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tfw growing
bought yesterday @0.0128 ETH
Is Raiblocks in war with Dogecoin?
I heard that Raiblocks devs or something gangraped a dog in the ass, that true?
The new name of Raiblocks is going to be ''RAPEDOGcoin'' is that correct?
did you sell on the dip? sorry user, you can FOMO back in. you still have time.
bought at $12 so fucking obv it had bottomed out. god this crypto shit is easy
prolly sold at 150sats after buying at 200 thinking the coin was dead
Theres 3 shit spam post of this shit on /r/cryptocurrency
>le reddit cattle buys in so fags can dump on them
>just enjoy the shit show lmao
lol fuck off to reddit faggot
40% in 17 hours holy shit. Volume is insane, it is destroying sell walls and buy wall are piling up.
Why use XRB over DOGE?
good idea to buy even at 17$ rn?
tfw sold at absolute peak, bought yesterday for 0.012
now dipping
this was a good trade, gonna buy more when it drops back to 0.012
Buy now it just dipped
You could gamble it, but it is oversold right now and with all the upcoming news and progress it could be moon time soon
hahah dumping hard back to the stone age
Pumped and dumped.
Watch the buy support. This morning it has been following the price up.
If you don't mind holding for a week or two, Colin is having some live Q&A in Austin on Feb 8th.
I expect it to be on the tail of bigish news or the announcement of biggish news.
And this was before the binance moon.
U fuckers ready for next Monday/Tuesday??!?!!?!
RaiBlocks just went through a stress test and reached 306 tps with no sweat, and everything kept working flawlessly and fast.
>m-my broken tech huurrr
For what?
>pump over
>whales accumulated
for what exactly?
Wait, why is this happening?