How much money do i need to get a wife like this?
How much money do i need to get a wife like this?
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enough to move to india or saudi
Get need to become a politian or Muslim
By the way, please kys
100k Link
17 year old chad is going to fuck her when she gets into middle school. There is no hope for you.
72 IOTA will get you 72 virgin brides in heaven, brother. ashalamalaken
bruh kids fuck at 13 years the latest nowadays
She got a thicc ass tbhfam
No shit, she's going to be 12 y/o going into middle school and some 17 year old chad will break her hymen. Why do we even live?
I dont get why fucking 15 year olds are illegal. If shes not a a virgin, shes already used goods (aka lost her soul) and should be legal to fuck. The ones that should be protected are the teens who choose to maintain their virginity.
This mini thot ain’t 15 though, bro
no dude it wont be even a 17 year old chad
it will be a cringy 14 year old minecraft player
That’s not her ass, that’s her diaper you dumbfuck.
>implying I don’t have a scat fetish
If it is a diaper that’s even better
>implying she isn't already taking horse cock
girls can't even make it out of kindergarten without blown out pussies from all the fucking they do\\\goddamn sluts...what the fuck is wrong with this world...feminists,,,,,fuckers ruined everything,,,jews...
A bag of skittles will do the trick.
if her age is still on the clock,
shes not ready for the....
Spotted the aspiring catholic priest
0-2400 year olds
this poster confirmed for alien wanting human race to die out
are you a virgin yourself?
dude I was in deep depression for 2+ years because I thought I will never find a pure wife to have kids with but I got over it by realising you cant take this world too seriously and I just fucked a hot petite girl.
In the past, I used to reject girls due to their "slutiness": I literally declined to lose my virginity at 17 to a hot chick just because she had an indian boyfriend like 1 year ago (the pajeet hatred was strong in me even then).
I realised that there's a chance that you will die in the next coming 10 years so dont waste your life being depressed about losing out on "teenage love". Go out and have fun with 50 girls and I bet you won't feel sad about this anymore.
>inb4 degenerate
Priests like little boys, not little girls. He’s the aspiring imam.
>Loosing to a USED bitch
rather die a virgin than loosing it to a poo in loo cum dumpster.
ding a ding dang a dang a long ling long
Listen to the other user. Realize that no matter how ugly you are, there will be cute girls who like you. Girls are sluts. Once you realize that it’s a blessing and not a bad thing, you’ll start slaying pussy left and right. Girls are hornier than guys. Take advantage of it.
tfw kid i used to go to school with had her kid at 14
stop posting sad pepes dude
>pic related
I could have lost it to used and unused bitches and I still didn't want to do it because they were "just sluts" in my mind. I'm not saying >80% of women aren't sluts but most of the people that are bitter about this are because they never had any opportunities with girls to begin with. Just being a loser shut-in, social outcast during their teens and now they claim "moral superiority" by abstaining from sex. Once you reach somewhat of an abundance with girls and gather various experiences, this shit doesnt matter anymore.
Dude, there's a good chance the first sex of many guys nowadays will suck balls because they have ED or other disabilities due to porn or just their nerves. So why make such a big deal out of it.
1 link in 2020
>the people that are bitter about this are because they never had any opportunities with girls to begin with.
Maybe because those people have the morality and self control not to fuck used dumpsters?
>implying sex is what makes a person happy.
Good luck on your mid life crisis when your dick no longer works and you realize that its what you leave in this world that matters.
God the kikes have ruined this world with their "sex is everything" brainwashing
Go outside pls
open your eyes pls.
It quite possible to score virgins during highschool
if a ugly oldfag like me can pop 2 during my time there, you guys will do just fine
kill yourself lobotomized kike sheep.
It's not illegal, tho. In most of the world AoC is 13-15. That one country with blue-haired landwhales and mexicans is one of the few to have it at 16 to 18.
dude I'm a muslim, so if anyone should be triggered by the state of society and morals it should be me
yeah and your not doing anything about it. Renounce your religion hypocrite.
it's amazing the level of cope
first bitterness, then manwhore. really two pieces of the same coin
i was a virgin until 29 but never resented women for it. lost it to another virgin and the experience was magical (yeah, i'm going to use that word. suck my dick)
replacing a pathological attitude to women with another pathological attitude to women is not the key to happiness
lift yourself up into someone you love, then people will love you
>Its a yuropoor pedophile brags about having sex with 14 year olds episode
Dude I've been together with the girl I lost it to for 10 months now and we love each other. I'm not a manwhore or display pathological behaviour in any way
>another virgin
was she over 18? if so how ugly
>degenerates found out that there are beautiful moral woman