What are your thoughts about this thing?
Are you going to buy the next sales flash or what they call it?
Coinmetro thoughts?
Other urls found in this thread:
prob not
why not?
it can´t really go wrong because price should be stable and a possible easy x2 -x3 ?
early ico adopters already made x4
I'm going in on this one, solid fucking team, a mix of Binance and Kucoin, customer service on the fucking spot, check out their Telegram.
Use my ref and we both get tokens - me 5%, you 2.5% of initial investment.
remove space after "?"
I don't have enough
but it's a great pick it will moon eventually
Yeah, it's an ez 5x for those who bought in at 1st ICO at 0.03.
Isn't even listed on ICO Watch list, lmoa.
Hey, Metro shills - find me your scam coin here icowatchlist.com
why isn't it listed, if it's so """""""""legit"""""""""?
is it possible to buy with $ or € or can i only swap with bitcoin or ethereum?
coinmetro.info for 2.5% bonus (redirects to my referral)
Review: hackernoon.com
Cuz it's not live yet, retard
The main token sale is only in 26 days. Looking at the upcoming ICO tab that's about the limit for them to be added.
This will only be a valid observation once we get closer to the actual date.
You're literally promoting a scam, you know that, right?
This .. sweet
Only btc, bch, eth, ltc and xrp
There is "UPCOMING ICOs" page you retard
where is your metro, shill? I don't see it
>The main token sale is only in 26 days.
Pre-sales are listed there too.
And MetroScam already had like 3 (!) pre-sales + additional (((flash))) pre-sales.
It should be listed, if it's legit. But it FUCKING ISN'T.
>Looking at the upcoming ICO tab that's about the limit for them to be added
They already got like 65 million in pre-sales. That's more that some other ICO in total. And they still aren't listed??! FUcking why?!
being the poorfag that I am, it's my duty to repost my ref link.
5% me, 2.5% you.
NAW, make me rich you fat whale
They accept cripple? Red flag alert
Watch the AMA video then explain to me how it's a scam. I'll wait.
By the way all these shills who are screaming about
>muh unique CoinMetro exchange
there are like 5-10 projects similar to your ScamMetro.
ANd guess what - they ARE listed.
CEO of the project braggs about 'muh transparency' - where is this transparency?
I don't see it.
Nice fud. They got 5 million euro in total. The flash sales are there for 24 hours each week only due to popular demand before the main token sale on 21 Feb. it's listed on plenty other ico websites. It's owned by forex platform FXPIG which operates since 2010. Bye troll
I watched them already on YT.
>some fx guy answers ~dozen questions
>Ooh, so legit! Such hard work! Any scam deserves to collect $300 million+ USD because it's CEO is capable of switching on his webcamera!
>still not explaining how it's a scam
Fucking hell, how dense are you?
>Has years of track record of a working financial platform
>Some forex guy
>still not explaining why isn't it listed on icowatchlist.com
How big of a shill are you? Not even trying to answer a simple question?
And that proves what?
So what?
Are you even aware that there are multiple exchange projects going on right now? And some are already ahead of your ScamMetro?
How is his experience in Fx guarantees a success?
He will collect your money and then simply say
"hey guys, sorry but the year has been bearish so there aren't enough clients so the project is no longer viable"
I have no idea why it's not listed. It's a good question that I'll put to the devs in Telegram, but that doesn't mean it's a scam.
You've been factually incorrect about everything apart from it not being listed on your favorite website so you must be right. Okay man
They aren't on ICO watch list so it's an obvious SCAM.
not quite but still close I think.
Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.
discord gg/YQqTCqt
Don't see the causal relationship between it not being listed on that particular website 26 days before token-sale and it being a scam
>depending this much on a website
How fucking autistic are you user? Once again I ask, explain how this is a scam?
>but that doesn't mean it's a scam.
Lol, yes it is a scam. ICO not being on this list is like coin/token not being listed on coinmarketcap.com
Shills are still shilling and trying to ignore and avoid "inconvenient questions" calling them FUD.
I see. Very typical.
Plenty of coins below $50000 volume aren't listed on CMC. Fuck outta here with that shit logic.
What makes it a scam? Being listed on a website for upcoming icos doesn't make it a scam or not a scam. Learn some basic logic
How do I buy this fucking piece of shit
Register on go.coinmetro.com There will be a flash sale on Sunday. Use coinmetro.info for 2.5% bonus (referral)
This is one of those icos in which you can buy withou kyc but you will need to do the kyc when its introduced (i asked on telegram). You've been warned
>Plenty of coins below $50000 volume aren't listed on CMC
Yes, because these unlisted coins are mostly outright scam or very poor underdeveloped projects.
THERE'S A REASON WHY THEY AREN'T LISTED. Same with ICOs. Why is it so hard to understand?
Metro already got more than 5 mil, so it's not the lack of money that keeps it out of the ICO list.
So it must be SCAM.
