Nick Szabo, the person who created the idea of Smart Contracts two decades ago, retweeted about LINK.
Nick Szabo, the person who created the idea of Smart Contracts two decades ago, retweeted about LINK.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, if anyone wants to go confirm:
The guy who is often rumored to be Satoshi retweets about LINK and nobody is replying?
You are now realizing that thr coordinated link fud/fomo combined with silence on the major happenings is not an organic coincidence. It is a concerted effort to confuse investors and shake out weak hands. The last thing a link investor wants is a positive public image and widely dissseminated first hand sources containing valuable, authentic information.
Link holders will be legends. The writing has been on the wall, only the wise will have enough courage to heed it.
fucking hell we get it
I bought 100k linkies in December. I promised myself I would hold for a year.
1. Because I 100% believe this is a winner and Sergey and team will deliver big this year.
2. For tax purposes.
I'm going to be rich.
Fake. Not the real Nick Szabo twitter
low tier FUD, I already linked to it for everyone to confirm.
BigMac if poo
The chainlink subreddit has 3k users online
What's up with that
>Chink puts Apple sticker in Skateboard and takes selfie to fake a partnership
>same chink breaks into a Google office to take a selfie under the logo for the same purposes and is taken out of the premises by the security guards
The coin moons.
>Link is known to be working with Swift and at least 5 major banks.
>first mover advantage in its field
>probably will be endorsed by Nick Szabo if push comes to shove.
Chainlink crash and burns.
Like Pottery.
For link
No news= bad news
Bad news =extremely painful bad news
Good news= bad news
Idk why is that. Unless the fud conspiracy is real
One day the normies will wake up and that day will be glorious. Probably when mainnet is lauched and with it, a whole backlog of partnerships is announced. Will be too massive to ignore.
user, we don’t need the normies. The big fish will be the ones buying your bags unless you’re planning on running a node
I think us link holders have been used to FUDing LINK for so long we forgot how to take good news. Right now I think most of us are trying to think of a way to FUD this.
I highly doubt it. I have a 50k linkies stack. Link over 20 bucks will make me a millionaire. The universe won't allow it
I'm happy with $5 link.
Normies, big fish, whoever. Mainnet is coming and Rory and Sergey both stated their partnerships will only be announced after that.
It's a perfect storm.
Very few people selling, most of the weak hands are out by now, very few people that even have it (~17k wallets) and we're going to get a huge dump of news all at once. We're gonna be seeing 50-100%+ increases multiple days in a row. The price singularity will be real.
Delete this
Imagine them having a backlog of like 20 partnerships they announce all at once when mainnet launches? My god.
They most certainly have them lined up, there's no way they don't after all the connections Sergey has, how many conferences he's been at, the fact SWIFT endorses them, etc, etc, they MUST have a lot of partners in their back pockets. Sergey even stated they are supporting large companies but not of these have been announced. It's all gonna be one big rush to $10+ in a week.
Why is Frank Garrett taking shit from that cock sugger?
Don’t forget about the Facebook connection.
whats this??
>being such a blood sucking kike that you can poke royalty in the chest like your bitch
they really do own us.
anyone who doesnt own some link at this point deserves to be poor
Are you new? The fucking director of engineering of Facebook is an advisor for Chainlink
Yeah, there's so many, I didn't even bother to list. I think we all know them by now.
SWIFT, Project Ubin, Facebook, AXA, Sony, DocuSign, etc, etc. Just one of these confirmed is enough for a moon.
Yep, just doubled my LINK stack.
Chief Engineer of FB is a key advisor next to Ari Juels. He is a low level hardware security expert.
Mark Zuckerberg posted a status recently(past few weeks not spoon feeding you this shot) mentioning blockchains and (!)decdentralization.
Ari Juels is dead, just look at the white paper if you don't believe me. Don't kid yourself, Link has failed.
Most outside data contracts need is some public APIs which can be formatted into oracles with minimal effort. How big marketshare is LINK realistically gonna grab when most maintained APIs will have an oracle version available natively?
The universe won't allow it because it will make you sell before LINK moons.
Break the space-time continuum, keep hodling no matter what. is centralized, user, we've been over this.
Here's how it actually went.
>guy with 100k followers tweets about how Hashcash was founded in 1997
>random girl replies about how smart contracts were also envisioned in 1995
>Stinky linky with LINK in his username retweets picture and @s guy who wrote about article while secretly shilling LINK as well
>Nick retweets because of the picture of his article from 20+ years ago
This has nothing to do with LINK.
Oh, good. Sorry for my ignorance then
Why did waltonchain choose Mobius over Chainlink? I thought iy was agreed that Mobius is a fucking pajeet meme
>Satoshi just retweeted Link
Holy fuck
Still doesn't change the fact that there's now a chainlink logo and $link on Nick Szabo's twitter for all of his 168k followers to see.
>literal chainlink shill from Veeky Forums is retweeted by the father of smart contracts and cryptographic genius widely thought to be Satoshi Nakamoto
The memes are coming to life.
No prob. I took you as a fudder, seems you just weren't aware. Cheers.
One word:
You people still don't understand?
Leave /biz.
good entry point?
His followers won't care. They already know that he just retweeted for the picture.
I'd be buying now IMO. Don't try and time it, just accumulate. At $50 will you care that much if you bought at $0.70 vs $0.65?
Should I go all in?
I am with 200k.
Yeah I know LINK has always been riddled with FUDers and I hate being the 10000th faggot asking obvious questions about link. I'm just trying to figure out my stake on it once I cash back in. Problem is I have no fucking idea how the adapters actually connect to the blockchain and what's preventing the API providers from figuring out a way to make their data available directly. Wouldn't need decentralization when the API is already a single point of failure and has to be considered trusted.
