These guys were invited to join the Hyperledger Fabric project... and told them no.
My sides
These guys were invited to join the Hyperledger Fabric project... and told them no.
My sides
Other urls found in this thread:
XLM was also invited
it's at 10B market cap
XLM partnered.
IOC told IBM to fuck off
Lol mfw i was douglas....yeah i already knew the stort but i wantes to see what they would say. IOC is one of my biggest regrets. This coin has an awesome idea and better tech than 90% of other coins out with almost no competitors, literally all they need to do is market which i feel is super easy in the crypto market but they refuse. Turning down a partnership of any sort with IBM is such a bad move it just goes to show how retarded the IOC devs are. And the way they respond to their user base in regards to marketing is horrible they just threaten to kick you for FUDDING rather than being reasonable and listening. The head devs idea of marketing seems to be asking kucoin on twitter to "please list us". Fuckimg embarassing. Sad to see this coin fall by the wayside when the fix is so easy.
Joel is the new Carlos
Yup. I can only imagine where IOC would be today if they werent fucking autistic
Kek. Coincidence I posted at the same time too.
But... Moe Levin. These guys are amateurish... they posted a pic of Derek at the conference... it was a fucking computer
Found it
I believe we were in another IOC thread not too long ago and it seems youre one of the few that actually understand and share my frustration. Its embarassing a fucking computer for the dev like how fucking sloppy are you cant even say "hey man send. Us a quick selfie" fucking horrendus. I hope the delusional community gets its shit together and realizes what they need to do rather than spam "THE TECH WILL SPEAK FOR ITSELF" which sadly in the current crypto community is the farthest thing from the truth
The age of the Puerto Rican rapper begins
Maybe. Idk, but what I do know is their community on telegram is half bots, and the rest are delusional. Derek apparently doesn’t have an internet prescence, same as the IBM guy.
Sam comes off as a cunt, Richard is incompetant, Newton/Korean Guy is as delusional as they come, Robin is an 18 year old entrepreneur, Riki is spero research so he has a motive to pump the coin.
To THE Moon
Kek. So many IOC memes
Holy fuck so i tired foolishly to knock some sense into them on telegram, and they just keep saying "HURRR DURRR COMMUNITY NEEDS TO HELP MUH CONFRENCES WHERE I HANDED OUY A WHOLE 100 BUSINESS CARDS THAT TOTALLY DIDNT GET THROWN IN THE TRAH RIGHT AFTER". Like how retarded are they they seriously think going to random confrences with a shitty booth and half assedly trying to network there is going to get IOC noticed? Look at OMG for example, they simply lit their twitter up with tons of "partnerships" and exploded because of it. Or tron! Im not saying they should lie and make shit up but what OMG did was get themselves noticed, and now people are waiting for their tech. I swear that the IOC team wants somebody from the community to be lile "oh yeah my uncle is part owner of binance let me give him a call and youll get listed tomorrow!"
Those dumbasses leaked info to some rando who claimed he was from Merril Lynch. That’s how desperate those fags are
Oh I forgot to add, those dumbasses were downplaying and talking shit about fucking Stellar because of the Weiss Grades.
>muh C+>C
Kek. Seriously?
Hahahahahahahaha i triggered richard... seriously he needs to stop acting like a fucking child and be professional and admit the problems the coin is facing. I get he must be stressed but come on. He just keeps saying "NO PREMINE ORGANIC GROWTH BLAHABLAHANLH"
Forgot fucking kek
Dions were all the rage a few months ago. Thems were the days.
Have them post here outside their safespace
Dions bro
Bro. Aliases. 2mb blocks bro
IOC is the new DGB
Lmao. Looks like the admins didn’t take our invitation
bunch of fucks. dude is a cunt there goin no where. more memes!!!!!!
You realise anyone can propose a project to Hyperledger right?
Hyperledger Fabric is it's own project under the Hyperledger umbrella. It doesn't have anything to do with coins like IOC or XLM.
Explain why he is a cunt
>trying to sound like the smartest guy in the room
The gist is ibm offered, and IOC decided to add that they wanted IBM to use IOC’s blockchain
IOC is a literal shitcoin with a Pajeet dev who only learned how to code after having a failed rap "career." Not even kidding. Joel probably amde this thread to sell you his bags.
the dev team "bought" all of their coins for fractions of a penny. what a fucking joke, can't believe these pajeets are still trying this scam after they got booted from poloniex.
