I don't even care any more. After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin, I know that the crypto bubble is effectively over and will just keep holding, even if I lose everything. I'm no longer checking my portfolio every day and will instead just come back in December, look at it, and if i'm still in profit, just cash everything out and be done with this shit. If I lose everything, well fuck it, easy come easy go. Time to sleep easy at night again and stop worrying about monopoly money. Peace out.
I don't even care any more. After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin...
Other urls found in this thread:
>After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin, I know that the crypto bubble is effectively over
> even if I lose everything
Every nigger and 14 year old Californian angsty teen girl is going to be investing in crypto. If anything, now is the time to buy up all the cheap ass coins such as TRON before the floodgates open.
Cash out before these new normies find out they suck at crypto and the market crashes againb, which will be way before december.
MFW when every cent I invested was expendable capital that I would have wasted on booze or junk food anyways.
Well like I say, I'm holding. You're probably right that it'll be smart to cash out before December. I might change this to July instead. Hopefully that's enough time for Katy Perry fans to pump more into the market, before the inevitable final crash. Either way, I'm not playing the trading game any more. I'm all in for XRB and XLM. Please no more FUD on these coins until i cash out. Thanks lads.
>live in the country where this qt is from
>qts like her are everywhere
pls dont pop mr bubble i want to put my penis in a vagina before i die
Fucking a Croatian woman is better than owning 21 000BTC
>After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin, I know that the crypto bubble is effectively ove
can't agree more
Go, Croatia! :D
Croatian girls are Melbourne's finest girls
who is Perry?
50 Cent is talking about Bitcoin now because he started accepting Bitcoin in 2014 you plum.
>After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin, I know that the crypto bubble is effectively over
I'm honestly gutted about this and couldn't agree more
Why the fuck is Katy Perry shilling crypto suddenly?
We all know she's an absolute puppet and does what she's told
> babby ur a fiyaeerk
> green kandels for now u jerk
Right. In 2014, he had no clue and didn't give a shit. Nobody knew about BTC. Now he's suddenly "rediscovered" his stash and the news was all over the MSM, including the top article on the BBC News site. This was the great normie awakening. Enjoy the next few months of people pumping into this shit, but the death warrant has also been signed. It could be 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, but we've now reached the end-game for crypto. Good luck to everyone else, but I'm out this year, win or lose.
live under a rock don't you?
There is still a fuckton of money to be made from trading.
Granted, the days of 'just buy n hodl' are numbered.
>MFW when every cent I invested was expendable capital that I would have wasted on booze or junk food anyways.
The burgers on crypto diet. The greatest exchange of lard in human history
Ripple BTFO
>thinking celebs aren't just normalfags w/ money + fame
t. conspiracy nut
>someone called Katy fucks someone called Perry
>somehow this is relevant to crypto
fuck off brainlet
I haven't looked at my portfolio since the start of January. I browse biz out of habit but I am basically done and looking for other things. Didn't even bother to take a few coins off the exchange.
tons of friends have cashed out recently. even the one who purchased a Porsche from crypto. This is probably the post I need to read today
MFW I cashed out my initial investment + 200k with over 200K riding in shitcoins right now.
Tell me biz, how on earth could you lose money in the last bull run?
The fact that Ripple is not on her nails is a good sign, a clear sign that normies do not understand how it works yet.
Monery and Litecoin are now considered normie coins instead.
Kate and 50cent are celebs and normies follow every fart they make - is that so hard for your autistic brain to swallow
That much I understood, but what is the significance of Kate's sexual liaison with Perry? Is Perry the CEO of some blockchain company?
>perry used like a marionette during the election
that or she's brain dead retarded
wake up m8
I think you're being a Bit premature. Reminds me of Issac Newton.
>Britain’s most celebrated scientist was not immune to the monetary charms of the South Sea Company, and in early 1720 he profited handsomely from his stake. Having cashed in his chips, he then watched with some perturbation as stock in the company continued to rise.
In the words of Lord Overstone, no warning on earth can save people determined to grow suddenly rich.
