Make websites for local businesses

>make websites for local businesses
>slip a little monero browser miner in the files when setting site up on their domain

is this illegal? its super easy money

also general sidehustle/legal scam thread

Not illegal yet. No legislation. Might want to encrypt it so the next IT guy doesn't know what you did

Thank you for adding to the xmr network

perfect. am I still liable if legislation passes later on?
no problem, it only boosts my bags

how much have you made off it?

FBI here. Yes, that’s illegal. It’s wire fraud. We investigate a large number of these lately.

thanks fbi

I sell each site for $750 after a $60 investment in a wordpress theme, take two hours to make the site, and I've mined 14 xmr in total.

Conversely, I will sell the site for $300 with the addition of a $30 monthly hosting and """"maintenance"""" fee.

Do you disclose the miner to your client?

yeah i put it on the invoice

no one's asked about it yet

Does the invoice clearly state that you will be using resources to mine crypto, and that the client consents to it?

No, it's in the description of the $750 charge.
It reads like "Purchase of domain, creation of site, implementation of (name of miner), implentation of full-site branding, etc"

Doesn't really hurt them either, it mines off user's browsers

Look, I have a soft spot for Veeky Forums. Take the miners down and this just goes away. You have until Monday.

unironically reported to the fbi

for what though

like seriously, if there is a law being broken here I need to know about it

Where do you find your clients?

up ur butt and around the corner

Reported for harming potential customers brand by bogging down their PC. Reported to FBI

hopefully you get necked faggot

So I started with a friend of my dad who owns several restaurants in my area. I also do social media management for him, and told him I'd do a month of work for free for ever referral he sent my way.

You can't be tried if you stop over it becomes illegal. Ex post facto

I run a website that got 8600 visits over the last 4 weeks with average visit time of 1m25s.

How much $$$ could I make by installing a coin miner on my site?

5-10 years, $25,000 in fines plus court fees and restitution.


No it would be ex post facto law. If they change the law or make one up you have to go back and take it out or disable it.

Current law allows for prosecution. The computer fraud and abuse act of 1986.

>implementation of (name of miner)
Lmfao. Godspeed, user. You'll make it, sneaky boi.

They just came out with an App like adblocker to stop sites from mining you. so FUCK YOU

it ruins your cpu and gpu

What is the best coin to mine, if you have access to a bunch of computers? XMR for that privacy? Something else, that is currently under the radar?

so does using your computer

The most efficient one.

Which is? Is there a tracker for the best coins to mine?

A crypto miner is unauthorized use of a protected computer, making it a federal crime. It’s a felony. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

You find a miner that will mine the most efficient coins.

coinwarz user


Depends if you mine cpu / gpu / harddisk you fucking dumbass

uBlock Origin prevents this since September

Installing a crypto jacker is a felony. The FBI will investigate you.

Protecting the XMR enterprise one liability at a time. Good deeds user, well done.


>tfw complains about website slowing down mobileshitters will go in and you will be questioned

Tell me, FBI, how did he fly?

How much traffic does the site need to have for this to become profitable?

Pretty clever
What would be your reply if they would email you back with the question what that means though?
Considering that this explanation would be on record?

yep, that's why my antivirus is constantly having to remove trojans

I'm mining with around 50 cores 24/7 and I'm doing around 300$ / month.

Taking into account that the normal user is only a few minutes on a website and that web mining is not as efficient as mining with a program you need A LOT.

>Brave Browser becomes prominent.
>Blocks background miners by default
>OP loses free income
>OP later gets charged for fraud