TRTL Market Cap only $3.7M - Next 10X 100X coin?

You might be wondering why /biz loves TRTL.

Well it's friggin Monero tech. /biz is anonymous.
TRTL uses Monero mixing technology to create private anonymous transactions. TRTL is the perfect coin for DarkWeb with its normie divisible units (only goes to 2 decimal places... no more 8 decimal places).

But seriously Monero was $11 1 year ago to this day. Now it went 25X to 350.

Here's your chance to get TRTL .. which is Monero tech at 1/1000 the Market Cap price of Monero. Monero will always be king. After IRS and its minions try to rape you, privacy coin market going might go to 50% of the crypto market cap.

BTC PRICE: 0.00000008

USD PRICE: $0.001

MARKET CAP: $3.7m (Monero is 1000X this at 5B)

VOLUME $122,758.72


TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000,000

For it to 10x right now @$0.01 USD/TRTL - market cap would be: $40,300,000

For it to 100x right now - @10 CENTS USD/TRTL: $403,000,000

Screenshot this page.
Come back 1 year later.

PS. They are getting listing on tradesatoshi in the next 3-14 days.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait does this mean that this can realistically reach 1$ in one year ?

This coin is a scam, there's a virus hidden inside with a FUD keylogger, the plan is to steal as much money as possible before the end of February. I've seen this coin named multiple times by very dubious individuals on various underground websites.

Search for "Tor" in the Discord.
Pic related: Rocksteady is the main dev
Why do ALL the devs use tor, why do they need it?
Assuming that it's compromised, those that have downloaded the wallet and executed it, what should they do to secure their gains again?
Ensure that all websites use 2FA?
Change private keys of all their crypto wallets?

I have no business FUDing this I hope to sell my 5 millions at a good price one day, just be careful with your opsec.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

10 cents is more realistic/conservative for end of year.
100X would make it 400M market cap.

XDN digital note (privacy coin with same technology) went to 600M .. XDN developers haven't even updated their twitter since June 2017

lmao, not with that supply and stupid rich whales.
Insiders have MULTIPLE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS mined already, they can crash the market any time, or keep it down a LONG time.
>yfw it's even those hundred millions holder whales that are chosen to handle the turtle-market and get paid 5% fees on each trades on top of that.

What does your pic even convey, that right now it's not 100% anonymous? that they lied?

Current price: $0.001 USD
10x price $0.01 USD ($40M market cap)
100X price $0.10 USD ($400 market cap)

Is this copy pasta now?

Privacy coin market is a sleeping giant and fiat/crypto wealth will seek privacy technology to store their wealth.

What coins do you recommend?

i honestly cant tell if you are trolling or actually believe in this shitcoin lmao
theres a fucking keylogger in the wallet enjoy your loss


This garbage isn't on any exchanges, keylogger.

This is copypasta too

HOTTEST FUD MEME of 2018!!!!
Turtlecoin = 2018's Greatest Keylogger EVER

Can't tell if you're fuckin stupid or if you want /biz to not benefit from a 10x.
1. you dont have to install shit shithead. go to and do a paper wallet.

2. 10M TRTL bounty to you for finding code for said "keylogger"

Up next:
Q2: larger exchanges

100k shells here. How much do i need to make it?. I already installed the keylogminer and am making shells with it.

The virus alert doesn't mean anything. All or most Monero miners get triggered by AV. It's because malware is including miners nowadays.

kek. put a bounty0x on it pls. If you're a dev (or just a large bagholder) this is good publicity for both coins

>lmao, not with that supply and stupid rich whales

Youre a fucking retard, that supply with two decimal places is alot different than that supply with eight decimal places. kys

>Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

Horrible image. Selling my 15 million after I type this.

I will say this. I mind a little over 10 million going on 3 weeks back.

At the time, the total hash rate was hovering around 100k/s and often falling under 50k/s which is why i was able to down more than 10 million fast.

hashrate quickly rose over 1MH with multiple instances of it jumping astronmically meaning people were likely buying some pool time on nicehash.

thats nothing, the thing that is fucking scumming is the claim of "no premine"

the are fucking liars. The mining is purported to have started mining in mid december, by nobody but of course the devs.