>starting dozens of threads about a retweet from Jan 24
Linkshills are so desperate, kek
i'm basically in line with what is saying, but I only have a tenth of his stack. This project has been meme'd way too hard to fail at this point, but I'm discontent with the growing cult mentality surrounding LINK.
>Following Szabo
>See mention of Chainlink he retweeted
>Not an endorsement of it but now I'm curious about it
>Realize it's a game changer
>Buy a bunch of LINK
You're a brainlet if you don't think Chainlink showing up on Szabo's twitter is anything worthwhile. I'm just gonna assume you're fudding to accumulate more because I refuse to believe you're this stupid.
holy fuck
>trying to FUD the fact that the creator of Smart Contracts mentioned Chainlink
Nolinks are so desperate, kek
He didn’t retweet about LINK, he retweeted a tweet about him.
Look who’s created that. IS that muh boi ARI JUELS??
Advisor to Chainlink?
>start 100 threads about a retweet from 2 days ago
>shitlink is still tanking
>at $0.70 already
I wonder when will linkshills realize that a coin cannot be propped only by memes and retweets fro several months in a row
And that tweet was by a giant Chainlink shill with the Chainlink logo right by his name for all of Szabo's 168k followers to see...
Let's be real here, there's no way you can FUD this.
Congrats brother, now just don't sell until at least $25. My sell target is $100.
It's a weird feeling being in the top 1% of what is going to be the future of how the world exchanges data.
i have 13k
>mfw LINK shills talks about muh derivatives they actually mean retweets, which are derivatives of regular tweets
Kek bless this thread.
Blessed, are the Linkies. For they are truly tested by the long FUD night. For only they can be granted enlightenment. For only their faith is righteous.
Those who hodl true will be rewarded in this life and the next.
Long ago, when I was a young boy, I used to believe that the normies will wake up one glorious day; however, I have learnt much since then, and now believe otherwise: there will be no "grand awakening of the normies," for they are lazy... the normies will all go to sleep comfortably at their earliest opportunities.
>we remain woke
>Why did waltonchain choose Mobius over Chainlink?
The questions you should be asking is why did SWIFT choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did SONY choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did AXA choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did ZeppelinOS choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did the World Economic Forum choose ChainLINK over Mobius?
cucks getting excited about a memecoin choosing a memecoin.
When real businesses are choosing chainlink
I hope you guys dont actually believe the fud you put out
You're still gonna have a ton of money when it's $25+. Good luck.
Don't sell until this shit is well above 100k SATs
>Chink puts Apple sticker in Skateboard and takes selfie to fake a partnership
>same chink breaks into a Google office to take a selfie under the logo for the same purposes and is taken out of the premises by the security guards
Actual retards are still posting on Veeky Forums.. Lmao
Omise has received $30m in funding from the 5th largest banking conglomerate in the world
Has been deep in talks with a central bank
Support from thai government
Already processing 8 to 9 figures USD a DAY
Stay mad stinkylinky
When I say sell, I mean sell some to buy a house and shit. Never selling all of it, I'm a software engineer and plan of being a node operator.
Bill Gates was living at the SAME TIME Satoshi Nakamoto AND Sergey lived.
Fucking Microsoft partnership how don't people realize this
can any anons with some tech background answer this?
So.... Jun didn't do what I posted earlier?
Also Omise and Omisego are different things.
Just like owning link isn't worth shit regarding
this sazbos character is old an suffers from glaucoma. dude clicks topics without thinking. he's also a drug addict.
We finna be rich
The skateboard photo is older than the ICO. He just likes skateboards and has stickers on it... This is a Veeky Forums meme and literally no talk about it outside of Veeky Forums. Youre a straight up retard if you believe in memes.
>Also Omise and Omisego are different things.
So retarded lmao. 8 to 9 figures USD minimum will be moving through the omisego network.
You fucking brainlet, people who actually research their coins before buying are probably
>if there is MARKETING for normies
>Implying someone with 168k followers retweeting about it is not marketing
>Why did waltonchain choose Mobius over Chainlink?
why did SWIFT choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did SONY choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did AXA choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did ZeppelinOS choose ChainLINK over Mobius? Why did the World Economic Forum choose ChainLINK over Mobius?
Simple. There was no competition, now Sergey and his autistic fanboys are going to pay deeply for not taking capitalizing on first mover advantage. You can only blame Sergey for sitting on his hands for these past key months and only blame yourself for getting too attached and emotional about a coin.
A passing mention that Szabo does for a different coin every day is not marketing, brainlet
Isn't Sergey supposed to be at that bitcoin conference soon? Do you think he'll announce or market anything big? Will there be a mooning from his presence?
Bitcoin Superconference in Feb, SXSW in March.
Nobody knows what he'll say but we do know they are not announcing any partnerships until main net. It is possible their partners will announce before then but Sergey and friends themselves will not.
almost checked em
there will be a slight pump beforehand. when he talks and it's the same presentation he gave at sibos, it will dump
meanwhile szabo follows omisego and jun on twitter, nothing for sergey or link.
How long on the mainnet? I saw q1, but is that all we really know after a whole month?
Q1 is the initial implementation. Q2 or Q3 is likely for the final implementation.
“Murder at the liar’s...”
What was meant by this?
Check this out.
Sergey and Chainlink don't use their twitter.
I can't stand linkies buy I must admit this is big.
thanks just lost 100k due to the keylogger from clicking that link
Its being suppressed by the Globalists!
ebic reddit meme ya filthy kike