I got into crypto a few months ago. Just wondering how my portfolio looks?
Don’t mind the shitcoin PAC
>spends 5 minutes trying to cover usd balances
>leaves coin balances visible
>never going to make it
Looks like you did a bad job of hiding your 1,072 dullars
Why would you even cover it up?
OP, your bite is successful. Confgrats. Seriously.
it's not like anyone know you here?
and if you want to hide. Download blockfolio. It has a feature that let you hide your holdings.
Who gives a fuck.
I’m new and was told to hide it. As you can see I didn’t put much effort into it. That wasn’t the point of the post.
what app is this? is it better than blockfolio?
Clearly you do you autist
if im to ignore the shitcoins should I just be looking at stellar??
Delta is the app. It’s all I’ve used, so I can’t compare it to anything
>is it better than blockfolio?
yes because they're not 5 minutes behind and they don't sell your data.
I like seeing my chart from when I started, is it a pain to convert now?
Use settings/ options / hide balance you faggot
Delta > Fagfolio
it is. it took me 40-50 minutes to enter my transactions, but i'm happier.
also, i don't know why you would hide the prices, but use the option in the app itself to hide your balance. don't use paint, because pic related
Okay small dick kike I’ll get right on that
Or you could do the math lol.
I don't understand why people don't just crop out shit they don't want seen.
kek u think we are interested in ur 1k ? ur probably among the 20 poorest guys here
I didnt even need to open it elswhere, your censoring skills are weak af
Will I make it???
Are you ashamed of having a $1,076 portfolio, OP?
I love using 4 chan for advice.
Are you ashamed of being a hybrid kikenigger?
go back to /pol/ please.
Hahaha if you only knew how much I really have... you would kill yourself