I will post this every day until IOTA dies.
if you're gonna fud at least make an effort
facts are not fud, you imbecile.
It's not fud if its true. iota holders are the most deluded soyboys around.
they're working with wv (which owns lambo)
what the fuck do you need?
did they ever get the transaction times fixed?
do that
do that for 2 mins then try the wallet.
it's fast and secure unless you're a dumbass
VW is "working with" thousands of companies and startups around the world, its a standard business practise, and nothing that makes IOTA special you idiot.
Anything negative = FUD. Best thing I did for my gains was sell my IOTA stack before this month's crash. IOTA will be one of those that zeroes out because it'll be left behind.
can we stop being dicks for a second on biz ?
is this legit ?
lol ok, wdf do i care.
Johann Jungwirth tho.
+ bosch.
again meh.
still low effort fudding b-
Google what they say about smart contracts. Tangle cannot work with smart contracts, and thus IOTA will never become anything significant.
got to respect how they still get away with all this shit. honestly I take every other shitcoin over this, even though I made a lot of money with IOTA (bought in at 50c and sold at 4$) I just can't support a team that has that many retards on it. and everyone who says they are working with VW doesn't mean the guys they are working with are pros when it comes to crypto, most likely they don't know shit and are just into it because german crypto> chinese crypto.
I really hope IOTA dies as soon as possible, would be great for crypto in general.
If you use FUD unironically your a fucking dumb nigger. Iota is shit and will always be shit.
facts are not FUD, soyboy
sonstebo is a douchebag, and iota is a cult, like all major coins. the rest is bullshit and disproved with 5min research
lmao the ceo of iota is a insecure faggot
just go onto his leddit account
its a fucking goldmine hes calling his own fans or bagholders as i like to call it idiots
facts are not fud
I'm not even gonna argue with you because the points you listed were literally retarded and made no sense
>Religious user base
nigger, what?
he is a pure, incompetent, leftist asshole
ok senpai thanks
i thought it was cool tech, and VW news was nice too. kinda disapointed
>VW is "working with" thousands of companies and startups around the world, its a standard business practise, and nothing that makes IOTA special you idiot.
I'm also guessing that the Chief Digital Officer of VW joins all of the thousands of startups too? Yeah, didn't think so, stay in denial retard.
he literally has done this 200 times before.
what IdIOTA can offer POTENTIALLY is cheap data transfer. DAG ('Tangle') is fucking open source and if Bosch or VW (or fucking anybody in the world) will ever implement DAG they will not use IOTA for that but develop their own and technically much more professional network.
lol senior cuckagers at bosch are already looking for someone to blame for this mess
they have already lost millions in a very short time
please enlighten me to one of these "200" instances. are you even trying? you sound so desperate
You forgot this
IoT devices can not do any PoW
Entire IoT industry is optimizing all micro-controllers and sensors to NOT WASTE FUCKING ENERGY
IOTA is asking an ant to lift an elephant. IOTA is telling people an ant can compete with a horde of elephants - any consensus protocol which relies on PoW for security, allows the smaller energy-consumers, to be squashed by big energy expenders.
IOTA then tells people the IoT devices will not actually do PoW but let another node do it for them - this fucking protocl already exists and is called ETHEREUM or BITCOIN. Every time you send blockchain transaction,you pay a fee to another node to do the PoW for you.
TL;DR IOTA is not for IoT, it offers worse security than Ethereum.
ok, if you say so
and now you're just making shit up. pathetic
no you retard, they bought IOTA for millions of $ at around $3.5. so they lost a shit ton of money.
pow can be done node side, you'd now if you tried the wallet
iota doesn't rely on pow, it's just there to prevent node spamming
we'll see about security. it's worth billions, not cracked. yet.
dear IdIOTA, Bosch Ventures has bought IOTA Tokens at $4, they have halved their investment in a fucking month.
