ITT: under the radar gems
ITT: under the radar gems
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Fuck off I need a week before coinbase gives me my eth for this shit
What makes AMB specail compared to other supply chain cryptos? What advantages does it have over WTC or VEN? Don't just say that it has a lower marketcap.
This fucker has been printing sata for me
european team
targeting european market
AMB has the superior team and business connections. A lot of unannounced partnerships under NDA at the moment. Buy before it gets momentum and normie attention on Reddit.
Also worth noting that it's not another chink coin.
I like AMB just for the fact that they're working on the product rather than shilling it
Unfortunately the promoter program raises concerns for me... trying to bait TRAC tokens to people that spam on Reddit, YT, etc
and this is why I bought in.
They're going to invest the ico funding to develop sensors integrated with blockchain to determine the quality of a product to verify authenticity and quality itself, along with other customizable features. Their goal is to have the token used as a business application so businesses can tailor it to fit their specific needs all the while accomplishing the same goal.
They have team members with Nestle R&D experience so it's plausible Nestle wants a first hand trial run of this, and given that both AMB and Nestle HQs are in Switzlerland, it's a geographical match
How does it have superior business connections to VEN? I'm sorry but I just don't see it at all
Well for one it has a fucking white paper
FotM coins
Dec: XRB
Jan: VEN
Feb: AMB
Get in now fags
When did promoter program start? I dont like that either, might have to consider moving to another project
I am speaking about the team members. The team of AMB has superior business connections and will be able to bring massive companies into the fold just like VEN has done.
Their CEO Angel Versetti is really well-connected at the UN.
A big part of AMB's business model is securing international contracts for managing foreign aid supply lines. They're pretty likely to swing some.
when will it start going up?
I might pull 10btc out of my ven stack and put them into amb for 3 weeks. But I am not sure if amb takes more time to start.
And the ven rebranding hype will start soon.
wtc is beeter. wtc moon soon. ambrosus is a chinese scam coin
wtc has already mooned
and has a much higher mcap
and its not under the radar
but keep buying high
>Still using the whitepaper FUD
Where's the Spotify whitepaper, Facebook whitepaper, and Google whitepaper?
still a good time to get in?
nice pick, rate mine
Very good in the med to long term.
It will 10x for sure.
>ambrosus is a chinese scam coin
are you a fudbot
or just really
really fucking stupid?
Heh... Not bad. Gave me a chuckle. Now watch pic related:
I need to find the links, but basically saw a thread in r/crypto praising it and showing off their awards (kept mentioning the walmart award). It looks nice and all but a lot of commenters pointed out that TRAC had just got out of ICO and was already being hype shilled. I'm guessing there was a dev update somewhere with a contest or whatever for best "media" post
Where's every other non scam coin's whitepaper?
on their god damn website you chinky pajeet
That has nothing to do with business connections you fucking brain dead moron
OK I can see that. The Swiss dude kept saying they have superior tech. What technical advantages does AMB have over the others? I am think of throwing some of my WTC stack into this
That's why I split to be honest, although I'm starting to think a lot of people pulled out of VEN for AMB too lol
I think VEN is fine and has good momentum and progress so I figure I'd hold both split even
do not do that. wtc is much better. better tech. moon soon. do not fall for amb scam coin
Does VEN have a partnership with the god damn UN? Didn't think so
Hmm i have just seen few threads here with replies similar to "delete this", after which some of them went 404 so that made me go and see what it is about.. i liked the project but now if pajeets are paid to shill it i am not so sure
I heard you guys like low cap supply chain and logistics protocols?
Here is a solid pick that seems to have been overlooked. OriginTrail, TRAC.
Not going to shill it because I like people who buy into the coins i'm invested in to be the type to research the hell out of something before throwing their money into it. After some due diligence you will be able to see why this is such a gem.
Hopefully some of you can be thanking me later, good day my friends.
VEN is not gonna dominate the whole world's supply chain guys. Investing in both VEN and AMB is not a stupid thing to do.
Fucking console war minded kiddies.
Anything before $2 is a good buy. Target is 10x in February.
>out of 30 people working on the project, 22 are literal pajeets
Dude that ended for TRAC, this is all just people shilling a relatively undervalued coin that was just released the other day.
>QUN (QunQun)
>Chinese STEEM
>Big volume low cap.
>under the radar outside of Asia
>buy it on Huobi or OKex
I'm 50/50 on this and INT and QUN has fared better so far.
That their product won't be ready before 2019
Splitting is good, but I am sure that Ven will be top 5 in a year, and if that happens I will never have to work again.
So I not sure. Ven just seems like a 100% secure bet.
But amb is awesome too, if I had less money I would put 50-100% in there, it has a lot of potential over the next month(s).
This is a god-tier gem user. A lot of the smart money has been silent while they accumulated and are currently manipulating and accumulating more while volume is still low and the exchanges are few.
This has so far to go marketcap wise to even catch up to the different coins within their space and it's just as legitimate if not more, with a solid track record and actual useage going all the way back to 2013.
Were gonna be able to stake this shit too, can you imagine getting a masternode or whatever the fuck VEN comic's calls their node tiers at 10-25c? Go research this and tell me why you aren't buying as much as you can right now.
