Are you even a vegan or at least a vegetarian? Do you have any idea how bad excessive meat is to you? Seriously, I eat meat at most once a month and feel fucking great
Are you even a vegan or at least a vegetarian? Do you have any idea how bad excessive meat is to you? Seriously...
Enjoy your b12 deficiency, soyboy
Also hunting your own meat is the healthiest and most humane way to consume it
Is pic related you?
If vegans were at least a bit business savvy they would create products that can rival meat instead of going around virtue signaling like the little faggots that they are.
I'm not eating meat because I enjoy killing animals. It's simply tasty and nutritious. Give me a vegan substitute that's better and I'll never look back.
Pulled oat is pretty good. Soy is basically the same than minced meat. Overall though nothing comes even close to a proper steak or something.. and you can eat them.. just not fucking every day/week.. your body will thank you. Also, more fish/seafood than other types of meat
vegan bro here
u know u can take b12 supplement
Tofurkey is shit but there are a lot of good meat substitutes. Beyond Burger is the most realistic thing yet; legit has blood and turns from pink when you cook it. Tastes great.
Lab grown meat is coming soon too; once that's perfected enough meat agriculture is dead.
I'm really a semi-vegetarian as I do eat meat about once a month and fish almost every week.. also dairy products almost every week.. this is the patrician way of life
No point in not eating meat unless you just care about animals feelings.
Fuck off, vegans and vegetarians are cancer.
Vegetarian here. Get the fuck off this board you dumb nigger.
This is my approach. No moral objections to meat whatsoever. Purely health- and consumption-related. Have meat at most once a month, and only ever when I'm out.
The amount of cash I've saved is astronomical too. Though I don't eat any of the pricey substitutes.
let these unhealthy faggot retards die early from thinking that eating oiled up red meat every day is good for them. durr paleo
what if i told you that not just dairy but meat too is more estrogenic than soy?
Sorry, there are no health benefits to a vegan or vegetarian diet
Same. I have no moral objections for eating meat. I'm just not eating it very often because it's bad for you. My cholesterol used to be really fucking high and I was on my way to my first heart attack before turning 50. Now I'm healthy as fuck.. cholesterol is really low, blood pressure is fantastic, etc.
Vegan for 5 years. Powerlifting since 2014 and I could easily dismantle every single neckbeard on this board.
Eating meat looks like self-adulation for me these days, honestly heart attacks, higher diabetes risk, higher blood pressure and shit ton more. I can't look into the eyes of someone who eats meat, its just like looking at a mongoloid to stupid to understand anything.
Altho I'm pro vegan I don't like this topic on this board. This is has nothing to do with bisness at least until you provide any business idea or something.
>mongol empire
>largest land empire of all time
>only ate meat and drank milk
do you want to be successful like these guys or unsuccessful like those that they defeated?
There are clear health benefits in plant-based diets
my wife is asian, her grandparents are 90 and walk up 2 flights of stairs every day. their diet is meat, fish, and vegetables. no processed shit though.
Chinese Canadian reporting in. We'll eat anything, preferably animals that suffered excruciating pain before death. Nothing like it.
At least we get our minds of the correction for a few minutes. Also, great business opportunity for muricans.. start producing pulled oat
lmfao "I can't look into the eyes of someone who eats meat"
god you sound like a fucking sjw faggot. remember this: you are not special, you do not matter.
The only reason to be a vegan or vegetarian is if you feel like your body does not want meat and only want vegetables.
People who are vegetarian or vegan because of muh animal feelings are fucking stupid or a girl.
>I can't look into the eyes of someone who eats meat
thats because he has no test and he knows that even the most beta meat eater is more alpha than him
avocados for the b and estrogen analogs are only found in soy sprayed with pesticides. similar to alfalfa sprayed with same that cows eat and deliver to you in bulk. soyboy.
>Meat is bad for you
>You have to take supplements just to live, if you don't eat meat
Pick one. Pro-tip: It's the second one.
>voluntarily being a soyboy because of muh health
one of the most stupid posts I've read on reddit against veganism, pretty much excluding the biggest reason why meat production creates 10x more Co2 than any plant production alone.
seaweed and yeast extracts has b12 too and with the the right nutrients our bodies create b12 anyways.
And what do you think happens to cows when this happens?
My testosterone is at 1018 ng/dL but I'm used to people like you who drink estrogen juice milk
Is there actually anything behind that statement or is it just a high-tier chink joke? I've heard drinking the blood of a tortured creature should get you some kinda high due to the norepinephrine in the blood or something like that
the production of them decreases over a period of time to a minimal
"Powerlifters" are the r9k of lifting so dont be surprised.
Mostly ugly virgin neckbeards who masturbate to the thought of probably being able to win a fight against chad and hentai, all the while chad is busy fucking his oneitis.
