who here getting JUSTed right now?
Who here getting JUSTed right now?
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Not JUSTed yet, but I ain't doing good either.
Was at 38k a few weeks ago, now down to 22k. Was going to do a huge cashout near my ATH but Gemini fucked me. I hope every slimey faggot associated with Gemini gets cancer and dies slow. Went to bed with BTC threatening to break 12k. Now I am getting raped over here but oh well, it's crypto.
Lost all my gains for the day and more thanks to buying ICX at 7.20. I lost nearly all my gains I've ever made holding eng through the dip and finally selling near the bottom to reinvest. I'm all the way down to my starting point after being up 7k mid January. That's not a small amount of money for a NEET whose welfare bux add up to about that much for an entire year. Desperately trying to make some money back in this shit market so I can even afford to eat and pay rent.
Buy high sell low. When will you learn?
>holds ICX & ENG
Are you me? Anyways, I'm down 50% from December 25th so yeah, I'm getting rekt
Lost about 12% during the crash.
Hope this shit doesn't keep happening because it's getting really hard to eek out a profit.
>depends on crypto"market" to pay for food and rent
ur doing it all wrong son
when hero?
been like this since new years, im fuckin tilted
2,4k ->1.2k
Me. I have put everything on Bitfinex to support a long position. Will have to take loans to support it even more. If the market dips 50% further down, I am fucked.
be careful with that "make money back" attitutde. That's how ppl loose alot of money in crypto
wtf happened to this guy did he willingly suck dick in hollywood which backfired like
What the fuck does JUST mean I've been trading for months and still can't find a definition anywhere
typical pathological gambler attitude
correlates strongly with "neetbux"
Kek version of REKT
where can I buy the JUST ICO?
I get that from the tone of the threads but is it an acronym for something?
20x gains since October, we're profiting off all the weak hands trying to GTFO
80% in REQ, unironically getting JUSTed since more than two weeks. Every fucking single day. At least I bought in at 4ct.
Can't get JUST'ed when you cost average buy till you reach the bottom.
>tfw portfolio's down like 25% and I have some of the cryptos getting hit the least hard
I can't imagine what the VEN guys must be going through right now.
>Not knowing who Brendan Fraser is
Women happened to him.
Not really but I'm holding an absolutely piece of shit. I just want it to go back to my entry point.
>Will have to take loans to support it even more
Better stock up some pink wojak pics user.
Thanks just bought 100,000.
You can buy IOST, it's pretty close
Plummeted 96% the day it was listed on Binance (2 days ago).
Ven isn't down that much though? From where it was during the announcement to now is hardly much worse than 25% down
This guy gets it. Additionally keep some ETH and BTC on a cold wallet.
any litecoiners here? do we have a future?
Im seeing more green than i have all week
that always happens when a coin hits binance