I already researched it and i know it has potential, even more because its coming from slovenia which is very crypto friendly. They have some crypto shit planned out for electricity and were talking about some state crypto coin, idk, dont remember details. But this shit with paying pajeets for shilling it really made me think about it.. full disclaimer, i am holding trac atm
Yeah didn't look good on their end, it doesn't disqualify them outright but it's also unnecessary to do that crap really. The communities should not encourage marketing contests like that it's why people shy away from crypto
This is probably peoples' first time investing money... I bet they'd invest in Apple and trash talk Microsoft when you could buy a ETF for Tech lol
Hard to tell, I like both equally so I figure I'd keep it simple and hold both
Looked into this, the program they’re a part of (their “partnership”) is something any interested company can join. It shows initiative, but it’s not impressive. Not FUDing, just trying to manage expectations.
Nothing wrong with due diligence. I wish we had a forum or site to actual verify the legitimacy of coins teams, advisors, partnerships, etc. but for now we dig ourselves
now this looks interesting.
Any real exchanges planned?
I might get a few eth worth. 40 eth of this sounds nice.
it tends to get completely ignored whenever I mention it, but GJC. it's gaining traction, and new exchanges will be coming soon according to the website. look into it anons
shill me more
the best one I've found so far is
but it's new and needs more user submissions
They had a bounty/awareness thing while the ico was going and it was barely worth anything.. That has been over for days, all the shilling you see now is because this coin is an obvious winner especially where it is sitting at right now after just being released a few days ago.
Not that I am aware of. This literally was just unlocked for trading a few days ago. It's community and awareness are growing exponentially and I wouldn't be surprised to see this listed on some top exchanges very shorty.
Binance is really fast with some of the new coins, if there is substance to them.
One can hope, instant 3x.
Would you pull out of ICX for AMB? I've been holding my icon for far too long but I think it can pump one last time with the 31st meeting and the korean exchange listing
Well i will sit on it a bit and see how thing unfold.
Binance likes adding supply chain tokens but dreaming of big exchanged might be a bit too much atm, tokens got unlocked for trading 1 or 2 days ago i think..
Binance would be one of my first guesses. They have listed pretty much every relevant supply-chain/logistics coins and this would be the next big one.
Sounds good, I've watched it dip to about 19-20c since it's gone 30c+. I think anywhere below 20c is a steal at this point.
Well i got in at 17k gwei so i am good so far but if this unleashes its full potential it will be a home run
Completely true, I would not bet on it, but a possibility.
Warning to those who want to buy AMB now, wait for a dip. It's been pumped by several discord groups plus shilled quit a bit here.
No doubt about it being a nice coin, but don't fomo in now when you can get it for a cheaper in a bit.
shame to see such a beautiful man about to light up a big smelly stink-stick.
Seconding TRAC. I think it is more of an undervalued supply chain gem than AMB
Very nice entry, I'm almost certain we won't see those prices again..Judging off the awareness and how quickly word is spreading. I'm going to be holding this one for a long time.
the team is weak
I already all in'd. No point in waiting because it'd just go back down to 70c and idc about that small margin
Low quality fud post, the team is strong and have been working together for years. How is this team weak in your understanding?
that program ended
you van find link to it on bitcointalk
and this fucking pajeet group that is shilling this everywhere with the same posts over and over again needs to fukcing stop
some more context for this image
again, I like AMB, but we need to wait and see what comes out when the NDA lifts on partnerships
how many ambros i need for lambos
well soon 1AMB = 10$ so you do the math brother
is this cuckbait from yesturday thread?
>finally successfully swingtrade my way to a pretty fat stack
>actually can't believe i didnt fuck up
>all in right before 11k sats
>literally dumps under 10k sats 30 seconds later
i got some fat bags boys, but it made me look into this project a little more. im on board. cya in future amb shill threads gents.
It's a tough choice, since both major events for AMB and ICX occur on the 31st. But I would not sell ICX at a loss yet and wait a bit. I don't think this board knows how BADLY koreans are obsessed with crypto. Despite being a first world country, the high stress environment and high cost of living has made its citizens desperate for a way out.
t. korean and ICX/AMB holder
Nothing wrong with holding both! I'm split AMB and VEN desu
what group
Under the radar? AMB currently has more volume than LTC on Binance. I'd say it's very much on the radar
vol got picked up only recently due to pnd shillfaggotry
why are you posting this pasta in so many threads?
Don't forget to FOMO tomorrow at $1.20
By that logic, VEN is also a hidden gem. Who knew
Thats my point though. It may well be a gem but as of this thread its not hidde
EVEREX (EVX) has to be the most undervalued coin currently. $60 million market cap and super low supply.
It's just starting to break out since a few days ago. Still very early for anyone looking for a safe moon mission. Anyone thinking this is usual PnD has not looked at the chart for this coin. The only people selling are those who bought very early or people like me day trading. The FOMO will be hard on this one.
personally invested in TRAC
looking to buy AMB when it dips along with BTO and INT
Say what you want, but that logo is an impaired swastika brah
>under the radar
>pumps like a filipino whore the whole week