Literally fedora tier autists
no chick with an ass like that will ever love a vegan
>such a soyboy he actually had to get his testosterone tested because he was that much of a limp-wristed, impotent, simpering meek
>tries to complain about milk, where the estrogens are immediately destroyed upon basic digestion
More soy?
British empire was the biggest and all they did was drink tea and kill people
you can't even punctuate in a way to make your sentence immediately understood. many people dont realize that test also improves brain function. obviously yours is fairly low.
my wife is asian, when we visit her country we literally eat anything that swims, flies, crawls, or walks
god damn you are so fucking retarded
I'm also boxing since I was 17 so probably I am able to win a fight against chad and autist you.
You are pathetic fatfucked dweeb, no need for further discussion.
go back sucking your own virgin dick while I indeed fuck the girls you will never have.
the british empire was not a land empire. they also attacked with superior technology. the mongols were a land empire and won every battle by strategy and blood.
read "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World"
I don't think humans are meant to be vegan, but we're certainly not meant to eat animal products with every fucking meal either. The modern diet is completely upside down. We've made what should, for good reason, be luxuries into staples. I have meat maybe 2 times a week and dairy/eggs 3 or 4 times. It's called flexitarian but really it's just a healthy human diet.
oh really, how many confirmed kills? nice larp, fag
who tf would want a chick with an ass like that in the first palce
>punctuate in american
>you can't even punctuate
you don't see to realise this isnt german.
Pic related
What's fucking wrong with eating sardines???
I eat sardines every other day because they are cheap and bottom of the food chain.
I swear vegan mongs try to throw white meat and red meat in the same basket.
imagine two plates of food. the first one is grains and vegetables and the second one is a big juicy steak. which one of those meals belongs to the slave class and which meal belongs to the ruling warrior class?
low cal diets are also associated with mind control
factory farming is no longer sustainable
meat from free-range, happy cows continues to be a desirable luxury item
well... where I'm from, there are no slave or warrior classes, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
also, lol.
two posts by the same poster replying to the same topic.
obviously i hit a nerve.
for reference, your post should have read:
estrogen juice, milk
you are unaware of the difference because you are in the slave class
>What's fucking wrong with eating sardines???
extremly high amouth of heavy metals + decreasing the fish populations in oceans since you don't only get sardines in your nets but also different type of fish.
>estrogen juice, milk
no, I meant it like I said it... estrogen juice milk. There is also almond, oats and coconut milk.
Estrogen juice milk = cowmilk
>fish are more important than humans
i bet you unironically believe in climate change also
your sentence would have been much more clear by adding the comma or by not including the word milk, which is implied.
Jesus christ people are complete faggots these days, better go put a stop to all those carnivorous animals out there that eat meat too while we're at it and educate them on the health benefits of being a faggot.
Natural selection clearly isn't working for people anymore.
Vegan masterrace here
Veeky Forums full of meat eating faggots
My 3 years as a vegan are so far my worst and most embarrassing years of my life. I've made no money, I've lost the little amount of friends that I had, and all I did with my days was being an asshole over irc.
We are meant to kill animals, the same way I am meant to crush your hopes and dreams in finance with my titanium hands.
I would say that there is no conclusive evidence in either regard. This is an uncertainty I'm happy with. Indeed, your study quite specifically states this (especially if you read the actual article).
As someone who has published papers in the field, I have never found conclusive evidence one way or another. My opinion is that this reflects individual heterogeneity that cannot be adequately qualified in a population-level study; regardless, I recognise that the benefits are likely to be modest, anyway.
the only excuse for not eating meat is that you are saving all of your money for crypto
This. I cut down a lot on beef and subbed in elk and deer. Crazy low cholesterol.
the real red pill is to eat chicken daily and red meat tops once per week.
High level of metals in "sardines"? Citation needed.
>I don't think humans are meant to be vegan
oh my god. you're actually, literally retarded
>making a vegan thread right before Vechain made a cow partnerhip announcement
this guy is the new cocacolakid. Any other whispers, my chinese overlord ?
Buy frozen meat and use spices.
Eggs and canned fish are cheap (besides tuna).
refute anything that i have said or stfu. the fact is that you cannot. your mental energy is so low from your shit diet that you cannot debate without resorting to memes.
fish are indeed more important to the planet than humans ever could, looking from the environmental perspective. Looking from our own perspective we are always on top but because we think so, it doesnt make it right.
1. B12 is produced by a bacteria in the soil and is only found in meat of animals because they get also supplements in livestock. Only grass fed can maybe obtain it from the field. We simply just don't get it from our first anymore because our food is too clean.
2. Fish is not healthy at all. It contains all the waste that people throw into the ocean and has incredible high amounts of mercury in it. Omega 3 in the fish is just in there because of the algae they consume.
3. I could tell more facts. The list is endless.
>we're certainly not meant to eat animal products with every fucking meal either
how exactly do you imagine pre-sedentary humans surviving on a vegetarian diet?