An ICO not being listed on ICO watch list is not a scam? Do you even know what logic is?
kyc? please explain
Know Your Customer. Providing ID essentially
this could be good but i kind of doubt it
i would say go for legolas.exchange instead
>This is one of those icos in which you can buy withou kyc but you will need to do the kyc when its introduced (i asked on telegram). You've been warned
THIS. Fucking this. Suspicious as fuck too.
Also why do people think that a KYC exchange (yet another one) will be so popular? Especially during bear market.
The CEO said in AMA that they will be content with "a few % of market share" or something like that. So why shills compare Metro token with BNB? Binance is a HUGE fucking exchange with millions of users and low fees. And KYC is not mandatory on Binance.
So is it a scam or is it an exchange? Make your fucking mind up
This or nxt?
So far looks as scam
>shill a "superior crypto exchange project"
>collect millions of dollars
>"ugh, sry guys but the market isn't looking good, not enough users, additional crypto regulations, we can't support it any longer"
>gets away with all the money
They haven't even got all necessary licenses, lmao.
>So why shills compare Metro token with BNB? Binance is a HUGE fucking exchange with millions of users and low fees. And KYC is not mandatory on Binance.
That's because CoinMetro deals in fiat and fiat is very tightly regulated. Hope you morons finally understand this.
KYC will be required for the main sale. You need KYC if you want anything to do with fiat or securities and getting proper licenses. There is a reason why binance doesn't deal with fiat or offer ETFs
I will be able to buy coins with fiat or only with other coins?
With other coins for the ICO. Fiat will be available when the platform launches
>That's because CoinMetro deals
It doesn't deal with anything yet, lol. It's a big question if they even get to that point.
They have so many goals it's insane. It's just an additional factor why it does look like a scam.
And what happens if they won't be able to get all the licenses for that? Will they refund all the investors?
They need it in order to get to that point retard
For all the people here that are worried about the Coinmetro project, please join the telegram group ( @CoinMetro)
The team is very quick to respond to all issues you might have.
About this being a scam project: CoinMetro is directly linked to FXPig, a legitimate FX broker. If this project was a scam, it would severely hurt FXPig reputation.
I don't see why CM deserves to be considered a scam project, while most ICO's listed on icowatchlist don't have the same team, background or professional reputation to fall back on.
So now you've gone from 'definite scam' to 'legitimate project that may or may not walk away with investor money if they don't get the appropriate licenses'. At least you're willing to change your mind, I guess.
What stops them to just take the money and then say
>"ugh, sry guys but the market isn't looking good, not enough users, additional crypto regulations, we can't support it any longer"
They'll keep the money and just return to fx. There's no guarantee that project will even work, let alone that coins will be valuable. This is even stated in the whitepaper.
Btw, if you research more about the CEO, you'll learn that FxPIG recently fled from New Zealand to offshore (Vanuatu). Perhaps fx business isn't going too well lately?
>no guarantee the project will even work
There's no guarantee any crypto project will work, numbnuts. We put money in with the understanding it could all come to nothing. That's as true of Bitcoin as it is of any ICO.
>muh new zealand article
New Zealand changed their regulation rules, hence the move. What's your issue with this?
No, it still looks like a scam to me. Too many red flags.
>ICO not listed on ICO watch list
>3 pre-sales plus additional flash pre-sales (why do they need these ADDITIONAL pre-sales, if they already said that the money goal has been already achieved) before main ICO even starts
>project is WAY to ambitious, too many goals at the same time, it's unrealistic
>the whole project depends on getting licenses first, yet they started their "ICO" before even getting these licenses
>buying tokens without KYC/selling only with KYC
to mention a few. That's just what i can remember right now, there was more.
Thats usual in case of taxes
3 pre-sales what? Take your pills pls
>New Zealand changed their regulation rules, hence the move. What's your issue with this?
What if Estonia (or Georgia) will change their crypto regulations? This happens all the time in the EU/US/China. What happens with the exchange then, have you considered that?
If the project will end before it starts, will they refund the investors? I don't think so.
>Anonymous (ID: u1YVGe/w) 01/26/18(Fri)14:07:42 No.6953236▶
About Vanuatu: fxpig.com
I am one of the first tier investors, and I also had some doubts about the project. Kevin Murcko publicly stated that anyone who wants, can PM him to get a full refund. If you really want it, I'll go look up that message.
Also, please show me an ICO that states in their disclaimer/whitepaper that the value of your investment is secured or that a x-time gain is guaranteed? Every investment in crypto or ICO is a risk, but that does not makes it a scam.
And again, if they make a statement like the one you made, the FXPig reputation will be damaged beyond repair. They just can't afford that.
The Flash pre sale was not planned from the start, but were introduced because demand was higher than expected in the pre-sale.
Go fuck yourself fucking scam shill.
There were multiple stages of pre-sale with token price going up $0.02 each time
first it was $0.03/token
then $0.05
then $0.07
then $0.09
Now they generously offer it for $0.11
They openly stated that the goal was met each time.
WHY do they need these ADDITIONAL (((flash))) pre-sales, if they already have the money, you fucking shill?
