Encrypgen's DNA coin

Okay time to give back money to Veeky Forums.

Encrypgen's DNA coin

- Market cap 40m
- Already working product, product coming live next week to consumers
- Presentation at London, Festival of Genomics
- TOP 20 Exchange announcement TODAY
- TWO new partner announcements coming next monday

This is your chance for 5x within a fcking week. If you are not going to use this advice you should quit crypto.

5 usd a piece after incoming boom-boy-week
15 usd end of Q1
50-75 usd EOY

Always do your own research but don't take too long.

EXTRA: speroresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Encrypgen-Final-Report-locked.pdf

52 page Spero research papers that suggest you to invest in DNA.

Other urls found in this thread:


Got in this yesterday, fucking great to wake up to a tasty 30%. Still way down from ATH so whoever does not put money in this is retarded.

The only thing I'm nervous about is whether - if it is to be listed on Kucoin - to sell beforehand because of an eventual dump (see carVertical for a recent example). I guess this depends on how much the price will spike beforehand

>working product

Which does what? Reads your DNA? Why does DNA need Blockchain

pajeet this coin already had its p&d

what are you doing here?

You can upload your genomics via DNA coin to private and secure storage anonymously. Consumer can also sell that DNA info of his/hers to researchers etc and get paid in DNA coins.

Nowdays if you want to research your own genomes, you give that information to company with your own name in it. That company potentially can sell your DNA to other companies such as insurance companies, who can see what's your risk to get cancer etc etc.

Mmmh. Don't really know about that concern but imo it is minor one compared to what is coming next week.. 3 weeks ago DNA announced only one minor partner and price spiked 200% in two days.

I've been telling biz about this coin site it was 1M marketc application.
One of the few worthy projects out there. If you don't understand why selling genome information within a blockchain is a technological breakthrough you should reconsider why you are in this space.
1.5$ tomorrow boys screencap this

Accumulating too?

Yeah I agree. If I is going to be kucoin, the anouncement would come today and the listing tomorrow (needs to be this week as kucoin said "7 coins will be listed this week" but only 6 have been actually stated so far). Given that next week has some promising shit, I'll probably just hold as the hype could very well just continue.

do you plan to hold after it hits kucoin?

Check out muh reddit, surely looks like it has a lot of potential as well as upcoming partnerships

Great piece of publicity today from the Daily Beast
2 new partners to be announced on Monday, with press releases coming out then. This incluces the ability to have your full genome sequenced.
VC funding is ongoing and accelerating as the business is getting more and more attention
Ben Kraus will be an advisor expanding Encrypgen's global connections
More team members will be joining the company shortly
Keen an eye on the website, this will have updates shortly, as well as potentially being improved further overall
Coinmarketcap seems to have had some confusion on ciculating supply as company wallet was recently moved for an upcoming audit
Everything is going well for the Festival of Genomics, with presentations streamed live through the facebook live page

Actually a reasonable shill post for once

>30% increase in last 24 hours

>New Exchange listing today

>End of month product launch at International conference


Oh my apologies, its now 40% 24 HOUR INCREASE IN VALUE MOTHERFUCKERS

let them FOMO @ $1.5

Let them FOMO on Monday at 3$


This shitcoin already plateaud. Nice try pajeet

what kind of shitty FUD is this? It's a shitcoin because it's not at ATH right now?

>DNA always propping up my portfolio
If only I had bought more.

It's burned its hype capital already. And when they release a product it won't be the sci fi world savior shit people are imagining, just some contrived blockchain wrap and an accompanying shitcoin when eth would do just fine. And maybe some rando two bit dna sequencing company is on board. This shit isn't going anywhere frienso

you really think this will be lower in price after the genomics festival and a new exchange announcement?

l m a o

OP here. I am planning to hold this coin long-term because I highly believe in it. This really the one which solves main problem in that 23 billion genome market: Anonymity and privacy.

But I suggest you to hold this atleast to next weeks huge announcements.

Veeky Forums guide to not buying shilled coins 101:

>OP post is written as a fucking ad
>attractive females are spammed to evoke a positive dopamine response
>OP's posts constitute almost a third of the thread (and that's considering he doesn't use a phone to stealth samefag)

This is a fucking shill of course, I got my own money in it. It is up to you if you want to invest in it.

