Well are we expecting a massacre today or na ?
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Think we're done
I'm always expecting a massacre OP, that's why I don't day trade.
It's all over.
Literally kill yourselves guys, we're done.
Would be nice to get clarity from coincheck but it apparently wasn't as bad as it sounds.
im switching everything to fiat right now
Explain "we're done". Like the market is done amd we're all dead, or the dumping is done.
its going to 14.2k but dont tell ernie
nope, still goes down
>wasn't as bad as it sounds
Anybody else noticing a patern here?. These past few weeks we've been getting endless bad news that turns out to be not such a bad deal. Something fishy going on
This shit is unsustainable, you should've listned to me while it wasn't too late.
ya if this goes beacause of wall street, they open in 2 hrs.
nah, I sold at the very bottom of the dip so obviously it's going to recover now
if I woke up a little earlier or a little later I would be fine but I literally woke up as ETH was going below 990 and panicked
I wasn't even thinking straight because I was barely awake, just market sold as fast as I could
lost 5 fucking ETH in the process because I was messing around with huge stack (that's assuming I buy back now)
? it will go even further. This small japanese hack was in my opnion the drop that was too much for the bubble
still think this was the right sing atm
nah, it was just sleepy americans dropping their bags for pajeet to carry ~@11500, we're awake again don't worry
9.2k briefly. violent spike to 10.5.
then continued bleeding all the way down to 8.4.
You are a weak hand and you disgust me.
anybody going to due some shorting if this thing starts to tank ?
im going to short this bitch bet you aint got the hands for that huh ?
just wait, we will get a new low soon enough
You tried to want us Charlie Lee and I just called you a faggot lol
whats the best course of action the futures thing happens? Exit alts and buy BTC and ride the bullrun?
Japan’s coin check got hacked
I thought the CME Futures would be different. Long when ?
The whole futures thing affecting the market is just a theory
well sure is hell tanked when the cboe futures expired
no way, we are too close to futures expiring
as soon as that happens everything will pump
sell the news
market pump when futures expire because to fulfill the contract you actually need to buy BTC
and they don't give a fuck, they just marketbuy it
not to mention t also makes people think it's safe to get back in because ((they)) no longer have use in crashing the market
if tether printer couldnt bring the market back in so many attempts what makes you think ((they)) can
Printing tether was to give everyone a place to sell thier BTC to. Who do you think bought that BTC ?
Do you think they will want it up to go up eventually ?
They will soon approach the hard core holders level and sells will become alot less.
Look at the top 100 BTC address ? Have any of them sold during all this ?
Looks like we'll be back in the 11's shortly
what do the top 100 holders represent ?
50% of all btc ?
why would top 100 BTC addresses sell anything after the initial correction, makes no sense to go and try to catch the puny bottom
also, if even ((they)) cant bring the market back panic will ensume even harder
The ones with tons of transactions are exchanges.
If you have .1 BTC you are in the top 10%
They didn't sell before, during or after the correction. I mean there were some sells but not many.
how long do I have to wait before I can use crypto as an actual currency again, Veeky Forums?
If they were so confident in their investment during the correction, what makes you think they wont wait out the full correction without doing anything
It will go up again and then crash.
Idk man, seems like we're going to the meme 8k.
I'll massacre you mom
You'd have to answer the question, "What is the full correction" first.
They must think this is nothing or they would have sold no ? Or maybe they want to lose 90% because Veeky Forums is right and they are wrong... Law of averages. I'll side with them.
Or maybe crypto losing all its value is the kind of black swan event that nearly nobody can predict properly and they'll all be caught with their pants down.
or maybe the world will crack in half tomorrow.
Law of averages...
I watch the biggest wallets. People whit 100s of millions at stake are probably getting better information than we are
even if this is nothing, doesnt mean we are past bottom. Im not expecting a full sub 2k correction either
Where to watch?
It's gonna shoot up after the futures like last time.
Then the dip is over and we continue along the august uptrend, just like every other time in the last 4 years.
I don't know that it is nothing. I only know that the largest wallet arent selling. I have to make my decision based on what is and not what could be.
I knew this felt familiar
Should have seen the Nujack as a sign of the end times.
Yeap definitely two Ovals. Well done.
where the fuck can I buy this pepe plush
Eth will be very precious in future you idiot, treat it like you treat bitcoin, never gamble with a large stack and have faith in eth
you are right, but we hit an mirror point last night. The infraction of what you lined out is going to happen.
For brainlets?
So around 200 people hold around 35-40% of the entire market? Interesting. Guess as many normies aren’t in as I had thought.
Futures expire in 1 hour 45, what will happen?
My guess is a 10-20% plus for btc in 24 hours.
is this a continuation memeangle?
So these futures contracts are a monthly thing /
we will go through this twice a month, once for cboe and once for cme ?
or they will continue to dump more to buy cheap BTC, and go long on next round
this means its gonna either go up or down
I don't fully understand it either.
I think they could go long and pump it too.
But yeah, monthly thing, I think it will be less bad as time goes on.
There is a great reddit writeup on futures and how one can manipulate the market with them.
Sadly this really is possible.
Every 2 months I think
thx longed 5k on one account and shorted 5k on the other
wait until the options become a big thing
big boys sell options and pin the price until they all expire, sweeping up 90% of the premium
good lad
you're telling me you looked up the balance on each of the top 100 addresses to verify that they remained the same? FOH, your breath reaks of shit i bet.
look at the chart right now, people are FOMOing, they thought this is the dip. Something is very fucky here. I don''t think the jews are gonna give us cheap btc that easy. The last time, they dump everything until the very end of contract. But this time, they let BTC recovery at these last moment.
once it drops enough they will buy them by the thousands, they don't care that some goys get the crumbs that drop to the floor.
does this work ?
how could you lose ?
It felt the same last time it dipped a few days ago, mostly sideways movement at roughly 10.5k. I shorted at 10.8k but atm I'm thinking of just closing it and hodl.
Guys is it over?
works perfectly for me every time.
just make sure you use 100x leverage so you get liquidated in 20 seconds.
lolno, wait 20 mins
It's rising right now. What the fuck are you saying?
I sold last night, rebuying when the market crashes at 2-4pm est. Its going to be a weekly thing
20k EOD
What are you talking about? the last contract expired at 2pm London time/11 pm EST. This will be off to the moon at 11. Get ur boarding passes ready cause you'll miss it if you wait till then
not that easy mates
wait 20 mins nigga
what if they decide to dump now because its a bear market to buy again next month?
Should I xfer my btc to the glorious tether in hopses that the price drops?
Already 11k. You're starting to make less and less sense.
Starting to look like I'm going to be justed pretty soon by my short position.
Should I just close it and take a minor loss? Nothing makes any sense at this point.
It's been 20 min. Let's see what this is about.
I had the wrong timeframe, anyway sell the news, people will see that futures are doing fuck all and dump will start. Same as stellar yesterday and the day before that, people were expecting A rank and hell of a roadmap which set up expectations too high for them to deliver followed by a dump
better fucking be 20mins
Thanks burgers for buying the dip.
He's probably talking about the futures. It's 35 min, then.
cme futures ends today thats why theres another dip
should pump after
Last one was at 10:39 EST on the 17th