>no more suckers left to pump fiat into crypto
No more suckers left to pump fiat into crypto
>he forgot about tethers
Can't wait for the bitcoin shitters to die off with their coin and go back to wageslaving
Robinhood has almost 500K users ready to flood money into crypto
Soon my dogs of war
need a little pepper with that salt??
No salt, I just know enough technologically inept idiots with decent stacks of BTC and ETH that think they're investing gurus when they have no idea what a blockchain is how their coin actually works.
It's therapeutic to see dumb people succeed a little, get full of themselves, then lose really hard.
That’s why we’ve been tweeting #PayWithCrypto idiot, we need to show the untapped market that there is a real demand for that shit
What about all the people in biz
>tweeted from pro-trump twitter accounts eith a Pepe profile pic
plebbit is full hard on for the movement senpai, we’ve got 2 threads front page of /r/crypto
Choice A: pay with cash. Instant. No fee.
Choice B: pay with credit card. Instant. No fee.
Choice C: pay with crypto. Takes 20-45 minutes. Massive fees.
I dont have a problem with neets trying to scam normy shits, i just hate the fucking hypocrisy of the crypto community holier than though redditfaggots. I hope some of you niggers make bank before this shit implodes
Is Robinhood going to start exchanging crypto or something?
I have a huge stack of BTC and ETH, over $1 million, and I can tell you you're wrong. The fact is most of the idiots you're thinking of hav sold and panicked, and the ones that haven't will watch the market recover again. It's not over yet.
This. all of this.
I love this Image, it's so true LOOOL
Yes OP you're quite right literally 100% of the human population is already currently involved in crypto.
>crypto is going to keep going up in price!
>because more people will buy it.
>because crypto is going to keep going up in price!
If you don’t see this scam, you deserve what happens.
Supposedly 1% already is. How many are in stocks (other than some fuck-you tier bank funds)? I would be surprised if it was over 5%.
They will come back. In the meanwhile I enjoy the lack of newfag crypto posts on normiebook
this. this is merely one of the problems.
>he doesn't know about XLM
The dot com bubble got to around 7 trillion before it popped, and that was just the American stock market. Considering crypto is global, there is an absurd amount of money on the sidelines that has not yet entered crypto.
Explain why the market will recover.
I'm listening Mr. Investing Expert. Let's see if you can come up with an explanation that's better than a tautology like "it'll go up because it goes up"
Ownership of crypto doesn’t generate wealth, not even in theory. It’s not an investment vehicle.
Yes Robinhood will offer certain coins on their app in Feb
It doesn’t matter, the bulk of speculative interest is over, a shit ton of retarded normies late by a year invested and lost close to 40% creating a massive resistance ceiling at 16-19k$
To overcome that AND the fact that mainstream crypto is a sideways groan zone while the stock market is full on bull run right now. You have to have a new paradigm, speculation can only do so much, this show is over.
add LINK to the bottom of the image and you got a 10/10 meme
You basically listed a bunch of reasons to buy ETH instead of BTC, although I don't think that was your intention.
Just LMAO at this argument. Fucking stupid kids thinking institutions will take their money out of equities and put it into crypto. Equities make up a large part of the worlds money
> You have to have a new paradigm, speculation can only do so much, this show is over.
Yep show's over guys, pack it up. Crypto is boring now.
it has not even crashed . what will recover?
Bitcoin is on a steady growth. 10000$ right now and was 1000$ 1 year ago. The 19000$ peak on Xmas was just a show of force.
Based on the way you talk I'm almost certainly older and smarter than you. Some institutions are obviously going to invest in crypto, or at least ETH.
I was saying the same thing, man. Crypto may some day gain some more value, not because of its technological merits, but because it's not controlled by somebody who steals people's hard-earned value with inflation. The digital gold meme is true. Eventually crypto will have to become more commonplace in everyday life as an accepted payment method.
But for now, most of these cryptos are complete shit and the only thing keeping this ship afloat are the retarded late normies who keep dripping in and buying bags from those who cash out at a profit
Crypto is not an investment, you fucking retard. It doesn’t generate returns. It’s just speculation. A stock has value because: 1) it has book value, and 2) expectation of future dividends.