And the KYC module will be working once the platform is launched.
Yes, there are different tiers, not separate pre-sales lol. You get tiers on many icos. Already answered you about the flash sales. It's not an 'additional' goal. It's taken out of the tokens allocated for the main sale.
>because demand was higher than expected
Oh right. The (((demand))) is high, sure.
Surely there's no connection with their shills infesting /biz and other sites.
And now, after shilling they just kindly offer us to give them even more money at the 4x price from the starting one ... right... very legit.
It will be working before the main sale begins. Feb 21
Amerifats can't buy or I would
This thing will moon based on hype alone if you want to stay poor don't buy.
No way this is a scam it would ruin the reputation of his other company
There are not asking for "additional" money brainlet. That was a pre-ico. Main ico is on Feb 21. Read the fucking roadmap jesys. There are flash sales because people wanted them
Do you know that official marketing from CM is yet to start?
Please come to the telegram group and check the demand just after the end of the presale. And also count how many times the mods had to say "pre sale is over, wait for the main sale in february".
And the MetroScam shills haven't even answered my initial question yet
>why CoinMetro ICO isn't listed on ICO Watch list yet? Even though it's been several months since pre-sales started
the only answer i've seen is
>it's too early / not enough money / it's just pre-sale phase
ICO Watch list features upcoming ICOs, in all stages of progress - from 0% to 100%
Don't tell me that 2 months or pre sales and 5 million USD "doesn't count" you effing shills.
2 months of pre-sales? I don't know why it's not added. Ask icowatchlist.
The question was asked on the icowatchlist telegram 1,5h ago. At this moment, we have not had an answer.
>Please come to the telegram group
I'm not joining any official shill group thank you very much.
I see that you're a tripfag, it means i've BTFO part-time Metro shills itt hard enough, so they had to make an urgent call for reinforcements from the official telegram (shilling) group.
I wanted to invest in the project first but all these reg flags convinced me that it's most likely a scam.
>At this moment, we have not had an answ
LOL, i wonder why.
Surprised that the question wasn't outright deleted desu.
Who cares that's it's not on a third party site.
I'm just giving you the option to come in direct contact with the team to present your issues to them instead of here on Veeky Forums. You believe what you want of course.
Also, I'm here at my own free will, no one made a call and certainly no urgent one. I'm in no way affiliated with CM, you can verify my name with the team.
Why should that be deleted? If they have fundamental reasons why not list CM, why shouldn't they make them known to the team?
>who cares if a coin/token isn't listed on coinmarketcap, it's only a third party site amirite
same logic...
Sure, there are such coins, but it means they have underdeveloped projects or are complete scams.
Doing simple research into the project would show you it isn't a scam
The easiest 10x of your life
I got my bags
So, not one coin/token on this site will turn out to be a scam or shitcoin?
Tiered ICOs are the wors type of scams
Only buy ICOs that are priced the same for all investors
You really never heard of a presale?
Even at ICO level, you can get a 10x
I've read the whitepaper and listened to the AMA video on YT. It looked legit (even though the project is way too ambitious, especially if you consider the fact that crypto is in freefall atm), sure, but later all these red flags convinced me otherwise.
That's what I'm saying, presales should be priced exactly the same EXCEPT for some strategic partners/investors
Presales ALWAYS offer a cheaper price
And people who bough at 2 and 3 cents cannot dump their bags on you. They only recieve 20% of their holdings and another 20% after 90 days.
The real market makers are the ones who bought in at 0.11 who will recieve their entire stack.
And who is dumb enough to dump all their holdings on day one?
It's very suspicious to me, yes.
Lots of people just went all in because they were impressed by the huge whitepaper and the interview with a guy who happens to have some experience in forex.
That's warped logic. If they offered coins at €0,15 from the beginning then it wouldn't be a scam in your opinion?
If your vision is correct, anything that offers referral bonus should be considered a scam as well. Since the person that puts effort in bringing in investors (=pyramid right?) and the sucker who falls for that, both get coins for a better price. Scam!
what the fuck are you on about?
>And who is dumb enough to dump all their holdings on day one?
They won't need to dump everything. Are you kidding me? Early investors literally got like +500% bonus and bought @ $0.03. Even these 20% will be more enough to keep price around the current level ~$0.11for a very long time.
It still means ez 4x for early investors. Why WOULDN'T they dump a fraction of their tokens for an easy 4x?
This will be a very small exchange with just a few users and low liquidity. So dumping even a couple of 100k tokens will ensure that price stays low.
(assuming the theoretical situation that Metro isn't a scam and the exchange will be operational)
No they don't for examples see OmiseGo
A large % of those coins are locked for 90 days and only fully released after an additional 90 days to prevent a dump.
500% in price not tokens.
Youre planning for a day one sceneraio which is fine. There will be people who will dump at day one. Thats okay. I intend to hold xcm for a year when it matures.
Its a decentralized exchnage with fiat gateways. This will go crazy once everything is up and running.