>he didn't buy at $0.5
>he didn't buy at $0.20
>he didn't buy at $0.40
>he didn't buy at $0.60
>he didn't buy at $1
>he didn't buy at $3
>he didn't buy at $10
>he didn't buy at $25
>he didn't buy at $50
>he didn't buy at $100
>he didn't buy at $1000
He didn't buy at $0.5
nice, just sold 100k.
Hahahaha 1000 a coin... by the time all circulating supply is out, you are talking about a 100 TRILLION USD market cap.
I bought at $1
and im still bag holding
what is the marketcap of the USD or Euro? what would be the marketcap of a crypto that replaces USD as world reserve currency?
>he didn't sell at .85
>he didn't sell at .75
>he didn't sell at .65
>he didn't sell at .55
>he didn't sell at .45
>he didn't sell at .35
>he didn't sell at .25
>he didn't sell at .15
>he didn't sell at .05
keep dreaming nigger
>Can't even buy XLM using USD
>Can't buy anything with XLM.
XLM is useless.
q9xXVCC actually good coins to invest in, not top 10 overvalued crap
XRP and XLM holders are the most illiterate retarded investors in crypto they don't understand the most basic shit like supply and market cap baka
I bought when it was $.03. Feeling comfy.
XLM is up due to hype. You know it's dropping when it gets to $3.
$3 will be its highest value. Not worth it.
>muh marketcap for crypto
Stellar literally makes crypto usable as real world currency breh
u-uhm how many thousands of trillions is the world economy again?
Bought 10,000 at 300 sat, sold at 600, now i am mad at myself but not buying it again. Lumens have reached their moon and will never go above 1 dollar.
XLM will unironically replace fiat.
dont worry you can try reposting that when SDAX/Fairx comes out
Why? You're fucking stupid. If you're guaranteed to make money it's always worth it
>literally did the same
it's like a punch in the gut when you see that 900% on blockfolio
If the market cap replaces ripple (its mirror image basically) thats over 4x, and ripple is down what 150% and no doubt ripple has another 3-5x in it short term. You work it out
It's the perfect proof that it's all luck in this game.
Not worth over tripling your investment? That some ultra retardation