Saying its not a premine but not announcing you started a network and putting it on bitcointalk ANN thread makes you just another poo in the street pajeet scammer.

They were mining millions per hour on CPU's, so it is a fucking lie to say they didn't premine, its just semantics. They can claim they shilled it here but its fucking bullshit and it definitely feels scammy as a result.

100% will not be suprised once tradeogre gets a couple hundred K $$$ worth of BTC on there for people trying to acquire this that it suddenly all just disappears.

> it's friggin Monero tech. /biz is anonymous
>reddit spacing
you disgust me


where do u buy this ?

> You might be wondering why /biz loves TRTL.
because they give handouts!

If its useless share your millions with users. Whales are the current problem in why this currency is not going anywhere. You, the whales, are the devs are going to kill this coin.

whenever i see a post like this i always drop my wallet and tell the poster to do it themself, knowing that nobody in their right mind would ever give away MM's of a potentially valuable crypto for the 'greater good'

prisoner's dilemma. you can give me 1MM of trtl if you think that'll help the coin, but if one whale doesn't shell out then that whale will become much more rich. in the end, there's no incentive to spread, even if it means the coin itself will suffer or even fail

devs should have caught this problem before it started, but with multiple 500MM whales floating around we are looking at a serious problem.


I only have 30k I'm no whale. I started mining yesterday. But yes it is a problem. The faucet is not enough.


the faucet was a good idea, it's just unfeasible because if it gives out enough TRTL to actually address the whale problem, then it'll just get abused.

i still expect TRTL to take off, but when we see the whales holding hundres of MM's we are going to see at least one big crash. for what it's worth, i plan to buy at the bottom of that crash, and however many crashes it takes until the whales lighten out a bit.

Well good luck, I wish I knew about this earlier. My RX480 is at least doing some work.

I'll give you some coins and be the bigger man here. A friendly user gave me a few thousand yesterday because at least he knows what needs to be done.


I don't trust that exchange, already got scammed by coinsmarkets

That applies to any coin, really

To the premine faggot above:

Coin was announced on Veeky Forums before mining started. Devs and users have been shelling it here since December.

Join the discord and make up your own mind if it's a scam.

People FUDing here are the same ones nicehashing and trying to accumulate more.

10 million isn't even close to a whale.

There's one whale right now who controls 550 million (roughly 1/8th of total supply).

Devs have much smaller holdings.

announced on biz, a board that shit dissappears from in seconds if not updated.

IF you put an ANN thread on bitcointalk, it would be credible to say there was no premine.

Putting a post on hear is shouting into the void, the only reason you can even keep these threads alive is because the discord has enough users now they can keep touching it.

are you seriously trying to say otherwise?

>There's one whale right now who controls 550 million (roughly 1/8th of total supply).

how do you know?

is mkid, has he announced it on the discord or something?

>wanting those nolife cunts at bitcointalk to have first shot

Veeky Forums is ground floor

no, its because if the devs did this, the coin would have gotten 10MH/s the day it launched and the devs would have had to do a premine to have any coins.

please user.

there's a thread on bitcoin talk

>there's a thread on bitcoin talk

when was it started? is it a dev announcement?

If you say so whale

if mkid really has 550 million, and he was on the discord weeks ago throwing MH at it when there was literally 50KH total on the network, he could easily have that many, especially if he is buying them up off tradeogre at same time.

terribly unhealthy...

if there were a richlist, and there isn't obviously because its a privacy coin, my millions would not even be in the top 100, no fucking way.

nice copypasta pajeet

Why do people spend so much time copypasta murdering this shit?
I checked out the website and the discord and it looks like your average small coin with a small dev team.
You can use a paper wallet and whatever miner you want, so that FUD is garbage.

Yeah, he even forgot the pic. I didnt save it either tbf

Just made the wallet, some turtle whale wanna spare some turtles ?


not the ones that claim no premine and are really not premined

CodIsAFish said multiple times that he has a "couple hundred millions" too.

It's mine, I post it wherever I please.

just made one finally, any big anons wanna help a little user out?



Malwarebytes flags the miner as "riskware" because botnets plant miners to leech hashes of infected PC's.

Why are you such a lying shit? Here you fucking pajeet. I am mining and bytes never detects shit.