Some American normies may have gotten scared off, but there are billions left in India and China who've barely had a chance to throw money at this idiot roulette wheel yet
Thanks for holding the bag while I move on to stocks and options
>Im older and smarter than you
>Institutional money is still coming to crypto
You should probably learn basic shit about financial markets, kid
Crypto hasn't even gotten started yet
Lol, another example of someone saying "fucking retard" while actually being clueless. I can tell you're financially illiterate because you act like the only form of investments are stocks. There are institutions specializing in alternative investments like art, wine, antiques. You are not nearly as smart as you think you are, so you could at least be more humble.
>baby’s first 401k
Is that supposed to impress me? If I wanted to hear a joke, I’d ask how much you bench press.
ETH and BTC are confirmed
>Missed the opportunity and it's too late to join
Good job, cash out while you can.
You look close to making a down payment on a home in my area. I wouldn’t recommend it though, roi on real estate sucks ass.
>pay with crypto
>massive fees
>buying $17 of bazingacoin is just like buying a Van Gogh
225 for 5x reps. Been at it for 1.5 years
>he realised crypto is a ponzi and cashed out
>pump it
need to pump it back up first though
>not because of its technological merits, but because it's not controlled by somebody who steals people's hard-earned value with inflation
That’s not accurate to almost any degree. There are much better vehicles to avoid inflation if thats the issue at hand.
I agree on everything else, I don’t doubt that crypto will see some acceptance but nothing in this retarded growth phase. I saw 350%returns on a fucking supposed currency, I would never fucking touch that shit as payment.
Exactly. Most large businesses don’t like going euro to dollar because of currency risk. There’s no way crypto goes mainstream.
>Choice C: pay with crypto. Takes 20-45 minutes. Massive fees.
>Massive fees.
Which crypto doesn’t charge a transaction fee?
Have you heard of our lord and savior xrb
>There are much better vehicles to avoid inflation if thats the issue at hand.
That depends. So far cryptos retain their value well if you ignore the volatility, but the constant inflation caused by an endless stream of shitcoins could easily offset all your future gains and any numerous problems may crash the market or just destroy your particular investment. But still, cryptos are unique in the sense that they have the ability to be transferred seamlessly and held without trusting any third parties. Dunno if that's enough to keep them afloat, but I'm wagering yes in the long term
>I would never fucking touch that shit as payment
You would if it was all the currency you have. Thing is, any of these things becoming a real world currency is both years away from here and extremely unrealistic. There's gonna be tough competition, tons of problems and regulation. So overall it's quite the gamble, but maybe just maybe cryptos and free money could some day become a thing.
The other option is that banks finally stop diluting fiat. That would kill crypto in one fell swoop but it might never happen.
How are normies a bad thing exactly?
Excellent post
y-you too
its after the Holiday and tax season. Bad time of the year for disposable income. Needs to go longer for people to enter the depression zone, where they think its never mooning again and they sell at the bottom and buy a Dodge Stratus with their little profits. Then the market can move again.
Lightning Network boyo
>implying reddit is not pro-trump
People would accept it as payment even with the volatility, because there will be apps to easily cash out the crypto for its current fiat value.
>The other option is that banks finally stop diluting fiat. That would kill crypto in one fell swoop
I disagree, one of the biggest advantages of crypto is the ability to have control over your own wealth. This obviously does not appeal to everyone but I like the ability to transfer value instantly (instead of 3 hours with bank transfers) and across borders.
Sissy white cuck
>People would accept it as payment even with the volatility, because there will be apps to easily cash out the crypto for its current fiat value.
Yeah, I'm not saying this isn't happening already. It's mostly just because of dumb hype but it does drive crypto's adoption as modern day squirrel skins
>I disagree, one of the biggest advantages of crypto is the ability to have control over your own wealth. This obviously does not appeal to everyone but I like the ability to transfer value instantly (instead of 3 hours with bank transfers) and across borders.
Yep, it only appears to a very small set of people if it comes at the cost of increased volatility. I love having all my value in my own control, but it's clear that it's not for everyone when one simple mistake can irreversibly eradicate your life savings
Did you buy the bounty0x ico?
> $32 fee to transfer bitcorns
>could take hours, even days to transfer
Thats pretty shit if you ask me faggot
>Yep, it only appears to a very small set of people if it comes at the cost of increased volatility. I love having all my value in my own control, but it's clear that it's not for everyone when one simple mistake can irreversibly eradicate your life savings
As one who has seen many centralized systems fall, and lots of dead links and services in internet. This is one of the most important aspects for me in crypto. I think decentralization will be future, and this is the first time we've had decentralized currency (and now it's not even just a currency, it has decentralized every sort of digital asset by now, and we are even getting decentralized laws, contracts).
i'd pump some fiat right away.
