Shill me something on Cryptopia

Just made 2x on DNA. Want to move into something else. Thinking XBY

Shill me something on Cryptopia that has news coming this weekend/next week


CAPP. New exchanges coming this month and partnered with Nvidia. On a nice dip right now too.

Adshares and lux


if you want to dive into the shitfest, better do it properly

I think I'm between XBY, CAPP, and LUX.

>low market cap
>new exchange listing
>alpha soon

Other pros:
>responsive developers
>everybody uses torrents and this will benefit them
>realistic roadmap
>desktop release by EOY

Lux is solid as fuck and lost 30 % in last few days. It won't go lower than this I hope. Suggest you take a gander

Have a look at some low mcap coins on Etherdelta. I'm suggesting WIC, TIOTOUR and DOVU. Easy x10.Youre welcome

just got released on exchange this morning and only 6 sats rn
its only gonna go up baybee

MOIN getting shilled, hoping it pulls a verge. proof-of-stake privacy coin, active devs, good community on reddit Nobody talks about it so i got in early, 3 mil marketcap.

I went with LUX and XBY. Did some DYOR. I like them both. Thanks boiz

DNA isn't done. Much more room to grow.

LUX. New wallet with trading functions releasing today or tomorrow.

Oh yeah I didn't sell too much of my position in it. There's partner announcements on Monday. I'm hodling

Only on Cryptopia now
1 millon MC

yeesh why would you leave DNA when its just getting start lol


*Holds 3 shares of Nvidia*

Well, you won me over

Sumo, lightwallet and updates

does sumo have stuff coming soon?