But for real though just look at those facts, you would be complete idiot if you don't even think about investing this.

this coin is gonna fly easy 2x

yeah I have no fucking idea what he's talking about

low mcap coin with incoming announcement of a higher volume exchange coupled with a presentation at a big meetup with pharma and biotech leaders

probably just trolling

So I deposit my USD and withdraw lambos 1:1?

great, will I finally loose my bags

I did my own research:
There's nothing about their implementation that is specific to genomes, it could be any other private data
There is no justification why it's better to store a genome on the blockchain than encrypted in a database
The claim that Ancentry/23andme have shitty ToSes that allow them to resell your data, which isn't true
They don't have fucking ToS of their own
They sell DNA kits from some dodgy Mexican seller, with straight-to-PayPal links:
no ToS
no privacy policy
no shipping info
no info about return shipping
no description of what kind of test it is

The Mexican company's site doesn't have an English version and is useless too

>There's nothing about their implementation that is specific to genomes, it could be any other private data
They have a NVIDIA supercomputer validating all the data installed back in November

>There is no justification why it's better to store a genome on the blockchain than encrypted in a database
They're a business that's chosen to use blockchain as a tech as the tokenised system reduces business friction for international trading

>The claim that Ancentry/23andme have shitty ToSes that allow them to resell your data, which isn't true
Are you retarded? Just search "23andMe GDPR"

> They don't have fucking ToS of their own
Encrypgen doesn't do the testing kits, one of their partners does. Encrypgen is creating the datasharing infrastructure. These terms have been updated to reflect no datasharing, confirmed in the discord yesterday

The rest of your rambling is about the testkits which one of Encrypgen's partners provide, not Encrypgen. They also have two new partners providing further services that tie in announced Monday.

But it's cool, you've had a go at doing some research. One day you can learn to do it properly

Haha, fucking REKT

You fags will get justed by Indian cock again. Will you ever learn?

>38x ROI from the ICO.
Completely justed...

>New exchange today
Completely justed...

>One of the tokens to be listed on the OkEx Korean exchange
Completely justed...

>Paying customers already, launch to industry leaders Tuesday
Completely justed...


In since DNA is 1M marketcap... only thing I learned from it are gains

> They have a NVIDIA supercomputer validating all the data installed back in November
I don't see how that's relevant.
It's just encrypted data, doesn't have to be a genome.
They're offering a marketplace for that data.
There are dozens of other places that will do that.

> They're a business that's chosen to use blockchain as a tech as the tokenised system reduces business friction for international trading
OK, that's fine, tokens make transactions easier.
But what's the fucking point of storing a genome in a blockchain?
How is it more efficient or reliable?
If your encryption passphrase is compromised, your data is public forever, you can't even contain the damage if you notice quickly enough
When your data is sold to someone else, it's now theirs forever, you now have to trust them too, and because of a global marketplace, they can be in some shithole jurisdiction where you have no recourse.

> Are you retarded? Just search "23andMe GDPR"
My bad, I admit I only looked at Ancestry, not 23andme
When I saw that they were lying about Ancestry, I assumed they were lying about 23 as well
My point still stands though

> The rest of your rambling is about the testkits which one of Encrypgen's partners provide, not Encrypgen.
My "ramblings" are relevant, because they're offering that partner's products on their official homepage.
Issues with that partner reflect directly and poorly on Encrypgen.
There is a lack of diligence there when compared to the amount of trust they're asking for, and how their materials are focused on that trust.

Coming from somebody who actually does genomics, this coin is doomed to fail. Big genome is literally a /they/ and it has one of the fastest technological turnovers in research. It's always going to be whatever's most profitable for /them/ and the people who you would think have a say in which technology is used (the people that MIGHT care about privacy and decentralised genome storage) actually don't. I'm not saying it won't pump just don't bother holding on afterwards.

These genes are so /comfy/

Who else not selling? This is easy money, new ATH by the end of the Month.

Yeh that's why ex-illumina directors are making a direct copy of this token. Because the business model and tech isn't viable right?

Creating a platform for sharing and trading data is a well established business model. They are simply doing this for that space, one doesn't currently exist. Plenty of competitors have since appeared, but are at least a year behind and pre-ICO. Just because there are competitors, it doesn't mean that people should shut down. It's a market economy, people will choose what works best for them. 4 companies have already chosen Encrypgen

Storing the metadata in the blockchain simply creates a secure trading platform. This is a business that's chosen to use blockchain because of the features that multichain offers for keeping data secure, setting up smart contracts, and easily trading data. This isn't a blockchain business, it's a business that uses blockchain.