Would buy some ETH.
But no one of these sites seem to accept skrill or paypal (or they have insane fees), so fuck this nonsense.
like cex.io has 7% fee what shit is that?
dude more reps less weight..
At least when a coin crashes you obly baghold for a few months. When that crashes... Have fun bagholding 10 years lmao
I like the control as well, no bs middlemen
There are tons of overvalued stocks making losses and not paying dividends or buybacks.
Crypto will generate revenue this year
Absolutely agree that decentralizated is the way a lot more things should be. But the sad reality is that it uses additional resources and most people would probably not appreciate it enough.
Personally I love what crypto is doing to currency and am sure it's gonna see increased adoption in the decentralized code execution department too. I'm just trying to stay objective here since otherwise it's just gambling. The bear case is that centralized entities can do pretty much everything crypto can (mirrored servers, backups, public logs) but it's still not trustless, "free". The ideals behind crypto are great but it remains to be seen how it fares against old money if things get serious. The nice thing is that as long as people think they can get rich off crypto the adoption will also keep increasing and consequently giving crypto legitimacy.
Honestly I don't see any concrete arguments as to why crypto could absolutely never be a serious currency. Is volatility enough to deter people from holding and using it if fiat inflation keeps being far more harmful in the long run?
remember that time when you bought some crypto then sold right away with a loss cuz you were a noob
then that crypto went up 50% and you fomoed back in and you thought wow i just learned an expensive lesson?
thats where the normies are, they just got burned for the first time and sold with a loss and said fuck this crypto shit... but now all we gotta do is wait until they fomo back in and i guarantee they will buy ATH again, thats just what normies do
>But the sad reality is that it uses additional resources and most people would probably not appreciate it enough.
Well if you think about it, everything consumes some resource. People just oversee this when they percieve the thing that consumes it as useful. If using computing power gives us trustless network, that's valuable use of resource. The cost to keep this trustless network is the base value of the asset also ironically. Sure it can seem bit a waste, when there's banking system alongside (which uses more energy btw). And cryptocurrency is not stagnant thing, it has room to evolve. I think cryptocurrency will slowly replace other assets than currency first, like stocks for example. There's no reason it couldn't live alongside existing systems either.
Yep, stock markets and derivatives should really all work on top of crypto. It's just so wrong that you have to hand your value to some third party to be able to move it. I think we'll get there in a few years, but it's most likely just gonna be a silent professional movement without much fireworks once the crypto hype has already cooled off.
Yeah, this year I'm actually investing into decentralized exchange related coins as I think they will become very important not only for being more trustless way to exhcange coins, also raise awarness how well this technology could work for other assets.
Everyone with a pension you mong
men own 90% of crypto assets, just get women to invest and the market cap will fly up
>being pro-Trump is bad
He's literally the American President and our economy is better than ever, weird lefty user.
Do not start spooking away the /pol/tards
We need all kinds of people in this project
I was explaining how great AirSwap was my to my girl cuz it has No fees and she was like “if I give you a dollar rn there are no fees” cryptos blown the fuck out. I’m selling
Trips of truth
do you know how difficult normies find it to get into crypto?
they dont understand it
there's so much cash out there, too, just waiting to be drawn in
this is the worst anti-btc argument ever. it is not meant to be a credit card by now. it's already however far better way for large sums of bank transfer over ocean. traditional bank transfer you would take a flight quicker than wire the money. secondly you dont have to input your credit card details and name etc. when paying with btc, Huge bonus! people dont have to be afraid of losing their car details
>95% of the world population doesn't exist
People don't understand the difference between credit cards and banks. They also think paying with card has no fees (it actually has, but you don't pay them). There's also massive losses incured daily due to credit card frauds and cashbacks.
>a sucker isn't born every 0.005 seconds
You fucking brainlets...can't you see why there's is not a more massive inflow of money in crypto? If you really want to make the market grow, we don't need your college buddy, who is willing to invest his 1k USD savings...we need that uncle, who has a high paying job and 50k+ in savings and want to invest in something with good returns, but is a tech ignorant and in no way in hell he will be capable of putting that money by himself.
You guys are retarded and can't even see that...they are the generation with money and no knowledge and we are the generation with no money but with the knowledge. And you don't have to scam him...just split his money in a portfolio with low volatile and slow gains(XMR, ETH, ZEC, NEO).
But OP, it's 'crashing' every year.
Why are you worried?
>Credit Card
>no fees
Just KYS.