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Just shorted 100x on Bitmex
Until it reaches at least 2.50.
Zen af. We’re in a HODL’ers market.
This brother.
I was born poor and I survived. I’m prepared to go back.
>tfw poorfag investing what little he can scrape together after rent and bills
We don't scare easy.
I have no idea what I am doing but I'm trying to stay calm.
Holding a humble amount of XLM and some ETH
I only recently got in but was watching the crypto market for a couple years. I remember watching the launch of bitcoin and thinking it would be great to have a few hundy to throw at something like that but I need food so I don't die.
Forever later I have a few bucks and can goof around with it, and I think that's the point. I'll take my bags to the grave or retirement. I have nearly nothing on exchange and check my folio once or twice daily for entertainment.
>protip for all you shitty altcoin jumping-in-and-out 100x fuckwits: People like me are the ones who generate a real market, not this rodeo clown facade that is the 5000+ coin crypto
I've eaten the last $5 worth of food I owned off the floor of an abandoned apartment I was squatting in after dropping it. I'm lucky enough to be in a lot better place now, but I have no fear of returning to the shadows if I fuck up. I'll die like I live, on the responsibilities of my own decisions, and my own two fucking feet.
I fucking hate nujack so goddamn much. This is the most forced meme I've ever seen. I don't care if it's just one reddit tier artist, it's in the same shitty style they teach at art schools and it's why all cartoons of the last 10 years look alike (not anime duh). Just fuck this nujack bullshit
On the Jogiin scale 5 out of 5 I am feeling pretty comfy with my holdings
>Not spending a few ETH on a 25x leverage short
I'll happily lose 2 ETH to safeguard my entire stack against a crash.
No matter what happens, I'm comfy.
You sure they're gonna be there when literally every one of their clients are in that same boat?
What the fuck has happened to Veeky Forums?
How can you not know something as basic as "for every short, there needs to be a long"?
Also, show me your folio.
I need to know what I should avoid like the fucking plague.
these dips aren't even that bad, anyone selling is impatient and deserves to lose money or is invested in shit they don't genuinely believe in.
Anyway, on that note everyone itt should buy Fapcoin on etherdelta
Not sure if there's a put option but the idea of letting my wrong position lead to an unlimited cost puts me off of shorting.
You do know that all these companies and exchanges are essentially unregulated, right? Sure they meet whatever guidlines for the country they operate in but they generally all operate under the radar as the cronies don't understand what they do let alone know how to properly audit them or manage their security against internal fraud.
As I said good luck collecting when the exchange/crypto bank you deal with is approaching a negative margin.
There's a worldwide need for maybe 5 cryptocurrencies. That's over 1000/1 for the amount we have. There's a ton of other uses for blockchain and sibling/child tech that will be eventually realized, but it's early for that. As crypto is still in its absolute infancy (no matter how much everyone says "It's the thing, it's popping off" it's not near touching fiat) I've based my holdings on projects that will most probably get the interest of big industry and media, and have proper design to hold up in that extent. Every crypto tech in my folio has a variant that is probably better because it's newer and built on it, but industry acceptation and marketplace footprint have made them the right choice in my mind. Some I know no matter what will pay off eventually when crypto becomes truly mainstream, some scare me a bit but I live with it as I can accept a total folio loss.
I currently have a balance of XMR,VEN,REQ,NEO,ETH,XRP. I'm trying to talk myself into buying more NEO with Chinese new year ect but I've got more going on in my life than this.
thats why i made an SSjuk to scare them way
and i´m working on a jewjak aswell
fucking nice user
Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.
discord gg/YQqTCqt
Fuck off pajeet, there's real products, but too many fake investors
Nujack is a neverending wave of biz being triggered.
ETH and REQ are all I'd hold
Looks like MC Ride
maybe he was a real JEW
Special made for you user
You sound almost exactly like me. I only recently got promoted at work. I've been watching the markets super intensely since September but didn't have the money to act. I knew ETH and BTC were going to spike and I just had to sit there and watch because it was either that or lose the apartment.
I've had friends and family offer to give me money to invest. I refused them, if I'm taking any kinds of risks with money it's going to be with my own money. I'm not jeopardizing the well being of those around me so I can chase moons.
We will continue to grow our investments you and I. When everyone else panics and runs we buy the quality coins on the cheap. We don't chase 100x fantasies, we ensure 3x realities.
Pajeet visits the West, and brings gifts!
Want a treat?