Welcome to the hell that is IOC.
>muh no ico no premine
>muh eth is Swiss cheese code
>muh marketing is the community's job
Pls list us. Pls. I have a feeling that they got warned about getting delisted from Bittrex so now they’re desperate.
IBM don't own Hyperledger, the Linux Foundation does. IBM are focusing on solving actual needs that businesses have using Hyperledger Fabric (which they committed the original source code to, back in 2016)
If thats the case then, why spurn IBM from IOC’s point of view
this scam coin needs to be delisted from bittrex like it was delisted from poloniex for being a scam. DIONS was a huge flop with wallets that don't even work. then why the fuck would you want to stake something to only make 2% per year, it's a fucking joke.
Their peer network has dropped too.
My fucking sides
That’s how you can tell if a network is dying
watch how he talks to people
oh woops, 4% per year, what a fucking joke.
I completely misinterpreted your last pic, didn't realize you were the same user kek
Lmao. Nick is pretty triggered
Never seen more incompetent devs and ridiculous team. Completely agree should be removed from bittrex being a blatant scam
How does he know about "your infantile Veeky Forums"? Did you tell him? Is he in the thread right now getting triggered by people criticising his shitcoin? Kek
I think we should start an email campaign to get IOC delisted from bittrex for being a scam. Anyone with me?
I'm definitely in
We told the admins to come here and defend IOC outside their hugbox. Fucking r/cryptocurrency shits on them too.
Im in
someone needs to quote the last comment so that the image comes up
They block on bitcointalk tho?
pretty sure when you quote something with an image it will show up on bitcointalk, could be wrong tho
Ah i see. And my theory is they’re panicking because they’re going to get delisted, thus the hyping up of some rando exchange for March to keep idiots buying
IOC is dead
Im starting to suspect the IBM guy and Derek are fake
Most likely
Normies are gonna get scammmed
You guys are sad. I cant believe you haven't found something else to do with your time. none of you own shit. The way you talk shows you are completely unhinged.
Hi Nick, Sam, or Newton
Nick is the kanadian pensioner, that was expecting to get rich thanks to the rican rapper?
Defend it.
No premine
Dions bro
Ethereum is cheese
Pushing boundaries
Will be coming soon
Thats always their response lmao
Swiss cheese. Lmaoooo
Although the rikan would at least put 5 or 6 typos in there
True and saying some convoluted reason why IOC is superior in everyway
Because he is chatting with the phone from his swimming pool
He codes from there too
IOC is now DGB
I remember this gem
Was doing some digging on Gabsi... he fucking went to ITT Tech. That Scam school. My fucking sides
I came here from a link posted. whats the big deal?
You both sound insane.
The devs are incompetent and IOC is getting delisted from bittrex soon. Look at the cinstant pitiful volume hahahaahh
Hi Sam welcome. Now defend IOC
This coin was obvious trash in 2016, who cares
I know IOC and the team is rock solid and the future is super bright. You fools are insane with your fictional stories.
That was said in 2015, 2016,2017. Face it its a shitcoin
I flipped it around $7. It was in my opinion a promising project, and still is, but the devs lack a business mindset it appears. Didn't want to hear that throughout the months but I finally had to get out.
Box, Google Drive, RLC, a certain medical-focused data storage, SIA, the list goes on. Too much competition and I can't see it being around in 2 years, let alone 5.
The blocks only hold 2MB apparently and the supply is too low to be viable for holding storage. There's just too much better competition out there. I know one of the Big 4 backed them, but at this point the momentum seems too gone. I know you might be on the IOC bandwagon, or possibly even part of the org, but this is just what I think after quite some time being a fan.
IOC will most likely moon a bit in 2018. For the long term, in Web 3.0 (or Skycoin 1.0) I dont see it being in the scene
I can tell you are an OG. Possibly PB or CB but ya, i sold at the top in sats. Im just really frustrated that they keep claiming themselves to be better than some top5 cmc coins
>PB or CB
I dunno what this means, but still feel like a newfag tbqh. Transfering coins to different wallets still freaks me out heh, and I'm a brainlet when it comes to tech knowledge
Peanut butter or crypto buddha, both were OG holders who dumped after the DIONS shitshow
The attitude here is almost straight disgusting
Thats one of the reasons I dropped them. They were so damn condescending