Chainlink is done. Big projects like Waltonchain are going to choose Mobius always over Chainlink. You can be racist and laugh at them but the truth is that Mobius is currently leading oracle provider.
Chainlink is done. Big projects like Waltonchain are going to choose Mobius always over Chainlink...
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I noticed a lot of you guys didn't know what ChainLINK would be actually useful for or get too hung up on the "banking" premise that was shilled a lot on Veeky Forums. Let me explain the TRUE merit of ChainLINK.
Bitcoin was the first decentralized currency that was trustless in nature. Ethereum was the first decentralized smartcontract service that was trustless in nature.
ChainLINK is the first "bridge" between real life data and crypto that is decentralized in nature.
What does this mean?
ChainLINK can take real time datastreams like Sensor data/non-crypto financial data such as real time interest rates etc and combine it with smartcontracts.
What this does is create tremendous potential wealth and make businesses possible that weren't possible before ChainLINK existed.
Let's look at the examples of how ChainLINK could be used in real life with one thing that is already confirmed.
A startup called Confido wants to make a payment and delivery system where they will use real time data from the delivery service's sensor system if a package actually arrived or not. When the sensor data confirm that the package is arrived a smart contract will automatically pay the vendor of that package automatically. This type of service would be impossible with ChainLINK if you'd wanted to make it trustless without 3rd party meddling.
Other potential things that could be done ONLY with ChainLINK.
Trustless Gambling Racehorses gets sensors in them whichever reaches the finish line first gets their data send to ChainLINK which then through smartcontract pays out everyone that betted on that horse. Online gambling where the roulette has sensors in every landing place and automatically pays out to whomever betted on that automatically through ChainLINK.
Trustless Insurance,Trustless Warranty When you have a car it could automatically send it's realtime data like speed,GPS position and miles driven to ChainLINK. And it could in real time change your insurance terms based upon your driving behavior and if you crash your car pays out (or not) automatically based on these sensor data without needing a third party.
Same for Warranties. If the sensor data shows the warranty should apply it could automatically pay the party or if it is voided it automatically voids the smartcontract.
Connecting all currencies ChainLINK can actually be used to link different currencies such as dollar,euro,yen with all different cryptocurrencies and each other. Because you can input real data into it you could make it so that banks could "lock in" things like "Bank A coin=$5" and based upon how much other coins are worth in real time feeded to ChainLINK would make it possible to buy "Bank A coin" with ALL different cryptocurrencies even though they only accept dollars.
If WTC picked them, it's already over.
maybe you should have been posting those somewhere where there was someone who didn't know about your shitcoin
I sold my Links for Mobius and i can finally breath. Real partnerships, progress and so on.
Last but not least
New bank shattering application You know when you pay for something and you don't want to use your creditcard because of fees? So you go and do a wire transfer straight from your bank to another one.
But then you usually have to wait a couple of days or even a week if it's international and you are unlucky.
Well. ChainLINK is the solution to that. A bank (or third party application) could just feed the information from Bank A that you made a wire transfer to Bank B. And then through ChainLINK combining that data with a smart contract Person that has Bank B account gets paid that money immediately and so the vendor/friend/whatever that uses Bank B knows that he got paid even though he hasn't received the money yet and thus can give the guy from Bank A his goods/whatever immediately. Thus cutting out Creditcards/Wire transaction time and everything WITHOUT having to use cryptocurrency per-se as the end user.
THIS is why LINK is the most talked about coin on Veeky Forums since ETH. Because it'll be a game changer.Sure you can say "There is no guarantee it will be adopted" or "Why won't every of those businesses not just program their own solution".
But I could say the same thing about ETH "What if smartcontracts won't get adopted?" "Can't companies not just program their own smartcontract services?"
The answer is NO. Because the value is added due to it being DECENTRALIZED. There is no third party that can meddle with the transaction. It's all real time based on sensor or other outside information which gives security to the users.
I hope some of you understand the potential of LINK some more right now.
>If WTC picked them, it's already over.
Pretty much this. Linkies are too emotionally attached to this token and they can’t see the truth.
I have seen a lot of FUD lately surrounding ChainLink and a lot of people losing faith. While everyone is waiting for news to drop, here is what we know about ChainLink as of now.
Here are some names of companies that ChainLink is working with, or at the VERY least has contacts with.
SWIFT: This one should be obvious to everyone by now. They just gave a working demo for SWIFT at SIBOS. They even state on the smartcontract website that they are indeed WORKING WITH SWIFT. The cheeky bastards even have SWIFT subtely underlined, as shown here:
SONY & AXA: We all know who SONY is. Axa is the largest holder of financial derivatives in the world. It's a trillion dollar market. All three parties have signed a smart contract that deals with varying levels of insurance coverage depending on firewall uptime on May 9th 2016, viewable here:
FACTOM: Factom and ChainLink have been working together since 2016. You can view Factom's announcement about it here:
Is their any pie that ChainLink doesn't have their fingers in? Their tech is literally revolutionary. Smart contracts are fucking useless without being able to pull real world data from off-chain. This coin is already 4x up from ICO price without them even releasing any news yet. It is brand new and still in it's infancy. Do not let these Veeky Forums biztards FUD you into selling a fucking goldmine.
If they release an announcement stating all of their partners + exchange listings, this thing will be the
Let this sink in for a moment. I'll wait.