Newton went on to repurchase a good deal more South Sea Company shares at more than three times the price of his original stake, and then proceeded to lose £20,000 (which, in 1720, amounted to almost all his life savings).
This prompted him to add, allegedly, that “I can calculate the movement of stars, but not the madness of men.”
After that it obviously crashed and he was broke.
I don't even care any more. After seeing Katy fucking Perry and 50 Cent talking about Bitcoin, I know that the crypto bubble is effectively over and will just keep holding, even if I lose everything. I'm no longer checking my portfolio every day and will instead just come back in December, look at it, and if i'm still in profit, just cash everything out and be done with this shit. If I lose everything, well fuck it, easy come easy go. Time to sleep easy at night again and stop worrying about monopoly money. Peace out.
>she's brain dead retarded
guy was a normie, he deserved to lose it all being this retarded
I don't understand why people think normies getting in means it's over.
Was the tech bubble over when normies STARTED buying tech stock?
No it went on for years, to insane levels.
Crypto has only just arrived in the normiesphere, the bubble is just getting started.
>Was the tech bubble over when normies STARTED buying tech stock?
In fact it was
It spiked in 1999-2000 and then collapsed, just look at the chart
The Chairman of the federal reserve warned of 'irrational exuberance' in 1996, the tech bubble popped 4 years later in 2000.
Crypto has really been in the normiesphere for all of a few months, the barrier to entry is way, way way, way lower than the stockmarket and it's truly global.
I know you probably sold everything, or never got in in the first place so you're obviously looking for some kind of justification but unfortunately we are likely at the beginning of the biggest bubble the world has ever seen.
This. Yesterday I was filling up my petrol and the servo was playing normie.fm “In other news KIM KARDASHIAN wishes she invested all her money into BITCOIN”. I think the last true Veeky Forumsraelis are leaving. Wether it’s for the long term or not doesn’t matter right now, everyone knows bitcoin is about to crash. Better safe than sorry r-right?
>invented modern physics
>invented calculus and forgot to tell anyone because he did it for fun
>reinvented england's monetary system
> not able to understand context
t. brainlet
But this is perfect. Don't you want to take Kim Kardashian's money from her?
She's just stupid, moron, not every single thing in the real world are /pol/ memes, dumb faggot. Watch her discuss with neil denigger tyson.
Look at the numbers
crypto mcap went just 2x between 2014-2017 (which is a normal growth)
and 25x! in 2017-2018 if you think this is sustainable growth then I have some bad news for you
>Mega biblical normie pumps coming
>lel muh secret club is ruined im cashing out
fucking NEETs and WEEBs this is natural selection at its best
her look and appearance is extremely controlled
RIP just sold all my XMR
The reason it seems insane is because it's been available to everyone from the beginning.
If you could see the charts of pre-IPO stocks the growth would seem insane too.
I'm not saying we're going to see another 25x this year, but I don't see it stopping this year.
Who is Rip? Do you mean Mark Rippetoe?
Yeah, like most artists that are pretty much fucking braindead, so they need someone to control their autism, otherwise they'll blow their career off... you need someone to control your autism user, just think about how your typical normie gets influenced so easily, isn't safe to assume that most artists get influenced easily as well?
Crypto will be a multi trillion dollar industry. This old fag has never seen anything truly like crypto in his life. None of us have.
You idiots. Maybe 10% of those who will enter crypto have entered already. If it was over then katie perry wouldn't be promoting it anymore.
youre really fucking naive
you must go back to /pol/
This kike will have a 7 figure portfolio by eoy because he held
> it's not a bubble because it's crypto!!!!
just kys low iq pajeet
Hottest girl I ever dated was half serb/ half-croatian, so I'm inclined to agree
Any Croats here?
Oh sheeeit
Where is ripple? :^)
Why though, 50 Cent actually hodled and this news can only be positive for going long on BTC now. BTC is going to become a status symbol.
uuhh can I come visit? need me a qtslav. I'll be your wingman, so we can both make it
Odakle si?