Please lay out a meal plan to get 2000 kcal/day without farming and with little meat
you're talking absolute nonsense about slaves and warriors like we're living in ancient Greece, and you're a climate denier. There's no reasoning with this level of stupidity.
Vegan with occasional fish thrown in 2-3 times a month
Anyone believing that it’s muh foodchain to throw helpless animals under the bus for fucking torture, abuse and captivation for non-existent nutritional benefits are fucking retarded
I’m willing to bet that I’m in a better physical and mental shape than all these neanderthals who think that red Meat is the building block of a balanced diet
I’ll be dancing on your graves when you die of a stroke before 60 while I outlive your children
And it’ll be with a good conscience since I’m not contributing to the agony of sentient beings
>since I’m not contributing to the agony of sentient beings
you're certainly contributing to my agony with your posts
And you are clearly not a sentient being so my point still stands
Not all fish are the same you fucking mong.
Tuna and other large fish are bad in large quantities sure, but fish low on the food chain i.e sardines, are fine to eat regularly.
i dont deny that climate changes, i question the orthodoxy that says that humans impact climate change to the degree that the orthodoxy says that it does.
it used to be "global warming" now it is "climate change." ever ask yourself why? the southern polar ice cap is larger than ever, things like that dont happen because of "global" warming.
if humans caused climate change, then how did the ice age happen? how did the sahara desert go from green to desert? humans didnt cause these and yet they were large scale climate change.
these people are not smart enough to distinguish current reality from past. Kinda the same thinking with meat and being manly. There is nothing manly about going to the store to buy yourself a precooked burger.
As a vegan you are far more manly because you don't tortune innocent beings for nothing but taste. If you had to survive, any vegan would agree that killing an animal is necessary. Even hunting these days is easier than getting top 20 in CoD and you also dont do it for survival.
vegan fags in this thread got routed by meat eating warriors
luke 21:15
>For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.
You fucking dumbass. The climate is always changing. We are causing it’s acceleration. To deny that we have any role is retarded beyond belief, you really think all the energy we consume and chemicals we release into the environment don’t affect the climate? Do you think the world would naturally be consuming it’s own resources so quickly without human industry? How much oil do camels in the desert dig up? How much electricity does your average lemur use per year?
Nothing wrong with white meat in general if you're not eating tuna everyday.
Not a fan of lamb and only eat pork/beef in moderation. Would rather see my country (England) go back to being covered in forests instead of ugly fields in exchange for not being able to eat beef again. But sadly trees take fucking ages to grow so I don't give a shit.
no cuz i live with my parents and they cook meat. Once i move out, yes, vegetarian.
Cheers OP for not falling for the BACON XD meme
ok, how much do humans contribute to climate change. at what percent would it be changing if humans lived in absolutely primitive conditions?
Do people actually give a fuck about climate change, or are they just paying lip service to a meme. I mean really you're going to be dead by the time it means anything so why should you give a fuck.
Seems to me you types just enjoy having something to whine over.
See, you're just saying shit that's so ignorant it's not even worthy of a response. You're so deeply troubled by the idea that your way of life is wrong that you desperately regurgitate whatever ancient and thoroughly lame talking points the oil industry cooked up to lull you to sleep.
You're not even thinking about what you write.
>How could humans be changing the climate when the climate has changed without humans before?
protip: The level of carbon in the atmosphere has been one of the biggest determiners of climate over the ages. In fact, the last time atmospheric carbon was this high, the planet was very nearly sterilized. For an entertaining read on this and other topics, check out the book The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions
>I mean really you're going to be dead by the time it means anything so why should you give a fuck.
if people do it, its for their children and their grandchildren.
Pro climate people usally dont do anything, just like anyone who wants to support africans with food.
>posts a graph of mentions of a topic in a book
>thinks this proves a phenomenon
this must prove that phrenology was true in the 1840s
>In fact, the last time atmospheric carbon was this high, the planet was very nearly sterilized. For an entertaining read on this and other topics, check out the book The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions
damn dinosaurs factory farming and using aerosol cans
Well, from an evolutionary perspective we should, given that propagation of our genetic line is essentially the purpose of evolution.
>Having children
Why would you ever pay money to have to put up with things like those in your life. Furthermore why would you even want to force someone to live in this shitty world, simply selfish as far as I'm concerned.
raw meat master race reporting in
no, that was to address your sad, tired gotcha of "hurrr durr why is it climate change now when it used to be global warming hurr durr" as if that would decisively end the conversation even if it were true, which it isn't.
Go to your local public library and pick up a book, man.
This is a nice sentiment except evolution isn't really doing much for us anymore since natural selection isn't removing the weak from the genepool anymore.
lol. liberal fags btfo again
oh yeah, and if you don't even know what the carbon cycle is then why even join this conversation?
This is just sad. How old are you?
Fair statement. If you do believe in climate change, however, then it could be argued that selection pressure would again be relevant in an era where our progeny are challenged by major climate events.