Some coins don't have ledger support yet. How terrified are you?
Will Binance be the next exchange to get hacked?
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you put no fear in my heart
95% of my holdings is on ledger, feeling comfy
Why would hardware wallet be necessary?
Exchange hacking is a meme
More anons have lost Bitcoin transferring it to various less secure devices and exposing private keys than losing on exchange hacking.
To get the private keys a hacker has a much softer Target in the non-expert casual user.
With 2FA binance is more secure than any online wallet.
Stupid rando
2fa only protects a users individual wallet, not binance's main wallet that all coins are stored on
They cant get in an individuals wallet without the 2fa codes, so having the main wallet is useless because individuals can still access their individual wallets
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Maybe Kucoin or Jewfinix
I hope you’re not serious... right ?
How Binance handles their account authentication changes nothing on how these coins are stored on the block chain...
Those wallets still have private keys associated with them like any other generated wallet and binance owns those private keys, not you and they are vulnerable if they were ever hacked.
I have maybe $150 worth of crypto that I keep on exchange with Binance. So literally don't even care.
It's a need created by the hardware wallet manufacturers.
I keep all my coins on bitfinex there is nothing more safe
So tell me then.
How would a hacker get into an individual wallet thats protected by 2FA without access to the code?
because if you have a private key you can access funds directly on the blockchain with an external wallet
I hope you're not serious
No wallet is protected by 2fa that’s just your binance exchange account.
When you deposit your coins the eth address (or whatever) that’s generated is where the coins are actually stored on the blockchain. It’s Binance responsibility for keeping the private key associated with that secure, it’s not any different to an eth address you can generate yourself on myetherwallet
or something.
This is like the most basic crypto knowledge in the world.. you joined in December with the normies
didn’t you?
So your telling me that binance has access to the 2FA authorization codes that are generated randomly on the individuals phone/computer/whatever when requested?
Wow you’re literally retarded, I cba explaining this anymore.
If binance goes Crypto will be worthless for years, like mt gox.
No, you retard. Binance doesn’t need 2FA to access your coins because they fucking own them.
>falling for ledger meme
oh no no no i feel bad for you
Why do you all trust ledger so much? The harware is closed and so is some of the code, they could easily steal your shit one day.
What alternative do you suggest then? Paper? kek
Binance doesnt own your coins. You do.
Binance just stored them securely for you
Binance cant access your coins without your authorization you twat.
Binance just doesnt take someones coins and send them to a different address without you clicking the transaction you stupid rando
a brainwallet that you only enter on a librebooted laptop running some barebones linux distro or openbsd and you change it after every use is the only safe way
of course there are layers of security, all im saying is that ledger is not some end all be all of security, its not trustless, you have to trust ledger and their closed system
Weak bait, no one is this retarded
decentralized exchanges are the future when it comes to ((your)) safety
buy zrx
doesn't binance have insurance?
do you understand what a wallet is? like in crypto?
Lol!!! So many newfags in this thread!
I keep my phone secure with Face ID on my iPhone X and that’s the only way to access my google Authenticator codes... even if binance got hacked someone would have to track me down, steal my phone and then clone my face to even have a chance to access them!!! And even then they still need my email confirmation before it will let them withdraw! You guys are srsly noobs if you don’t keep ur coins on exchanges no other wallet offers this level of protection !
What are some good ledgers? I've just been storing shit on binance. What ledgers are compatible with link?
>What are some good ‘ledgers’
>I need one to store my LINK
Lmfao I knew it was clueless December newfags who fell for the link meme
Why do brainlets enjoy jerking off pointless security measures? Is it because it makes them feel important in a world where they have none?
>t. unencrypted private keys in plain sight on desktop, unprotected wifi, no antivirus, windows, browse porn twice a week
Nah coss will get hacked
binance is safer than hot desktop wallets. Cold storage is the safest.
It's like they give you the information. You don't read it, then you spout out some more retardation.
Don't care as long as I can still buy high and sell low
And you were doing so well with your posts until this autistic reply.
what is the advantage of hardware wallets over paper wallets?
Can you blame me? 3 posts trying to explain how wallets work to people who have never owned any crypto outside of an exchange and then someone asking for one of these ‘ledgers’ that hold LINK
This whole board is filled with clueless
normies now, I honestly think if you haven’t already made it time might be running out now after seeing this type of shit
Binance is using multi sig wallets. Coincheck just failed hard, like a real normie.
Im not terrified, I have all my keys as a tattoo on my skin.
you just need like 5 usbs with your wallet
so you don't get hacked
The state of biz people, you stupid cunt their is no 2fa on the blockchain, just on the fucking site, if one is to hack a private key no fucking 2fa is going to do nothing, fuck bet you think MEW is just a Web site
Please kys
So now that everyone has put the reddit newfags in their place, can we discuss the likelyhood of binance being vulnerable to an attack?
Relax retard, having them on binance is alot safer then having them on MEW with no hardwallet, just order a nano s and wait until it comes