off in 12 hours
I feel sorry for you OP. I put in 7 ETH at 22 cents. I can't sell because it has no volume and I have to baghold now (+ don't want to sell for a loss). I was going to sell it for SingularityNET when it was 60 cents or so, but no one is buying this shit. :( Could've recouped my loss already.
Meh, ive never sold anything at a loss but ill put some other funds into AIX just because Ive developed a bad habit of buying into bullshit shills like yourself.
i am def a shill, ill give you that user
honestly i only go in on coins if there are shills
shills are a fuck load of a better predictor of value than use cases
crypto is some weird shit, but if it works, fuck it
Heh, i guess alot of us did this. I sold my NEO at $125 to buy this too. Fucking crypto, I was gonna use my NEO gains to put a downpayment on a new car. Thought I 10x some low market cap shit and just pay for it in cash... fucking crypto, lol
At least youre honest
I put a little into AIX because of the Veeky Forums shill but idk if I believe the hype
To be fair though, this project is definitely one of the ""wildcards"" in crypto. It's not like Cuban isn't the guy behind this, but the team is just incompetent.
I'm looking at his other shitcoin, Unikoin Gold, and that one was at like a $300m marketcap at one point. It's also listed on multiple big exchanges. If this shitcoin, GMT, ever gets listed on any other exchange other than ED, you already know the bagholders like myself will shill it on here and we'll make some nice gains. That's a huge if though, since the team will not comment on any new exchange listings.
you made someone happy, when they unloaded the heavy ico bags on you
usecase is useless
hype is all that matters my friend
short term. Hype is important for short term gains.
and that's all i care about
longterm is a gamble
shortterm is easy to get 20 30 40 percent and get out
mark cuban is a drooling retard. he's a billionare still because it's difficult to lose money when you get that rich.
and he's against net neutrality
so i hope he dies, to be honest
net neutrality is bullshit, and you're a faggot for wanting death
"water is bullshit, and you're a faggot for wanting to drink anything"
nice logic faggot
net neutrality started in 2014. i swear all of you faggots must be 12 years old.
the internet was fucking fine without it.
Mark Cuban is a dumb dumb dude. He got lucky creating a product and selling it at the exact peak of a bubble. If he held out a bit longer he wouldnt have made off so well, if he made it earlier it would have been too early and no one would use it.
So yeah hes a smart businessman and cobbled a tech project together but he doesnt have a track record of identifying great projects.
nice try
net neutrality has been around for the entirety of the internet
many companies got FCCfucked in the 00s for trying to pull bullshit
>net neutrality started in 2014
Maybe in clapistan, but in other parts of the world where civilized cultures live net neutrality is a default since forever.
>the internet was fucking fine without it
because ISPs had no products to sell that required internet in the first place. Do you like Netflix? Well, take a look at Comcast's super cool video on demand service that serves all episodes of Friends and Buffy at 200K and highest download speeds. Netflix is however not so wanted on the network since it's consuming so much data, let's throttle their bandwidth just enough so people will more likely buy our service.
Clapistanis thinking that net neutrality somehow hurts the market is the most mind-boggling thing.
yes... without the 2014 law....
meaning we didn't need the 2014 law
which is it? we need the 2014 law or companies got fucked before 2014 without the law?
netflix consumes 40% of all network traffic
They agreed to paying comcast extra for all they were consuming.
If they don't agree with it, they should really take comcast to court over it.
They know comcast is right though, so they won't do that. they'll just get a bunch of stupid millenials to do their bitching for them.
what is with Aix in 12 hours and why ?
oh, also netflix didn't stop paying comcast when the 2014 law was instated, meaning it was effectively meaningless for whatever bullshit you're blabbing on about.
>moving the goalposts
Jesus Christ. Just go back to /pol/ with your retarded opinions already.
i didn't move the goalposts, he redefined the meaning of "net neutrality".
Net neutrality is the law passed in 2014.
If we had the exact same "net neutrality" before 2014 clearly we didn't need to write the law for it.
do i have to spell out everything for you brainlets?
you really dont know?
its the shill of the day, jesus read the catalog
basically guarenteed to moon with all these fucks talking about it out of no where
Lil pump
Yuh yuh yuh
Lil dump
Maybe because they made sure it's standardized? Jesus Christ you are beyond saving, unironically brainwashed by an ironic /pol/
If a 2014 law does something the FCC already does, nothing changes, then what's the problem here? Why are you crying about it?
I'm whining because I'm tired of dipshit 12 year olds making death threats on Ajit Pai when he did nothing wrong. and wishing death on others who don't support it. The former FCC commissioner fully agrees with his move
we get it, you're edgy and 16
move on cuck
did i mention buy AIX>?
>inb4 tl;dr
I don't buy anything with a whitepaper that starts with legalese amounting to "lol no refunds".
It's fallen 80% since ICO, the best you could do is get a stupid pump group to scam another idiot into buying it.
how's that for some advice kid?
For fuck's sake, dude bankrolled the dallas mavericks for years and never really got anywhere with it.
That doesn't make him stupid, but it's not the guy you listen to for investing.
He's survivorship bias personified.
keep trying.
shouldn't you be sleeping for school tomorrow?
Shouldn't you be protecting your money? Why are you throwing it away into scams like AIX?
>ISPs had no products to sell that required the internet
the absolute state of burger progressives trying to pretend they know anything about the real world
ISPs have been on the forefront of selling internet products, you mong. Orange (then France Telecom) funded the most popular french/german MMOs of the 90s, and once DSL became widespread in the early 2000s the internet took off precisely because you had a single digit amount of TV channels in most european countries and ISPs sold internet as a way to have 100+ channels
>real media player comes out for the first time
>Cuban gets an idea
>manually record radio broadcasts with analog tape recorders
>converts them to real media audio files
>puts them on his website broadcast.com
>absolute peak of dot com era
>investors think it's revolutionary
>gets 300 million from IPO
>Yahoo FOMO and pays him 5 billion in stocks to acquire site
Cuban isn't a fucking genius, he was at the right place at the right time. Anyone here could have done that.