Op op ajmo braco anoni
Napumpaj ga
Ocekivao sam da nema nasih bas u kriptosima, jeli drzis sto?
nemoj oče
where do people get these obscure pics that dont even show up on reverse image search?
thats true, but remember katy perry is a literal gold fish retard. i guarantee she has zero understanding of any of this. she may have been paid for it.
Ćaća će nas spasit
Ima nas po svuda, drzi se drzi, za sad smo dobri
Don't HODL retard.
A flood of normie retards is what makes us money my dude. Who do you think bought bitcoin at 19k? Who do you think fell for TRON? What made a scheme like BITCUNNEC even possible? It was all the normies and boomers that hear about crypto and think its guaranteed money.
The more retards pumping the market the more we win.
čvrsta ruka i poštenje, thompson zna
Kinda wish she wouldn't have put USD under each of them.
>muh secrit coin
>only criminals or autist should avoid being stabbed by Taco Bell niggers when they buy a burrito
>oh shit everyone is starting to use cell phones the fad is over!
No, he was talking about things back then as well you newfag. You're too retarded to realize that you're little better than Katy Perry and got in late yourself.
>Time to sleep easy at night again and stop worrying about monopoly money
easier said than done senpai
I've been involved in crypto for 3 years and cashed out half last year to outright buy my home, friend.
If you genuinely think some black rapper who has been shot a thousand times knows what a blockchain is, then you're deluded.
50 cent got the BTC way before you even knew what crypto was you absolute newfag
Stop LARPING you normie faggot, you got in in 2017 or you would have already known this.
Katy Perry is better than his poor ass. she's a whale
2017 was the year of over 10000% growth. Good luck if you think that is sustainable. Sorry friend, i'm OUT this year.
Ja sam kanadjan ;) vec nekoliko godina sam u kripto I sad svi (naši) matori u montrealu kupuju kriptovalute kad su vidjeli koliko para zaradujem ;)
>muh 10000% growth
>what is an emerging market
>what were the other years of 100000% growth
Dips will always happen, crypto will bounce back higher. You had celebs talking crypto in 2014 too. You give yourself away without even realizing it, I saw hundreds of weak hands back during the last bear market who felt so smug about selling but almost none of them bought back in, they would have done far better if they'd simply held.
10000% growth in terms of a shitty market cap..... Bitcoin isnt even at 20% of apple's mkt cap yet so in terms of dollars, yes its very sustainable
Look, user doesn't know how to hodl
when will you fucking idiots learn the definition of a bubble? we are still fucking early, most people have no idea what bitcoin is, and even less hold any, and don't even start on altcoins.
Crypto isn't a traditional bubble, that's what these old economist fucks don't seem to get. They see crypto as one entity, like the stock market. What they don't realize is that the crypto economy contains the equivilent of equivalent of stocks, bonds, housing, metals, etc, etc. When one bubble bursts, others inflate.
Bitcoin was a bubble, and technically the Bitcoin bubble has already burst. But instead of money leaving the system, the money allocated itself throughout the crypto ecosystem in what we know as altcoins/shitcoins.
>They see crypto as one entity, like the stock market
What happens when the "stock market bubble" bursts? Everything goes to shit
When Bitcoin crashes, as it has done twice in the last month, it's not just BTC that crashes, it's the entire crypto market. All alts depend on BTC. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is.
When BTC eventually falls completely, so will every other coin. History has already proven this to be true.
You're stupid
You're right
LTC being shilled to the masses. Everything going exactly as planned.
t. LTC bagholder
Don't you fucking understand that we need more money coming in for the prices to rise?
you dweeb fags will argue about anything won't you
FFS, every day i come to this board it's just hostile arguments. But i love it, carry on you massive mongs.
>BTC is going to become a status symbol.
Soon, they will only allow the rich and famous and beautiful to own Bitcoin.
like 5% of biz actually makes money, the rest are normies from reddout that want in on the topsecr3tsXxX of 4scan
>Granted, the days of 'just buy n hodl' are numbered.
>Crypto is going away guys, srs this time
>missing the opportunity to say 4scam
just fucking leave.