>tfw bought vechain at 50 cents and people laughed
im not a weak hand idiot, i did not sell, so no need to apologize
My hands are fucking diamond with this coin.
They don't call me Iron Hands O'Hanrahan for nothing.
still down 5% from my entry point...
That's why you don't buy the ATH you dumb nigger
It's gunning for 8 dollars fiat. That's what I'd value it at right now.
>doubting VEN
fucking nufags who panic sold. The chinks are shaking off the weak. VEN will be $10 by the end of February.
be warned, on jan 31 Vechain will be added to bithumb, within a week of this major news will also hit and Vechain is going to 2x what it is now
thanks CCK
Bow to the Ethereum of this year, Vechain.
get in or get poor, simple as it is.
because you bought near ATH you retardimus.
I'm getting back in once it hits 6 again, anyways.
>Tfw bought ATH at $2
i bought this recent dip, thanks panic sellers
You’d have to fucking kill me for my vennies. Never selling ever. Gonna hold till I fucking die and they will be forever locked in a wallet.
you sold again after this spike? thinking of doing it, the news dont sound thaaaaaaat good
Yes, after tapping 12 and then going back down to 6 a few times.
>tfw already 10% gain
No doubt. It's the way VEN swings. Every single time it reaches ATH it drops back way the fuck down. The chinks can't make this any easier but people always doubt.
this is a scma coin be aware
lots of shady delings you can find through googling.
actually team is whell known scam team in china look for some these china articles in the translate. all very very bad things like staling people money from their hands even in the street but also telepohne scam and thing of the sort.
anway just i know ppl seem like this coin but i warne you, just stay safe. in fact i wouldnot be surprised if the coins acually have virii in them to hijack ur comps.
nex time just buy something safe like bitcions.
You're not wrong. I'm getting quite a bit from this. It's very consistent :)
VEN is for ironhands only. When the VENfags unanimously held during last week's panic, that's when I knew it was a keeper.
Hands made of platinum with diamond fingernails while wearing Kevlar gloves
My retardation in the past days enrages me so deeply. Every single time when I couldnt hold any longer and sold, whichever currency I sold shot up in value. And now VEN. This is fucking bullshit.
but CCK doesn't use a tripcode. right?
You're still early though, thor hasn't even launched.
how far up will it go this mini mooning? im putting up buy offers at 8.2$
I cannot buy back in unless it drops. I am not going to keep buying at peaks and selling at valleys, thats exactly the retardation that got me into this mess in the first place
This shit ain't for you
Poo in the loo pajeet hand
I still believe this to be a scam, no links to linkedin of the devs, no whitepaper, report that is full of plans but no facts, no information of financial management only how much percent of the ICO it is, looks like any other chinese ether clone including tron
That happens to me too often. I'm scared to sell a lot now. I sell and immediately the coin I sold starts rising from a downtrend.
It's like someone is watching you trade.
>those fucking sell walls
This only hardens my hands
and my dick
Sold my Req bags for more Ven. Feels great.
That's exactly what it is, the coincidence of the sudden rise WHENEVER I sell seems absurd. It's like I'm in the Truman Show or something.
Sell high and wait for another dip or will this shit stay up this time?
Classic buy high sell low, keep going user you are doing great
definitely going back down, this is VEN we´re talking about here
you posted this exact say pasta yesterday, if your going to fud atleast do it right, instead of asking people to "google it"
it will honestly move sidways for a day or two and then move back up. That tends to be the pattern VEN likes to do.
sideways until news come would make me happy.
>she´s going back down
We burned through that buying volume WAY too quick. Tether your funds now to brace for the dip!
Own a strength node. Am I going to make it?
I think we're about to start the 5th wave of the elliot cycle within the next few days. We'll go up to 100k+ sats and then drop correct down to where we are today, and then go sideways and keep the near constant upward trend.
Fuck off pajeet
The worst copypasta
>tracking a grape
>now tracking a cow
This "project" keeps getting more pathetic just sell already
If we go up to 100k sats I dont think it will drop to todays price. I think worst case scenario it will go to 78k-80k sats.
In this base, but with only ~600 VEN.
I honestly thought it would hit lower - it has been too hyped, once something is as hyped as this shit is you know for sure there's a ton of people in it for a quick buck, and it makes the price even more volatile than crypto already is.
But it's holding, I need to see how it fares for now before putting money back in.
