why are wagecucks so angry when i say i havent worked a day in my life?
t. NEET autist thats been in crypto since BTC was NOTHING
Why are wagecucks so angry when i say i havent worked a day in my life?
I doubt anyone is angry they just think you are a loser with no real accomplishments in life that will die alone in your basement
What's your hobby. If you say gaming and shitpost kys
jealousy as well as conflicting with their own view of the world where hard work at a random company = success
Give me some of your riches and/or wisdom, senpai.
wagecucks have been brainwashed to believe slaving away in a company fulltime for pennies only to have the state take 30% of said income is success
Why lie on a waifu forum tho
As long as you're not mooching off my taxes I don't care if you make your money trading crypto or smoking pole
i spend time on self-improvement, lost interest in gaming once i had enough money from crypto to start doing things (around the age of 19)
I cook for myself 3 high quality meals every day. Its quite relaxing and satisfying. Not to mention healthier and tastier than most restaurants.
Lift 5 days per week, gaining strength and improving your body through hard work is another pretty fulfilling hobby. Not to mention looking good aesthetically helps to offset my autism in social settings.
Planning on starting to grow more of my own food in the near future. Maybe even get a few chickens but the area i live in (suburbia) isnt great for livestock.
>mfw literally using your tax money aka my neetbux to fund my crypto gains.
Imagine you had to go and sit in some building all day 5 times a week to get told what to do, for only a few grand a month, and you're faced with the prospect of this for the rest of your life.
Some NEET comes along and makes more than you've made in your life doing NOTHING.
I'd be fucking pissed off too. Infact I'd want kill someone and possibly myself.
Nice LARPing.
lmao, you just don't have the IQ to match that NEET's sweet gains brah
The masters do not work. The masters eat bread and the slaves work.
You are reaching master status and that is something not comprehensilbe by the slaves.
We are conditioned to work, earn, create conditions for our offspring to work, so they can restart the cycle.
You, my user friend are one of the slaves who skipped some steps.
I am that NEET.
Oh so you're NEET?
Who pays your medical? Who pays your car insurance? Do you have any credit history?
Are you aware you need to pay taxes on ALL your crypto transactions, even crypto to crypto?
See this is what you morons can't understand, you WILL have to get a job, no matter how much you make in crypto.
cheers nigga
go all in on crypto. I truly believe in the tech long term and still have 90% of my money in crypto. To me the risk of NOT taking a risk is much higher than taking the risk.
I know plenty of people who go through life saying "i wish i had done x y years ago" even if you fail you will learn and improve yourself as a person. Knowledge gained through life experiences is powerful. Dont fall into the trap and have your goal be to get to a point where you can be comfortable then just wake up realizing 20 years of your life has slipped through your fingers. Always look at failure as a learning experience, sometimes the cost can be very high but those lessons are all the more powerful.
no one has to go sit in a building 5 days a week. The masses just do it because its easy. Those who follow the path of least resistance in life will never self actualize
You are gonna make it user.
>See this is what you morons can't understand, you WILL have to get a job, no matter how much you make in crypto.
Weak bait.
Don't come blaming me when you can't retire by the time you're 50 because you were a jaded 20 something that thought you knew it all.
I'm giving you the best advice no one else will. I suggest you take it.
Stay mad there bud. While you were at work today I've been to the gym to cultivate some mass, I've made some trades, made myself a nice delicious and healthy lunch and sat and read for an hour for those brain gains.
Why the fuck do you need credit history if you can buy your house in cash?
Only a larping wagecuck uses the term wagecuck.
Look at this triggered wagie
Wagecucks on literal sucide watch
So is a wagie that made $500k over their entire life better off than a NEET that made $2mil in a couple of years?
Yes moron.
lol, you're not getting anywhere close to $2 million
Cut that in half due to taxes instantly, so now you only have $1 million.
Cut that in half again for medical expenses since you have no health insurance (which companies you work for provide)
Cut that in half AGAIN for back taxes the government will no doubt come after everyone in crypto for.
You end up with only $250k, when you could of had double that with all your taxes already paid for
Grow the fuck up and live in the real world.
they think it is honourable, are helping society, are succesful people etc. they genuinely think bad of you when you don't work. But the truth is they have been brainwashed to feel good about wagecucking all day by those on top and would quit in an instant if given the choice. The only way to cope with wagecucking all day is having these believes.
t. actual wagecuck who you used to think like this
not everyone lives in murica. Free healthcare
kek I live in a country with universal healthcare.
and I'm cashing out using a company in the BVI so no tax for me thanks.
you on the right
> lift 5 days per week
>cashing out in america
People do this?
>being an amerimutt
lmao only tax on cryptos here is cashing out, plus NHS, enjoy being fucked by the (((IRS)))
Because they are jealous and try to justify themself somehow.
They get angry that you aren't giving your money to niggers and Syrian refugees like the TV tells them rich people should.
This is why we can't have nice things
When will they learn?
why they wouldn't be angry? it's like getting in balls, repeatedly, by a donkey
kek. starting strengthlet detected.
>gives the state half his money
>doesn't even get healthcare in return
The absolute state of /america/
Mad? More like dying of laughter thinking about all the retarded neets that are going to beg for jobs once crypto crashes for good
Literally the ultimate cope.
All no-coiner normies are praying for this to happen.
t. angry wagecuck
>he fell for the SS + GOMAD meme
Very good, show those wagecucks how it's done boy.
>gives the state 3/4 of his money
>gets culturally enriched
The absolute state of /europe/.
Why aren't you working user? who is going to feed those poor refugees? Don't you realize you need to build some smart cities for them?
Maybe they will let you fuck your wife after you're done.
>i love my job