/biz, why did you trick me?
why did you want me to lose hundreds of dollars? what did I ever do to you> why did you lie and lie
you guys are dicks
/biz, why did you trick me?
why did you want me to lose hundreds of dollars? what did I ever do to you> why did you lie and lie
you guys are dicks
you have to go back
Because you got greedy and bought at highs thinking some other dumbass will buy higher. In reality, YOU are the dumbass, for supporting and promoting stupid and scam crypto projects at high prices with no research.
be a good kitty and invest in prodeum
they did the same too me OP
im new to this and i got shilled into APPC ATH
im down 70%
i fucking lost just about everything
get your money back and more
Did you buy a total obvious shitter like Kidscoin or Bitbean?
Live and learn OP. Nobody here is your friend. If someone is shilling a coin it means they already bought it and want to unload their bags.
They bought link
But what fucking difference did it really make?
Me OP lose all our money
Coin doesn't go up because a handful of people on fucking Veeky Forums buys the coin, they would have sold it at same time for the same price wether or not they got a few people to buy it
I have nothing anymore, it's just gone
Blame pajeets and Jews all you guys want but the real people doing this shit is just salty fucking assholes that just like watching people fail
Well congrats it worked
Veeky Forums does not have that much control over the market.
You have no one to blame for your retarded financial decisions but yourself. Trusting some mouth breathers on an anonymous Manchurian jazzercise critique forum was your own stupid choice.
As long as people believe their shilling makes them richer they will do it. And there's thousands of people reading Veeky Forums. If a pump and dump group with 300 members can change a coin's price, so can we.
Yes completely absolve the scammers of all guilt
Fuck this market
You're not going to make it if you blame others for your own decisions. You didn't have to buy.
Already not going to
Nothing left to make it with, I live paycheck to paycheck just living on bare essentials and still worry about how I'm going to pay the damn rent every week
But your right it was my own desperation that brought me undone, just wanted out of this life so fucking badly I was ready to just about believe anything
I guarantee op made a handful of trades so far
How many man? APPC holder here as well same as you. bags are heavy as fuck
Was at $1100
Now down too $400
I know all the rich fags will laugh at that, i can't afford to put anymore in, i took out my autism bucks loan just to put that in
As long as people like you exist there will be scammers.
If you're not smart with money just don't do this kind of shit.
Or forget it, just gamble everything away.
I saw countless people like you lose their entire savings, family, friends and more because they were addicted to losing.
You have an addiction to losing, seek help. Or go to church or something.
I don't have an addiction to losing, i are just sick of losing and just want something to go right for once
Yes that's exactly the mindset that gets butchered in this kind of environment.
You suck with money. Consider other options.
There's no shame in wageslaving and being happy with it.
>shilled into
See that's the problem. Don't get shilled into things. Open the charts, have a look, decide if you're comfortable in taking a position. Shit, even just having a look at the RSI should improve your chances tenfold.
They bought Reddcoin instead of going on my advice, which was Confido.
bought some AIX before it hit Kucoin
because someone here told me to ;_;
Why would you get into that?, the logo is the worst in crypto, it literally can't succeed.
I will fix all your problem.
XRB now, its taking off right now for a $50 moon mission, get in or be poor forever.
last chance for you