why haven't you bought PRL yet?
My son
Who are the ppl shilling this? Don't say you're a dirty PnD pajeet group
all in
because testnet is upon us and you don't want to miss sweet gains
We received a rundown from these guys today.
people who got burned buying at the top after a 40000% increase in a month.
You can tell they're pajeets and low IQ posters because the shills don't post anything of substance.
it's irrelevant because it's ~$30 in next few month
>it's irrelevant because it's ~$30 in next few month
top fuggin kek
Actually I got in at 7 cents my dude.
Anyone with half a brain can do the math on this coin.
> Low mcap.
> On a massive discount after the crash.
> Actually has a great idea behind it that could possibly disrupt the internet ad industry.
> Testnet launch this month (not priced in yet because of the crash).
But whatever man. I just like photoshopping stupid shill memes.
why didn't you sell at 3-4 dollars like the rest of us user
you could've unironically been rich. Don't you know how coins have hype cycles?
When is mainnet? Will the price actually go up or will it be icx mainnet 2.0?
Unironically already rich and cashed to FIAT.
I sold half my stack my dude. Took a massive profit. Just want to see where the rest of it will go in the next bull run.
smart man,I have massive respect for anyone who is not a delusional "HODL TIL 2030".
Good luck on your mission. Gonna do the same with ARY once it hits 400M
mainnet is when you can actually start mining PRL on your blog with your normie web traffic
Oh god you are the same ARY fag from last night, still trying to shill that garbage?
Thanks user. Yes you should always take profit when you feel the end of a bull run coming. I wanted to sell a bit more, but kucoins low volume + eth mooning fucked up my 50 individual sell orders. Also I didn't expect the dip to be this much of a crash.
Taking profit near ATH and reinvesting it in another lowcap shitcoin is the best strategy.
Will check out ARY. My next gamble was OPT, bought just before the crash. So that didn't work out too great just yet. But whatever, when you're investing profit, from profit, from profit losses don't matter anymore.
HODLing is not a meme, but day trading is IMHO
>just think about those who sold their 10k-20k of BTC for $40
yea samefag lmao
>do they get paid for shilling shit like that ?
>I mean come on, I bought tons of DOM token recently on ED but I know it's the next PRL but I'm not shilling it here lol
??? What are you talking about?
ARY has a pretty big following on this board user, you realize this right?
OPT already went through it's hype cycle Imho. I bought and already sold it.
day trading is gambling if you don't know what you're doing
Lmao dont play dumb, the same shit was said like 24 hours ago. If it already has a big following, its already priced in and won't go anywhere because the people that are speculating have already bought it. Your a pump and dump shiller in disguise.
>people still are FUDDing the next moon mission
dont buy it idgaf im not trying to convince people to buy my bags since im not selling until the hype cycle ends
Well you were not wrong, it literally is a samefag shilling ARY.
ok dude we all bought into your shitcoin
>go shill on xrb or linki fags now please
>OPT already went through it's hype cycle Imho. I bought and already sold it.
Still the marketcap is so low, the slightest bit of news could have it skyrocketing and going again. (says the guy holding 202k of this shitcoin lol).
Same thing happened with coss. bought a shitload at 6 cents. Forgot about it for a couple of months, was at a loss for most of the time, then suddenly I had x21'd my initial 1000 € investment. That truly felt like free money. Cashed everything out because the coss exchange is pure shit.
always wonder why cant we have OP be micro-admin in his own thread with ban hammer privileges lol
youre actually right,I remember when PFR and PRL did the same thing
>tfw didn't buy more PRL when it dipped down from 20m to 10m
Because it's malware you retard
No one will ever use it
B-but... you give consent and it works like cookies, you are just a brainlet fudder.
I'd rather donate a tiny portion of my GPU than look at another fucking banner again.
And don't start with the "instal adblock" that shit is killing media revenue.
it's not malware user a webpage can use CPU calculations without it being malware. my biggest problem is how they're going to make me not lose money with a large sum in electricity especially if i'm using a laptop, and if its a net gain to mine electrcitiy whats stopping me from just parking a farm of computers on my own website? If it only takes a little of my CPU, what's stopping me from donating more CPU to my website?
lmao you wish
Also PRL works off the CPU
>*pop up appears* HEY USER! WANT FREE $$$MONEY$$$? Just give us access to your CPU...
Doesn't look like a virus at all
>*pop up appears* HEY USER! WANT FREE $$$MONEY$$$? Just give us access to your CPU...
Yeah, of course it's gonna look like that, gr8 FUD m8
>mainnet news comes out
>coin continues to drop
>also I bought in at 3 dollars like a retard
I'm convinced I'm gonna hold these bags forever
After the intel patches CPU calculations do not present a vulnerability.
It uses roughly 0.1% of your CPU according to them, so losing money is probably not the problem. The farm of computers on the website is a good question.
rich and stills wastes times shilling pajeet pnds on biz
wow you really made it man
Whatever man. What are you doing all day?
>your mom is mallware
>your browser and addblocker and javascript all using CPU cycles you brainlet it's no different
We'll have to wait for testnet to see how it's coded to answer these questions. Other projects have much bigger problems with their successful implantation so I'm not too worried. Hell IOTA has me more worried about the projects success than what PRL is doing. Overall ill probably buy back in at the bottom after I try out the test net since it looks like it might just cup and handle thanks to how hype cycles in Crypto's work.
attacking other people is not how you get people on your project user
Lol don't worry friend i have Canya
and TEL
on kucoin, getting rekt just as hard
Kucoin is the website to go for SHITcoins now
Fuck that chink piece of garbage site, it use to have moons
lolwut did anyone else saw it for a few mins at like 9$ on blockfolio?
Oh I own PRL my brother. How many anons will A hero when this does x20?
friendly reminder this same idea has been tried before and it doesnt work. it will be flagged as malware and any site that uses it will be penalized by google.
now back to your regularly schedued pajeet shilling
just start using that shithole for brain of yours
>Pearlies is revolution in making and if you don't own any PRL in 2018 we all feel bad for you