Can we have an OC BAT fud thread? Why SHOULDNT I buy BAT? This goddamn coin seems too good to be true.
Original and legit FUD please so no ‘$1 memes allowed’.
Can we have an OC BAT fud thread? Why SHOULDNT I buy BAT? This goddamn coin seems too good to be true.
Original and legit FUD please so no ‘$1 memes allowed’.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally the only real FUD is
>ERC20 token
>BRAVE is shit
adst is better
What the fuck is adhd?
>Can we have an OC BAT fud thread?
this must be the single gayest thing ive read today even though ive seen a lot of try hard shilling already. Now take your heavy BAGS and please fuck off
Get a proper product that doesn't involve ad scams
It doesn't seem like an investment vehicle. It seems like a method to move value through a new adserving system. They have signed up a lot of youtubers, can't fault that. But it is still a drop in the bucket.
Yet it's current value is propped up in value by speculative investors, like any coin. In my opinion, right now traders will buy it even if they think it is overpriced, because they anticipate a big bull run once all the youtubers and websites start pushing it for when the adserving system rolls out. Afterwards it will promptly be dumped to it's utility value, which may be pretty low relative to where we are now. Risky play, could be 2-3x upside next few months.
Long term, IF the project gains traction and people actually use it, another gradual run up. But there will be a better entry point for this one. I guarantee it.
This is "ad: the coin". Nah, I'll pass.
Ad scams? Retard
i use adblock why woude i need brave or paying for ads
brave blocking is done in C++ and is way faster and closer to the metal because it is written into the browser...
>the most corrupt "blocker"
>brave is about "paying for ads"
Brave blocks ads. It also will soon implement an alternative ad-serving platform for which BAT is the currency. The advantage is that you receive a partial share of all ad revenue generated by your attention. The secondary advantage is that you can choose, with the tokens you earn, if you would like to give additional revenue to any of the content providers you like. Alternatively you can just cash out for beer money every month.
no i have it on my router openwrt
wat was the token for again ? wasant it for some sort of ad payments
ah so you get a little cut not bad but stull i dont like ads at all even if they make me money
This is the anti-link of Veeky Forums. Take that as you want,OP
Brave could've been a good browser if not for its piece of shit uncustomizable interface.
>It doesn't seem like an investment vehicle. It seems like a method to move value through a new adserving system
Oh wow you mean a crypto currency that is actually a currency?
ads are opt-in
> used currency
> limited supply
> "hurrrr price cant go up unlike my unused other cryptos"
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
fud? just look at the graph
There is a lot of FUD coming from Veeky Forums, and inmense whales too. Think about it.
>passing on a project lead by brendan motherfucking eich
enjoy loosing out on a 10x faggot
Perfectly understandable.
Most shills are amateur-hour: Get paid for watching ads, goys.
When this is used to get around paywalls and for premium content it will skyrocket. There is time to buy in cheap but it will gain traction in early Q2.
It will skyrocket much sooner than that.
When advertisers start believing that its a viable market they will try to cumulate cheap BAT for the future and the green dildo will be epic.
Im pretty sure this is already in the watch list of half of ads companies and silicon valley.
Twitch, pewdiepie, facebook, coinbase... you can bet of which one will start the ball rolling, but you can be sure it will happen
This is cheaper and infinitely better than BAT.
Twitch isnt going to be interested as it would rob them off their income.
The best part of brave is it localizes your data/cookies in your browser and doesn't use online tracking so it gives advertisers extremely accurate data (anonymously) so it's a win win
Companies pay for more accurate ads and your data is kept safe from going on the cloud
Link wont work for me.
Youtube doesnt have a choice in the matter given Brave's payment method. Why would Twitch?
Who the fuck customises their browser? How old are you?
Twitch as far as im aware doesnt run ads, people just pay to watch live and to donate. BAT cant feature in that.
twitch has ads when you start watching a stream
$20 by March
Also BAT donations don’t NEED ads retard. You’d just donate to your streamer of choice.
Yes but twitch wont allow BAT donators access to live streaming. So no twitch partnership. You can donate all your BAT to the cows come home regardless of integration.