The guys in Stuttgart who fell for this scam will not see daylight anytime soon.
lol source? yeah, I didn't think so. plus literally EVERYTHING is down right now. they could've bought ETH and still lost money. low quality fud
partnership with Soros confirmed though
>But the blockchain technology can be put to positive use and we use it actually in helping migrants to communicate with their families and to keep their money safe and carry it with themselves.
senior cuckagers not desperate because of the money but because off the utter retards who run this scam
heads are rolling soon
Thank you, keep posting it. IOTA is the one coin that need to just fucking die. Even worse than ripple
>no you retard, they bought IOTA for millions of $ at around $3.5. so they lost a shit ton of money.
They didn't buy from market/exchanges you utter retard. They bought directly from the IOTA foundation, Bosch is a multi-billion dollar company, they don't give a shit about short term price fluctuations, they invested because they obviously believe IOTA has the potential to amount to something in 5-10 years time.
Hope it dies soon so the market cap can be absorbed by some actually good projects
I will enjoy my 4x
Like I did with my XRP
I'm not here for the ideology. Im here for the money.
lol they invested because old man fomoed about something they don't understand
needed to show board members something
fell for retards
heads roll
blaming starts
>business as usual
Uses trinary for literally no benefit and thinks using it makes it applicable to quantum computing and "quantum proof"
Has no understanding of difference between B2B, B2C, M2M or P2P (person->person) payments.
their network is relatively easily DoS`d.
Didn't stop me putting in a few K though, because it's marketing that sells -- doesn't matter if it's a fucktard behind a fucktard product.
Just invest in real crypto like OMG or BAT and enjoy 10x instead
There is no x4 anymore. Either you got it by now, or you go down with your bags.
>lol they invested because old man fomoed about something they don't understand
implying that one of the largest engineering and manufacturing companies in the world can simply "FOMO" in. Do you have any clue about the complex procedure of due diligence, PR, research and various multitudes of analysis these massive companies go through before even investing a single cent?
do you have any clue how large companies operate?
protip: its not like in the movies
>business as usual
I work in private equity. There are idiots that are easily FOMO'd in private equity.
t. former big corperate drone
can second
> business as usual
You fucking retard
Dont you think "Jinn" cant be scaled up and have thousands of them? Any PoW can be scaled up
That means 1powered ASIC will kill millions of your IoT devices.
Exactly by spamming, preventing IoT devices from making trxs.
To DoS on IOTA is cost effective. I can do it for lols and have brought the IDIOTA network to a halt for days.
I hope you buy more
that is the dumbest piece of shit I've ever heard of. That equation for working out payout is fucking braindead too.
I'm still convinced this shitcoin will have a good outlook even with so much FUD. Not much more can go wrong besides Mr. CEO flaming everyone on twitter. He should shut up and let Schiener do all the work.
Every DAG is glitched in some way. Raiblocks nodes literally don't work and Byteball slows down if you try to scale it.
Schiener is no better and on top of that he is an autistic manchild.
He literally posted that a femal Forbes journalist should be punched for writing a critical piece about IOTA. during the height of #metoo
Does not need ASIC even.
Let's say an IOT node has power budget like 0.3watts.
A desktop PC has 300watts PSU or more. So 1000x that of IoT device.
So a single PC is enough to generate as much txs as a 1000-device IOT network.
And since the validity of tx depends on the number of signatures, an attacker with a fast PC will always generate longer signature chains, thus pre-empting legitimate IOT transactions.
That's all you need to understand why IOTA is retarded.
They're definitely fucking retarded but their team is large as fuck and they have enough "partnerships". If I had to pick a team to make a working DAG it would be this one unfortunately.
what an insufferable cunt
With this reasoning you should invest in stocks of Apple or Intel.
Wow so large
Muh team
Muh partnerships
When idiotas say "jinn", as if a magic ternary hardware will save the brainded concept of PoW on IoT.
Just shows the devs have zero knowledge about actual IoT industry
Don't forget the retarded "copy protection" that they have:
How ridiculous.
yeah sure you will, you'll give up after 2 days
> IOTA: interesting tech but shitty execution