/Wageslaving/ General - Just Bleed edition

Discuss how much you hate your job, what you do at work etc. Are you happy it's Friday?

Do you get along with your fellow wageslaves?

>be me
>extremely generic office worker
>extremely bored
>called in sick 3 days in row cause im legit sick of working
>tfw going broke
>tfw today team is going out to celeb
>staying in, dont want to see these fucks in my free time
>in fact dont want to see them ever, period
>tfw crypto down
>tfw i might've missed the 2017 crypto boom and it's all over

Last bread:Bitconnect appreciation remix to enlighten your mood in the bleeding market: youtube.com/watch?v=vhyAREaWfyU

I skipped work on Wednesday and now I'm going to be late this morning. My commute is an hour and my job is full of nothing. I'm so empty inside.

Honestly this bitconnect Carlos Matos video is the only positive feel i've experienced the past 2 weeks

I'm quitting my job today.
Everyone at work knows it.
My boss emailed me a laundry list of shit to do for the project that's due today 45 minutes after quitting time last night.
I'll get right on that Chris, ya fuckin wanker!


>wake up at 4:30 am
>start work at 5
>running around for the first 2 hours as a tonne of orders are backed up from whoever was on last shift
>lifting heavy bags of coal all fucking day
>dont have a proper dust mask yet so i have to use a shitty disposable one when im grinding coal samples
>on my feet all day
>full blown wagecuckery
>mfw i transitioned from a year of neetdom to this



I work in IT. Just padding my resume before I move out of this flyover state. I hate everything about this place.

Congratulations user

Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

why you stopped the neetdom? doesn't sound like progress at all

I work in a big gov org full of boomers with dead end jobs that are just counting days to retirement. Flat pay scale so no incentive to work hard. Promotions usually already ear marked for other boomers who have "served their time". Management Ian absolutely shit tier and wastage is massive. 70% of jobs could be automated.

I take Zoloft daily. Have 1 month left before I leave to a firm of guys in their 20s working in fintech startup investing and business planning.

Can't wait.

needed to get out of my room and make a routine for myself. ive been on anti depressants for a while and was just sick of wanting to off myself every day

its a shame really, my portfolio blew up not long after i started working, and missed a shit tonne of opportunities as a result. just.

I've posted my job in a few other threads. I literally only continue to mention it because I think it may be a good out path for some of the more salvageable NEETs/young guys.

>Be me
>Work front desk in upscale Hilton hotel oriented towards business clients
>Work here a few months, pretty okay but only making barely above minimum wage
>29 year old manager who I'm pretty sure has a thing for me shitcans negress night auditor who regularly shows up late/doesn't show up to her shift
>Promotes me to night audit
>70% of night now spent on laptop browsing Veeky Forums, working on game, checking up on cryptos, researching new cryptos
>30% of night spent doing incredibly simple computer work and helping customers, apparently this was too much for sheboon
>tfw make 11.50 an hour, employed full time, benefits, and can stay at literally any Hilton property in the world (including 5 star resorts that cost hundreds a night) for $35 a night
>tfw do a good job and rarely have to deal with customers, even more rarely do I have to deal with dickbag customers

This is literally the perfect job if you're a student, trying to get out of NEETdom, or just generally lacking in employable skill. All you have to do is be decent looking, amicable, and capable of holding a conversation reasonably well.

>tfw the hardest part of my night is swapping out our SSDs

Willing to answer any other questions about working in a hotel you guys might have.

Moved to Asia when I was 22. Almost 30 now. Fucking never going back to the West for more than a couple of weeks.

I'm a teacher and it's great. Save 1500 dollars a month. Fuck I'm not going to be a millionaire but I've got shit loads of free time and can pursue multiple hobbies.

Women are beautiful. No one is fat. Learned two languages.


Where are you exactly?

proper just indeed.

i bought into some rando shitcoins like car vertical.
and then tried leverage trading on bitmex but just too brainlet to understand it

sold all solid coins like xlm and req cause i got depressed seeing it bleed. bought complete and utter total shitcoins instead

still bleeding

This is my 8th year of working retail in my home town. As disappointing as that might sound some of my colleagues have worked here since 1994. They are hollow, wasted people and I don't want to end up like them.

