>tfw you realise most of the people who've made it here just made a bet on something, and it wasn't because of their superior intelligence, just luck
Tfw you realise most of the people who've made it here just made a bet on something...
luck plays a big part in making it for anything tbqhf
Keep telling yourself that
It plays a part but you are just wrong.
There are people who bought TRX at top and got BTFO, then there are people who carefully make every decision. These people win.
>i'm so smart i lose money. hurr durr
>I knew ETH was going to be massive
>I bought NEO
>I invested in VEN
>I bought XLM just before the massive bullrun
There are so many 'good' projects out there. Many people make intelligent decisions about them, but simply do not choose the right horse. There are others who have made fucking tonnes by just going with the right shills on Veeky Forums. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Making a good decision plays a minor role in crypto. People who like to tell themselves otherwise are giving themselves an ego trip.
I don’t pick my coins at random
I have a 220 IQ and I always read the white paper to know what I’m getting into
Bought ETH at under $200
Bought LTC at blow $50
Now I’m all in VEN and you should be too
pretty much.
xrb went like 50x within 3 months. over 100x within 6 months
>tfw all you needed to do was put a few grand in xrb.
I just go on hype - if a ico has 40k telegram/KYC/no Americans and Chinese then I’m investing.
I'm holding out on LINK for a little bit more. But there's a few ICOs next month that I really like. I can't keep holding when if I went with my gut I would be so much better off now. I was thinking just today that I ought to go for this strat. God knows most of Veeky Forums does, and they're doing alright.
Not true faggot
everyone told me not to buy stellar BUT I KNEW
and when it dropped HARD i HELD
suck my COCK
I bought NEO at 7
it DROPPED from 50 to 20
Arcblock is the next big ICO but you too late for the ico if you haven’t already whitelisted.
A monkey could do that. You just have to be early enough.
I'm not. I'll put it in my watch list, thanks.
What's the next big one?
This is true.
HOWEVER, people who have lost everything didn't lose out because of luck. They lost because they were idiotic, did absolutely no research, and went with their heart and dick instead of head and gut.
If you've lost a few hundred, consider yourself lucky. If you've made that amount, count your blessings. There are much worse things than not making it.
>pic related, when I see someone go all-in on something
I bought XLM at 2.5 cents
I bought REQ at 6 cents
I bought Ven at 45 cents
I bought XRP at 18 cents
I held all these fuckers and hold them still.
I still haven't made it.
TFW you're too poor to start with and even the right decisions won't save you.
Fuck off OP some of us actually read the ethereum whitepaper and went all in on ico.
Still holding btw
Research and balls is what it took.
did you start with $10? jesus
>it took research to buy XLM at 300
That was shilled here last year.
Ohhhh, nice one! Big boy! I'm sure it was alllll you!
Being intelligent is also luck
The fact that you're alive is luck
I'm not sure if that's a low-key whitepill or a blackpill.
>salty no coiner
>big brained trader
500 coins get shilled here a day. most of them end up losing 80% of their value.
most of the board was calling ETH a scam coin
what's your portfolio?
Stop blindly following any hyped coin without doing research, dummy. It's called research.
Why was their decision to not do it unintelligent? Point is that, in crypto, research, intelligent decision-making, and knowledge pales in comparison to being in the right place at the right time--and luck. Any monkey can buy into a shill, 'make it', and then brag. Normies do it all the time with BTC. Many more people do research, find something they see to be solid, and it doesn't take off. Not all good ideas succeed, and not all good decisions lead to wealth.
>research a solid project
>it gets stampeded by a shitty project with hype
Research always leads to profit!
Hype dies, hold.
I got luckd but also unluckd
Started crypto before christmas with 4k
Bought prl when it was 0.02 cent but sadly only 200 dollar necause it was my first investment and i wanted to make sure i dont fuck up.
1 month later i had a total of 65k combined with all other coins which were minimum over 300%
Now its worth 20k. Still holding for a year at least
how many of those normies held from $200 to $19000 and sold there?
>had 0.9 BTC in september 2017
>threw 25% into eth, omg, neo and xlm
>now have 4.2 BTC
just throw your money into anything in the top 10 coins minus maybe BCH and XRP and come back in a few months and you will be good user
>hold for months
>could have 10x my stack if I went with the hype
It's sensible, but that doesn't console me.
Not many. But I BET there's more than a few that bought in at 3k and rode it up to 15. Or even 12 and 20. Even selling now would be good if you just skimmed the news last September.
I will be from next month onwards.
Such a fucking meme. Do you think crypto just fell in my lap? You think I woke up someday and magically had gains?
You will NEVER get lucky if you never put yourself in a position for it to happen. Which calls into question if it was really luck or if it was deliberate. I deliberately bought coins, knowing I could lose it all. When the markets crashed and I lost 50% I kept holding, trading, clawing back my gains. When the gains piled up I refrained from selling. None of this was just luck - it was an observation that a bull market is happening and it’s time to participate. None of it would happen without the research involved as well, all of it deliberate.
People love to sell themselves this lie that you can never make money without pure luck. It is simply not true. We are living in a cause and effect universe.
Found the Rick and morty fan
I understand your point. It's the element of character and free will. However, it cannot be denied that you can only reach so far before you have to make a decision. The point I was making is that many, many people tell themselves lies that it was entirely their responsibility that they're successful. It's not. They took the best measures they could take, but in crypto those measures become nebulous. All you can say that you did with certainty is that you looked for opportunity and kept a positive mindset.
That's like saying professional poker players just get lucky. It's not about luck when you roll the dice constantly. Blaming any external force other than your own decisions is a retarded and cowardly way of refusing to accept responsibility for your decisions.
You are a loser.
>Entrepreneur starts a company
>works day and night for the company
>pours his savings into the company
>one day he gets bought out by a competitor for a 10x premium
He was so lucky right? Just saw that opportunity and kept a positive mindset, no strategy involved.
Of course not. He created the luck when he founded and developed the company, talked with buyers, and sealed the deal. It was intentional.
No one ever gets “lucky” without first making a deliberate action. That’s my only point. Even lotto winners who are the epitome of luck wealth at least bought a ticket. Even if you fully believe in luck, there is a zero percent chance of winning the lotto without acquiring a ticket.
If you read my OP, you will see that I said most. Not all.
What about the 5 others that failed because they didn't present right in the room? Or because they were in the wrong town? Or because they couldn't communicate their superior project well enough, because they're not high in emotional intelligence? Or just because they pitched/released it at slightly the wrong time?
When I say luck, I mean fortune. Hard work doesn't always means success. It just helps. Here there is no hard work, just a bunch of bums looking at shills and memes THINKING they're working hard.
It’s a game of probability. Like anything in life there is a chance for it not to happen, or to happen, based on factors both random and controllable. Those 5 others have made it more probable that their company will be bought out, the chance is zero without their efforts. And in this example it is a competitive decision - which company is the most attractive to the buyer, and which company positioned themselves best to be bought out.
The work doesn’t need to be hard, it just needs to be appropriate for the current circumstances. Whatever brings that probability up.
Invest points into research when you level up, kid.
You can't call intuition luck.
I bought ETH at 93 and sold at 400
I bought LTC at 90 and sold at 230
The more experience you get, generally the better you do. This is a skill, and like anything else the more research and practice you get, the better you are.
>plan is to throw shit at the wall hoping something sticks
Good way to test your luck hypothesis. At least you’re putting yourself in a position to gain. But not doing much to shift the odds in your favor.