REQ - 9% OFF!


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more like 200% from ATH

its over, isn't it?



lol, pathetic coin m8

You shouldn't have abandonned school Billy...
Your math is terrible Billy...
You're never gonna make it

I think that you meant AIX, not REQ


dip over, letz shillz

my hands are weak

im still amazed req keeps bleeding out with all the social media support on reddit
I'm not expecting much in this bear market but the decline on CMC is concerning

It's not my fault you retards can't count, 100% OFF = 2x down, 200% off = 3x down, ATH was around $1.25, what is the price now? Fucking autists.

Nice one m8

kys brainlet

It's 66% from ATH, Pajeet.

Social media being famous for its reflection of reality.

It's an 89% decline, brainlet autist

My bad. It's 6AM and I only slept for 3 hours

Meant to hate on this guy

haha, retards can't even count properly, ask your moms how math works, streetshitters

Fuck this absolute cunt of a coin. Fuck reddit too, while we're at it.

please be a troll.

fuck you and fuck your bait

>tfw sold ADA for this absolute shit coin
thats what you get for getting greedy

Holy mother of FUCK reading this reddit thread hurts my fucking eyes, how are people so damn stupid? No wonder bitconnect scammed billions of dollars, people are fucking retarded
It's like they don't do the bare minimum of reading before making dumb ass comments

>using reddit
found your problem boyo

I'm starting to think all those FUD posts about "How is REQ useful if you have to hold REQ" are not FUD but just the average low IQ Veeky Forums regular.

at this point i'm convinced 99% of the people here are actual retards
always do the OPPOSITE of what Veeky Forums tells you to do

Did you finished middle school? Retarded faggot