Why is his subscriber count so high? Who the fuck would take advice from this smooth-brain?

Veeky Forums doesn't right? It's just normies?

Because he's a sales hawk
Cant you read

Worked out for me with IOTA, VTC and SUB.
Rode the moon, took gains, and reinvested.

I like that this guy is level headed and that he isn't one of those crypto hype fuccbois. He actually gives good advice to crypto beginners, which is a good thing because the last thing we need is uninformed, weakhanded panicselling bitches.

what did you expect from youtuber? they're all crypto kiddies, niggers and gaymers

holy shit, fucking pizza boy made 300k in ETH...

don't be a jealous bitch OP, everybody wagecucked once in his life.

He's not a trained expert, but he's been trading for a few years and seems relatively honest (sure, he still accepted/accept payments to review some coins, you would too), that's more than a lot of YouTubers. His channel is aimed at beginners. If you're jealous, create your own.

Yeah I might. If you see a sensible Australian developer you-tubing on crypto that's me.

Not jealous btw... probably richer than this guy.

get some fresh air OP

Everything he has shilled me that I liked have done well. So fuck it I'm a subscriber.

Have you actually listened to him even once?

warren buffet worked as a chipotle cashier in his teens

what's your point?

They had chipotle in 1874?

>Being scared to take advice from a pizza boy when you already take advice from a Korean Pizza Hut Enthusiast board

1342 you mean.

everyone starts somewhere you prick

A lot of retards who bring me my pizza in this thread.

how do you think the idea for taco bell came about

don't know why I deal with you morons

Was he THE pizza boy to receive the millions in BTC?


Dutch Jew


all of these youtube jesters have no idea what theyre doing. the only way they know how to make money is shill shitty paid entry groups to pajeets, or shill shitcoins to their equally clueless audience.

if they wernt late, sold early, etc they wouldn't need to waste time on youtube

>Dutch Jew

>repeatedly made 10-100x listening to the likes of Datadash and Suppoman with SUB, VEN, ETHOS etc.
>never DMOR, didn't even read a single whitepaper
You just have to literally invest in what they say and you'll be rich. How stupid can you be.

yeah probably everyone in this thread has you fat fucking mutt

Verified Sales Hawk

I don't want a team..i want a PACK

nothing bersonnell kiddo

I worked at mcdonalds and quit after I made 200k in 5 months of crypto

I tip well aye. Get fucked and give my money back if you don't want it.

Nigga you didn't know chipotle started as an ancient aztec tradition and was appropriated into spanish, now mexican culture, whom then brought it to america along with their anchor babies?

it’s rare for a woman to have a punchable face