I'm not holding if I can't get it for cheap.
you should start tracking toilets and learn to use them faggot
>Married to vshit moo poo coin
You're right, usually over-hyped projects tend to suffer a bit in terms of volatility.
However, I think the quality partnerships and exposure to large, respectable corporations has more than kept the volatility at bay.
I think we'll look back in 6-12 months wishing we could buy at these prices again.
It's dropping again REEEEEEEE
He tweets always too so you check to be sure.
hold market is you autistic clown
>Tfw only 41 of these.
Too poor to ever make it.
alright sold bracing for the dip hopefully the norse gods are with me and it doesnt fuck me over kek
scope of this project is huge, hopefully these chinks can pull it off.
counterfeiting i totally understand. i studied chinese business/economics in college and could write a fucking essay for you anons about how unreal of a usecase this is but im gay
i need help understanding their BaaS model. so companies reach out to VEN/DNV GL for blockchain and eventually implement the VEN blockchain? how does that provide us value?
kinda sounds like how ripple doesn't actually use XRP for xrapid or whatever.
i understand that's where thor comes in, but how the fuck does another coin "power" a blockchain.
im a brainlet, explain like im a moron pls
What do you think ethereum is used for?
The only thing you track is poo all over the goddamn street pajeet
>Veniggers thought they could outperform Walton
Indian shitskin, I know you’re asian, but let’s be honest here... You’re good at shitting on the street, not with numbers like Jap/Chin/Kor...
VeChain 2800%+ over wtc with 400%
only if he starts a thread, but yeah, he rarely comments in other threads.
making money and launching apps with fish and tanks and kitties idk lmao? remember when i said i'm a brainlet?
It's a doji, you dumb bastards. Catch it at .0004 or lower.
Ether is required used to make transactions on the ethereum blockchain. Thor is required to make transactions on the VeChain blockchain. VEN is the only source of Thor.
fuck off weeb
So what you're saying is WTC is the better short term play because it has the potential to moon like VEN did. Got it.
oh yeah. im a fucking idiot. thanks user.
ill call myself a nigger so you don't have to.
i've heard VEN has a private blockchain for their enterprise blockchain service. will transactions on that blockchain also be powered by thor?
So, I have a pretty good VEN stack right now, but still a little ways to get strength node.
What if I see my VEN and pop in on REQ which would get me a ridiculous amount of REQ (I have holdings there too) and ride the wave up and sell back for VEN with hopes of getting strength node?
wtc is old and senile and won't moon.
Ven is young and virile and will moon hard.
They are doing proof of concept on the private blockchain right now with all their business partners both announced and under nda. All enterprises will be migrated to the public blockchain in q2.
Same 3 months you retarded monkey
u sir are a perceptive fag
smart money does not sell the gold standard in crypto future
yeah that's why they have the biggest partners of all of crypto put together
did exacly this shit 2h ago..
All in since 55 cents what are these dips people keep talking about ?
>Doing TA on crypto in 2018
Please kill yourself.
future young crypto millionaire, 1 year
this actually may be true, but if you gamble selling the best project in crypto and future HOFer for a quick hit you can get rekt and KYS for life
Have thin feeling REQ will soon be moving up quickly as we're just hitting the bottom and with mainet launching Q1 I rather have like XXK REQ and then buy back into VEN with hopes of getting node
337 VEN reporting in
bought 22k req
still have 3k ven
long way to go for a node..
You know what? I don't even know how to short, but I'm opening an account on bitfinex just to short this shit down to 0.0004.
Will post results, you stupid faggots.
437 VEN
Exactly similar to me. Less REQ though. Which is why I'm thinking of trading out fo VEN for the interim, hopefully catch a ride with REQ where I can have 10-15X my stack of VEN and hopefully buy back in with a higher position in VEN - hopefully a node.
Still debating though.
nice mate. i'm sure we'll be happy with the results later this year. Although not enough to be a moon lamboing faggot, it'll be good ammo for future projects.
>I don’t even know how to short
Why do you give TA advices if you don’t know basics?
How about you actually show us your TA instead of pulling random numbers out of your ass. There is plenty of TA out there and not everyone agrees on the bottom but doing TA on weekly charts is fucking retarded on a three month timeline.
Short your own life by killing yourself, because you're going to do it anyway when you miss out on these gains.
It's okay user, I'll never let them laugh at you again