How do we fix the burger problem?
The real dip hasnt even begun
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>he thinks regulations are bad for crypto
I dont see why regulation is bad. I dont use my crypto to buy drugs or slaves.
How about you stop shitting you pants because of mundane stuff like this?
you're gonna see a world of pain when its regulated. The first thing they'll do is ban any crypto masquerading as US dollars. No more bitcoin moon missions after that
What they mean is, they just don't want NEET getting rich
>moon missions don't exist outside of crypto
Is USDT even a crypto?
I thought it was just fake dollars.
never said that. Of course they do.
wait you can buy slaves with crypto?, which markets?, my friend is curious.
more regulations means less manipulation
less manipulation means less volatility
less volatility doesn't mean less moon missions
it means you need to start investing in less shitcoins and in more legit projects
they have 2 different tethers now, one is an ERC20 other is an actual blockchain.
more regulation means more market makers and that means more liquidity and certainly better customer service from the exchanges because they no longer have monopoly. I"M TAKING ABOUT COINBASE!
you think i have 15 fucking years
nigga if cxrypto fail me this year I'm as good as dead
quads confirm
>every piece of news is actually good for crypto
You fags are worse than the trump shills.
>blocks your access to cryptotrading
Sorry, you'll have to go through our (((financial firms))) enjoy the commissions
alright, yes regulation is coming but how quickly does the US government act? it took them 150 years and a war to say that you can't own niggers, the gays almost died waiting in the closet, and don't even get me started on how long we'll have to wait for 2d girl rights, I'd say we have a good 20 years before serious regulation, maybe 6 months for the SEC to do something.
I've got Aeon, Monero and now Turtlecoin..
any IRS taxation issue doesn't apply to me fuckface.
The SEC is already prosecuting crypto cases. They have been for over a year.
it would have been 1000x harder to pick a .com winner in 1998 than it is to pick a crypto winner right now
99% those companies went bankrupt when the .com bubble burst
exactly, what I’m saying is that the SEC will act to do whatever they can for now, but serious laws and shit will come after the government stops shutting down over beaners
I'm not talking about 1998. You could have bought Amazon stocks in 2014 and you would have quadrupled your money.
Just saying that there will still be moons even with regulations,
>murricans can't participate in ICOs
kek, why
what is the reasoning
rip nigger
It's literally because big daddy government is trying to protect your from yourself.
It's really stupid. America's entire system is built to only help rich people. It's becoming more apparently to everyone every day that goes by.
USD is also being used for illicit activities.
nopE! it's not that simple. this is not communist China and not all politicians will bend the knee. they will fight the SEC and we will do our part to support that fight. just like net neutrality. had killary been elected she would have destroyed crypto during her first 100 days in office. WHY? because she's wallstreet's most expensive prostitute.
Life gets more depressing.
>15 years
>a moon mission