Help me to make it

>iam new here
>invested in XLM, TRX, VEN, ICX, REQ, ACT,PRL
>dont know how to make money
>just hodl?
>put my winnings in just one or two coins?

this is real, pls give me some good advice

I would advise you not to move for some time. Just that

Enjoy ban fsggot

Sell TRX, maybe give it 7 days to see if it goes up a little
take that money and trade around with it if you want to try that, it's going to 0 anyway if you keep it in TRX
hold the rest, not the best portfolio but not close to the worst i've seen

Me on the right.

Only way they can get attention

not bad. trx is shit and prl is a scam but the rest are good holds

Why are female lacrosse players always so gross

Is that all these girls have to offer?

>that dirty ass floor
>no flip flops
enjoy your foot fungus

I never use slippers in sauna or swimming pools and never got anything.

stop posting naked women, I am trying to make money

>not walking barefoot in public showers to increase tolerance and gain immunity

what, you a bitch?

make semen instead

foot fungus by public pools/shower rooms is a meme.
if the shit gets cleaned every few hours as well as one time per day completely then youre fine.

7, 10, 2, 6, 1, 9, 3, 6, 4, 5, 8.

buy blinkers!

are you a fuckimg retard? Theres 11 total you fucking stupid faggot

>That picture

God I hate women in this country.

Do women often do this?

The only thing I would be holding right now is XLM and VEN. Daytrading can work if you're knowledgeable and have a shitload of time to put into research, etc, but for most of us it's not worth it and you'll just end up poor.

Put your winnings in XLM, it's the comfiest hold for 2018 by far.

worst advice in this whole thread right here. Buy xlm only if you want baby 2-5x gains for the year

having hiv doesnt make you immune to aids

what would that room smell like?

Soil, sweaty socks and seafood.

Is nobody going to comment on pic related?

Show bobs amd vagene

Why do white girls do this?

To attract BBC

why is borderline CP on Veeky Forums all day?

I see you found my harem OP

DO NOT sell TRX like this guy said.
It will 100% go up by the end of next week. After that though when it spikes some, sell instantly.. because it will die.

I'm personally investing in small tokens and coins that has not hit large exchanges yet. Do some research and if they look promising, buy into them and wait for the team working on it to push for more exchanges which will skyrocket the price.
We are sadly in an extremely boring bear market and the only big alts I'm holding now are XLM and VEN.
I'm also daytrading some high volume alts for fun every other day or so.

I would say just hold until the start of next weekend. After that.. hunt for pre-large exchange alts for a chance of huge profits.

You bought a bunch of meme coins besides ICX man
>75% ETH
>15% ICX
>10% high risk high reward coin
My high risk coin is FUN, don’t listen to Veeky Forums 90% of the time it’s pajeets shilling whatever shit coin they are holding. Dont try to day trade and seap your money in slowly so you don’t FOMO on shit like I did and lose a few hundred bucks.

gosh, all these cunts, and not a single one that is above a 5. All fat as well.

It's the butchest sport a woman can play

>board full of people who get a high off gambling their life savings on fake internet money
It's like a fighter pilot buzzing the tower.