VEN - 16% OFF!
pretty lazy shilling pajeet
step it up
you haven't even explained why you think ven is a major coin for the near future
you know if you were marketing this to women your approach might work.
theres no women in crypto though
it pretty much isn't if their projects don't come to fruition > which they might but ultimately fail (long term)
as for being PBoC's Blockchain? lol never
op probably doesnt even know how the coin works. probably never read the white paper or even glanced at the website. fucking laaaazy shills
lmao they already are in fruition you just don't see it. You think DNV GL and PWC over 100 year old companies are working with vechain without a guarantee and testing everything first. These are long term partnerships bud.
Also your article is shit.
"Today, the central bank has given the answer: NO: Not only does digital currency not end, but it will usher in further major development. China will continue to lead the development of global digital finance.
Today, the Financial Times of the central bank issues a commentary, which reveals that the central bank has set up a research group and a digital currency institute and is exploring the digitization of sovereign money and leading the launching of China's own sovereign digital currency!"
Vechain is China's chosen one and PBoC will use it in some way. Wait and see faggot.
I'm on this train and I'm not getting off for the near future. This project has more chance of making it than any other I've seen. Mind you, I'm retarded so there's that.
top fuckin kek
>china just likes to show off their power
>its obvious they want to make it seem like theyre not making a deal
Look at these videos
Consider VeChain's partnerships (pic related)
Consider Jim Breyer, early investor in Ethereum, Facebook, Marvel, 21st Century Fox, has not just added VeChain to his portfolio, but taken on an advisory role at VeChain.
Consider how much smarter these people are than you, and that they have invested and are working with VeChain.
The only project that comes close to VeChain is Ethereum, and VeChain will blow it out of the water with time.
If you know VeChain exists, and don't own any VEN you are quite simply retarded.
Can some1 lend me some fiat for me as poorfag?
Pls sir show bobs and vagene.
fuck off pajeet
Prime Pajeet.
And we just ate a 250 eth sellwall, managed to sell some at a profit and buy back last night too. Get fucked u fuding cucks.
No shit. There's no ETH sell wall but check out BTC. Ouch.
>I just sold all my eos for ven
>eos always dumps at $14-15
Do we think $1000 in ~5 years is realistic?
Make that 1 year
This coin's price is almost completely controlled by the Chinese. They feed off of week Western hands.
Fuck this. I'll sell when it reaches 70k again.
It seems like the price is controlled so it doesn't drop below certain value. Good hold.