>spend three hours doing nothing every morning because no one else is here (now)
>Work/leave so early it's 25 in 25 out commute instead of the standard time slot 45 both ways
>Hate only 25% of what I do, the rest is actually ok or enjoyable
>Respected, receiving good experience for resume
>Slightly underpaid because our stock won't stop gobbling cock
>Made one amazing friend, so now I have someone who cares about me
>Four months left until 2 years mark when I leave for a better paying job, unless they pay me more (unlikely, we bleed talent constantly due to this, terrible way to run a business)
>Good equity net every month due to lockdown budget

Much better than college ever was. I'm working towards achieving the earliest possible sensible retirement.

>All you have to do is be decent looking


Expat life is my goal user, thoroughly sick of the midwest US. One of the main reasons I work for Hilton and will probably continue to work for Hilton even if I /makeit/ is because I want to secure a transfer to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, or maybe somewhere in Japan.

i'm an expat in Malta. perfect place minus still wageslaving for real poor pay. English speaking country, sunny.

I'm a DBA/Q&A/4 line support/whatever fucking else I get piled on me. Work is fine but motivation is 0 and I do nothing most days now. Make 10k below mean for my position and my entire department just get the middle finger every year when raises come around. Don't wanna apply for another job even if it pays more because then I might have to do stuff.

Thailand for 2 years (best time of my life - made me a different person and got out with a single STD) - Now Korea for 5 years. Almost fluent in Korean. Learning Chinese and will be moving to Taipei in a few months.

Truth is I may not own my own property and have a stable job when I'm 40 but fuck that. Not gonna waste my youth to have a more comfortable couch and a nicer when I'm middle aged.

Can do whatever you want and be whoever you want when you're in your 20s. Not gonna be a corporate fucking robot.

lol without a single std :/

I genuinely hate people like you.

I wanted to get a Hilton transfer to Thailand, but Thai working laws are fucking retarded. A company has to employ three native workers for every expat. At least that's what I read, correct me if I'm wrong.

How were Thai chicks and Thai "chicks"? Did you go the sexpat prostitution route like half of /trv/ does, or were you more the bar and nightclub type?

me too but i hate you too. i sincerely hate the whole humankind.


but im having an inner-dilemma if
>this girl is smoking hot 10/10
>tfw it indicates i might have paedo tendencies liking this kiddy crap

I love all three of you.

I actually saw her posted on some fb group and realized she was on Tinder in a town like 20 minutes from me. Managed to find her and swiped right, no match though. RIP me.

I lived in a small town with about 50 other white people. I just learned the language and talked to the teachers at my school. Dated one and got fired for it. Then went to another school and dated a TA. Paid for a couple of hookers in BKK but didn't make a habit out of it. Had a few close calls with ladyboys but nothing worse than kisses and gropes.

>$11.50 an hour
Lmfao, wew lad.


damn, Veeky Forums is truly a fast moving board.

>mfw Veeky Forumstards think being in an air conditioned room doing office work all day constitutes "wagecucking"

work in general is just... uh.. just end this.

i work 12 hrs a day every day as a caretaker

I told you it was a lower paying entry level job you condescending faggot.

where are the wageslave memes

The fuck are these faggots and their cushy ass jobs doing in this thread?

I read that as we are the wageslave marines

This actually sounds appealing to me. I really love physical labour and my desk job sucks the life out of me. Men were built for labour.

OP here. Wageslave general is 3 days old and appears once in blue moon to remind people how depressing wageslavery is.

We are in critical need of mememakers.

My job is okay. spent this morning smashing out roots with a Power tool. This afternoon burning out some roots with a flame thrower. Now just eating pizza with fellow slaves. Bosses leave soon. Leave early. Sweet.

You guys are faggots, making a post about how much you hate your job?

Go stop being part of the 9-5 and do something else.

NEET is dumb, more news at 11

Congrats, relax as much as you can afford to

that sucks, there's so much great content here.
I mean this is pretty good.
could do a Veeky Forums version of the why am i better than everyone else meme from /mu/ but¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Are you gonna complete his laundry list of shit?

dont like english huh go stop fucking yourself

>tfw im just like every other sheeple. one of the gray mass