When do I dump this shit Veeky Forums ?
doubt im ever gna get a chance to sell, bought at 4.50 a piece cause I felt like burning money since I had 400 USD sitting in eth
I need to know as well I'm sweating bullets
lmao you guys are fucking clueless
sell now and kill yourself out of regret when 15th feb comes
t. called this last night
What happens on the 15th
Its getting pumped & dumped right now is why I am asking, it's going to drop
all I know is that they plan on dumping at 3EST so sell off at least half an hour before but I'm getting jumpy and may sell sooner
Exactly how I'm feeling bro. The user I was speaking to earlier seemed straight up. My worry is the dump is maybe an hour earlier and we are part of the dump crowd
Do you think that's likely?
honestly gut feeling the user who I was speaking to seemed legit to me, but how much can you tell of someone on an image board. He was saying their aim is .008 eth, but was gonna sell slightly before that
damn it nibba I'm freaking out I keep trying to convince myself to sell at 1.30
He seemed wise, he said don't be greedy and get out early. He said he was planning to sell at .005 and .008 was for if you had balls of steel ha
Does this image seem familiar?
I seriously cannot believe it actually pumped.
This shit is stupid
3pm was completely made up. There was no discord, there was no signal, just one idiot holding a bag that he wanted to get rid of.
Sigh, I had more faith in you biz. You've let me down.
>obvious pump and dump by discord group
>goes up 30% from no news or anything
In the future, never believe anyone on biz dump that shit. I felt nervous. You bought into the fomo.
But thanks for helping me get rid of it. I almost fomod myself back in.
Jesus I almost pumped and dumped on myself senpai...
sell at the same time as me
I seemed wise?
I've been in crypto for less than a month senpai
Get..out. now.
I rode the wave. Being on Veeky Forums I actually believed the guy. Bought some then went to bed. Woke up in the middle of the Pump. Ha ha ha...Thank you Mr Whale.
Wiser than me at least
Not a whale... Just a shiller... Jesus Christ guys
I feel gross seriously
Call him what ya want. It worked...LOL A good Shiller?
Jeez anons, stop getting baited by shilling people from PnD discord groups, and your bags will be much lighter. You should read every post like shilling and FUD
There was no discord. Just an assload of Veeky Forums biz posts
Same effect I guess
why is this shitcoin even allowed to be posted about? the amount of bagholders dwarfs even TRX
I got out. Sorry for disappointing you Veeky Forums lessons been learned
Welp my bags are gone I sold at 1.23
Considering I started this and got out around the same, you lucked out
Fuck man this was so dumb...
I'll never listen to biz EVER now. Bunch of sheep...
I would feel bad, but some whales tried toncuck me and I had to fuck my way out of a corner
I'm proud. Disgusted but proud
$$$ worked for me. Lets do it again.....