wait 3 hours faget and check price again
thanks for the cheap chadblocks retard
okay i'll definitely listen to you :DD thanks for the advice! i hope you dont let me down again user
>he listened to pajeets
Stay poor
Buy high sell low, never change biz... Never change
Seriously, weak handed faggots that listen to fucking FOUR CHAN for advice. People actively try to fuck you here. There's maybe 5% good threads in the catalog at any given time. Everybody else is trying to shill you their shitcoin or FUD a coin that's got good potential
Yeah when I told you to sell your XRB low, I was actually manipulating you. I'm sorry :\ Please don't tell me that you bought VEN high too? I feel bad for throwing that part in, but I needed people to dump onto :\\ I hope you can come to forgive me
FUCK, i fucked up, goddamn it. i bought at 25 and sold yesterday at 12 because there was so much FUD. so raiblocks isn't a shitcoin??? im hearing all this positive news about it and that it may actually be revolutionary. fuck did i get JUSTed?? can you guys tell me the truth?? im so bad at trading :(
no i didnt buy VEN everyone was saying that its a vaporware shitcoin and that its going to dump like TRON and XVG. it seems good but idk you guys are all saying VEN and XRB are bad choices... idk man.
:\\ you'll get em next time champ
>>buys high and sells low
you're in the right place
well can you guys tell me the truth??? is XRB actually good? Im so confused.
The absolute state of biz
if you truly believed the FUD then you're fucking retarded and deserve to be poorfag with all the other streetshitting pajeets
but i thought you guys were the smart ones! all of reddit was saying how great XRB is but you guys all shat on it. i thought we dont listen to redditers :/ did i really get JUSTd? fuck i lost so much money. fuck it im just gonna put everything i have in FUN, UFR, and RLC. they seem like okay choices, you guys seem to like those
We literally told you to buy because it's 66% off. There were memes and shoops and everything.
You can't blame us for you not listening!
XRB is one of the best investments you could make right now. One of the few coins delivering on its value proposition instead of just making promises. Invest in utility, not hype.
no you guys were saying it was a pump and dump and that it was broken... wow i fucked up so bad. should i not listen to you guys then?
That's optimistic. More like 0.5%.
I sure hope you're larping because if not you are the most beta cuck known to mankind
Idiot. Do 2 minutes of research and you'll see XRB is the best currency coin out there.
well i'm just trying to learn from the community, a lot of you guys seem to know what you're talking about so i thought you guys give good advice :/ i'm just trying my best
damn, that's unfortunate :/ i guess i missed the boat.
The literal point of Veeky Forums is to be assholes to each other. Literally EVERY coin gets shitted on. XRB is loved by reddit for a reason. Don't listen to these autists on what to buy.(Example: DBC, FUN)
90% of the board is idiots and the other 10% is smart people pretending to be idiots.
but buying any XRB under $50 is a steal.
i woulld have bought more at $12-$14 but my binance withdrawals are limited
a coinbase investor just tweeted about the xrb and the future it might have.
would a coinbase investor shill something not good?
Hey man, some of us are idiots acting like smart people, where do we fit in
You fit in with 90% of board are idiots.
man you really are dumb.
People realize that bitcoin is not coming back. Rai is the new King.
Wow, you're right, I really am dumb
>But at least I'm an XRB whale
nah i'm larping, i got into XRB at 6 dollars and just wanted to see you faggots admit that XRB is king.
OP you just experienced the usual moon mission turbulence. It's great at getting rid of weak hands.
How many did you hold? $50 EOY is my prediction
i repeatedly told you this was the next bitcoin actually
i was larping because im a cum-guzzling faggot, XRB is my largest holding rn but i have at least a few hundred. not too much but enough. i expect 300-500 EOY.
>taking the time for this
hahha epic meme sir, well played now off to reddit you go, shoo
you're really lonely, aren't you?
cmon, admit we're all lonely faggots that have too much free time. i'm in good company.
buying this for less than 1k# is a fucking steal
i hope you get raped by a nigger
holy kek
thanks man, me too
no u
raiblocks for less than 20k is a fucking steal retard idiots
Thank you for the $$ fucking retard
It was me, the user FUDing this shit every day
Sold at 180k sats
Just wanted to buy it back cheaper.
i got in at 2$, been holding it since, not selling until it's $150
Idiots fuck you cause they're idiots
Smarties fuck you cause they're smart
Clowns to the left
Jokers on the right