You say your point still stands, what is your point? That some of these companies sell your data afterwards is true, search "Genentech Parkinsons 23andMe". They paid $60m for 3000records. Appreciate you acknowledging the error though.

Improving the clarity of message in their partners is important, and I know they've already provided feedback to them about the ToS and the company has agreed to revise these, send this out to existing customers and update it in all their future products. This was confirmed by Encrpgen CEO yesterday.

I defintely see the need to improve marketing, communication and PR in the company. But this is like being an Angel investor. If it's too high risk for you, wait till it gets to a Series A or Series B level of business performance. Just don't expect the same returns. Of course investing now carries a bigger risk of failure. But that applies to every token out there.

But you didn't understand what I said then? That was my whole point. He technology is fine but investing in this is not. The technology moves extremely quickly. Illumina will make there own and they won't be followed by somebody else and then somebody else. The target audicence goes where the most money is and the most money is made undercutting technology and fine tuning endlessly into new products because the people who use the technology don't give a fuck about anything but the latest. There is zero loyalty. Which is why it's futile to invest in these projects as if they are some saving grace which DNA claims to be.

IF you want to get out and in with short term profits by all means do so, my only point is to warn normal people who might fall for the marketing of DNA as some kind of one stop silver bullet that they can hold for years and become rich off.

Strap in lads, these genes are getting better by the day

I read over and I specifically said "this coin" in my original comment not "the technology" so you both lack reading comprehension and reinforced my point. Thank you.

I see your point, you're right, technology moves quick and there won't be much loyalty. This applies to any tech though right?

If you're not prepared to invest in something because it might get overtaken in future, you probably shouldn't be trading in crypto.

Reasons why a kucoin listing is happening today:
-There is currently 50k dna in a kucoin promotion account
-Why would kucoin say "7 coins listed this week" and only announce 6 in their email (DNA not included)
- DNA announced on twitter that they would be listed on an exchange having eth withdrawal problems, which kucoin had at the time

Asian folks gonna get their ass's genomized

>he didn't get in a month ago
>he doesn't know about the other coin

what other coin/token

>Hey guys don't invest in this product because better technology will exist in the future and that is the tech that is going to be used.
>Hey guys don't buy Iphone 1 because Iphone 2 will exist in the future
Being THIS retarded




Shit and it starts trading today. What will be price for one DNA end of the day ?

i am ready

Breathtaking, isn't it?

Solid bet that it'll close today at $1.80. Seen good advances already, but that was the insider trading - now the fresh money comes in.

Remember, everything that hits kucoin will at least half in value and stay there until the big coins recover. Buy when it's at the lowest.

Thinking about the same. Gonna buy few more coins more.

Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>hold my bags please

are you in the 'inner circle of trust' yet? Did you get enough referrals so that you can get an extra 3minutes of info on failed pumps?

Fuck off.

Please provide proof

It was 1.5 before and fell 80%.

everything that hit Kucoin recently either it drops or it becomes stagnate.

so many good projects like selfkey and carvertical going nowhere.

whales accumulate and then drop huge sell orders.

the days of 4x 5x are over guys.... kucoin is full of chink manipulators

source on OkEx?



oh I'm retarded it's already trading there isnt it xd

i have 100 dna , will i make it?

Depends, does $300 make it in your country?

In since 0.1$. It's a comfy hold.

need at least 100k EOM. Should I sell my 2 dash and put on dna ?

>Error establishing a database connection

wew really unsure where this will go from here

i swear kucoin just killed itself. the dna opening was/ is currently fucked between showing two different orderbooks

yup pretty retarded

Should I wait for a dip?

So dumb. A marketplace for selling genomic data is a good product, but putting it on a blockchain and making a coin for it is stupid. This is a perfect example of a shitcoin that's just cashing in on the crypto buzz.

Unironically no

shouldn't it already be tradeable on kucoin?

utc+8 currently is 23:00 and they said 22:00 on their announcement

dude it is tradeable

but the order book as well as any price display is bugged af

i can't even see it on the markets tab


ty broski

It's at 7.7k sats now should we be worried?

no, it's still at a sub 100MM marketcap...there is no way but up.