Ari Juels is a faculty member at the Jacobs Institute at Cornell Tech. He co-authored
this work in his separate capacity as an advisor to SmartContract ChainLink Ltd., in
which he has a financial interest. In 2004, MIT’s Technology Review Magazine named Dr. Juels one of the world’s top 100 technology innovators under the age of 35. Computerworld honored him in its “40 Under 40” list of young industry leaders in 2007. He has received other distinctions, but sadly no recent ones acknowledging his youth. - (
Chainlink was selected by the World Economic Forum's Tipping Point report as the "Shift in Action" for Smart Contracts, for their work on allowing smart contracts in the Bitcoin network to be automatically triggered by external data. -
If WTC had partnered with Chainlink instead of Mobius, I would have literally market sold all my LINK.
Chainlink is partnered with Cornell's IC3, to help launch the first Intel SGX secured link between smart contracts and external data. This more secure way of running an oracle is the future and they're glad to be moving it forward.
Chainlink has been chosen as a 2017 Blockchain Applications Cool Vendor by Gartner. This validates the value that CTOs and CIOs see in our more secure approach to connecting smart contracts with critical external resources. - (
Chainlink is presently working with SWIFT on their own SWIFT Smart Oracle. Allowing smart contracts on various networks to make payments, send governance instructions, and release collateral with over 11,000 banks. - (
SWIFT's premier blockchain project consists of two main pillars:
1) Distributed Ledger Tech or DLT (basically a blockchain)
2) Smart contracts
Smart contracts are meant to bridge the gap between external data and blockchains.
SWIFT is pretty far along with the first pillar (DLT), but has nothing at all yet for smart contracts; except for of course.
The "gpi" thing in OP's pic is a global payments initiative, and the third phase of gpi also involves DLT and related options.
This may very well include, of course; but the partnership is still in its infancy.
>SWIFT's premier blockchain project consists of two main pillars:
Very first line of that SWIFT document:
>Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers.
Nicely outlines the two main parts as listed above: (1) DLT and (2) Smart Contracts.
Linkies are the new digimarines. MOBIUS IS WITH WTC. GIVE IT UP FAGGOTS
WTC is such a shitcoin lmfao. MOBI is partnered with a Chink shitcoin while LINK is partnered with SWIFT and Zepplin_OS. I know your monkey brain is too retarded to even understand those.
Massive consulting firms like Capgemini are devoting entire reports to smart contracts, specifically mentioning (= Chainlink) and Sergey Nazarov by name as the sole smart contract solution that can use external data thanks to oracles.
>Sometimes, external inputs such as prices, performance, or other real-world data may be required to process a transaction, and oracle services help smart contracts with inputs such as these.
>Smart contracts will also need to be able to work with trusted external data sources if they are to utilize external information. Smart contracts can achieve this with the help of oracles – programs providing smart contracts with the data they need from the external world or carrying the commands they need to send to other systems. Sergey Nazarov, Cofounder and CEO, – a startup specializing in building oracles – outlines how connectivity with real-world data will be key.
If you don't know what Capgemini is:
Back in 2015 the World Economic Forum also mentioned smartcontract(s).com by
ZeppelinOS? Never heard and Ripple is going to kill SWIFT
In summary: if you are even considering buying Mobius over ChainLink you are dog shit stupid.
Hahahaha dumb idiots will still fall for pajeet shitbags while the link overlords will be driving lambos on the fucking moon. You have to accept it, every coin/token will submit to the BLC (Big Linkie Cock)
Ok u just proved that you are extremely retarded
guys I don't even know if these faggots are only acting retarded or what
They are most likely link holders and want a cheaper price
OP is probably one of those smelly street shitting Mobius developers shilling his own excrement on Veeky Forums.
>"Stellar’s Meteoric Rise and Why Mobius is Set to Orbit from it in 2018"
>"Get your spacesuits ready. "
>Written by Cyrus Khajvandi, Co-Founder Mobius.
Really unprofessional .
I refuse to be emotional.
I will buy a small position in Mobius as a hedge for my link.
This shitcoin fud/shill battle has gotten so weird, it's actually developed into a foreign language for autists.
This actually looks like a subtle LINK shill thread. With OP looking retarded posting a shill image that isn't backed up by any substance.
Nice fud idiot, big banks in japan are going to start using Ripple this year
lmao. i love how "early adopter of BTC" is something the pajeets list as an accomplishment. im going to start putting that shit on my resume.
Damn he seems so fucking convinced his shitty project is going to be something big. He even shits on eth. Fucking idiots, most unprofessional team i have ever seen.
Pajeets are really full of themselves despite being only third generation literates and having their lineage still bathe in a rivers filled with floating feces and human remains.
I've posted this earlier: Who would you pick? A eloquent, gentle Philosophy major from the country of Tolstoj and Dostojevski or some bragging nouveau riche MIT shitskins from the filthiest shithole on earth?
Shit coin???
Shit coin?
No marketing whatsoever. Keep that in mind.
Did you pay that guy who edited LINK symbol in this pic 100 LINK?
Hey, that was me!
Not begging, just seeing if this person will follow through:
i wasn't the one who requested its creation
Gotcha. Thanks for all the info!
This says more about WTC being a shit project than anything about ChainLink.
Call me a deluded linkie, but if they can't see mobi is a cheap imitation, it's their loss.