The whale is gone! It's finally mooning! Get in here, cowboys!
The whale is gone! It's finally mooning! Get in here, cowboys!
won't even break that 8 eth wall unless mr. whale takes it away. this coin is pure cancer until it hits another exchange
Just wait sma day dude, they're also in the process of getting voted onto cobinhood and ethfinex. They've also applied to bittrex.
now thats a name I havent heard in a while
yeah i'll buy back in if i see it skyrocket past 40 cents but until then i'm in other coins
Partnership with CVC is huge
>Chase pumps
>Buy high
Never change Veeky Forums
Look at the BTC pair. There are 10 BTC buywalls and no sells.
guys this is very legit. its gonna moon.
check on kucoin
haha are you for real?
> Ready for a moonshot cowboy?
Shh, let's keep this one for a while longer. Pajeet doesn't need to get in yet.
you're actually gonna wanna buy in now, kumo breakout on the 30min candles.
TK cross (occurred below the cloud but the tenkan-sen is above the kijun, the lagging strand is above the price, price above the cloud (obviously), and there's a bullish future ahead. 1 hr candles are about to follow suit.
Still a good time to get in? I might move my REQ stack into BNTy, it’s not doing any thing anyway
Yes, get in.
Don't you have a coin that wasn't hit as hard in the crash? REQ will probably recover and shoot past ATH in Q2.
But I guess i'm biased.
t. Holding 250k bnty and 88k req.
I’m just looking for a decent return at the moment, BOunty was good to me in the past but I got out. My other holds are XLM and VEN so I don’t want to get rid of those. Also I’m a poorfag compared to you.
can we get some cowboy pepes/wojacks in here please
>coin has bled out for weeks
>make fun of someone who sold high and is buying back 2x as many coins
teach me
holy fuck it actually is mooning
Yeah, it should return over it's ATH in December of almost a dollar, soon.
Bull flag at 15 and 30 min charts.
are u just throwing in just random chink words to sound smart?
good job this is neither
I'm literally just reading what's on the graph, I wouldn't even call it an analysis.
Good luck user. Remember to take profits and reinvest!
happy now?
'preciate it, sheriff
Bought a little over 50k of these guys, it's on.
tfw just turned 30K bnty into 64K bnty you massive faggots, DAMN it feels good to be a pardner again
Will this hit 40 cents? Christ my ETH is on the way but I'm scared to put it in after it's already gone up os much, I bet my REQ will moon now after I sold it lmao
tbf the alt coin market is finally in wave 3 and picking up speed. so pretty much everything you hold is gonna moon.
but bnty's gonna moon harder kek.
It's already up so much though. I've gotten burned doing this before with other coins but I think I have an emotional attachment to
Never get emotionally attached to a coin user. Always be rational. If it already mooned wait for a dip or find a better coin. Don't get JUSTed partner.
Thing is that bnty isn't even close to it's ATH, it's due for a long period of mooning.
This is at least a 300,000,000 $ coin in a Bull market.
big if true
>Thing is that bnty isn't even close to it's ATH, it's due for a long period of mooning.
True. But not getting emotionally attached applies to any shitcoin.
Remember partners. We're in the shitcoin flipping business. Not in the getting emotionally attached to weird internet monopoly money business.
This. I got attached to DBC and got burned.
It's important to understand the pace of the market. 20% is an instant sell in a bear market / correction.
20% is literally nothing when the bulls start running kek.
t. a guy who sold 5 coins in a row consecutively at breakeven right before they 2x'ed> literally within 24 hrs of selling during the second week of december.
Thank Christ I got in, it's still going up. I'll set a sell order just above where I got in, I'm not gonna take a loss.
This coin is so good to me, I love her.
It's going onto Bit-z exchange tomorrow at 3pm GMT. Things are just getting started. No more whales fucking us.
Left my pc for like 3 mins and it went up 5cent. Nice
11 ETH wall coming. Let's rape it.
11 eth is nothing partners!
Fuck that was a big dump lmao I suppose that was after a massive spike but still that shit scares me
its OVER
its fucking OVER
Some retards put up too many walls
haha goddamnit.
Wow I got lucky I dumped at 37 cents LMAO
Wtf is going on here?
a pump for those that missed AIX
It had a massive dump and came back in minutes.
Bit-z tomorrow, cobinhood and ethfinex soon.
Is edo going anywhere soon?
Oh, it ain't over, partner.
Aren't you glad right now that you're slow? Clench those baby fists for once in your life, partner
God dammit do I sell and buy the correction, or is this a legit moon? How important is that partnership announcement?
Which one kek. They've got over 5 and they churn out a new one every week kek.
bet this bleeds out the rest of the day. jesus christ that bit-z listing can't come soon enough.