>google gunbot XT
>run it on cryptopia in the background
>hit every 2x daily like magic
this has to be illegal right?
Why are you wasting mental energy day trading?
why do u shill it if thats true
whats your ROI faggot
wtf im gay now
15x so far, doesnt feel real though. it just seems to use StochRSI to tell when to buy, it takes profit pretty quick too and picks a new coin in seconds. fuckin weird shit
pics or it didn't happen
where do i buy gunbotcoin?
Most people obviously lose money with this shit. Good for you if you don't.
It costs, 750 USD roughly, would be worth if I knew for sure it's real and worked but still a gamble, got burned buying a fake bot once
are tradingbots actually worth it? was thinking about buying gunbot after watching this youtube.com
Just because some of you guys helped me before, paying it forfward:
thanks user
thank you
you'll just need to input your API shit and targets ?
is there any good write ups on this ?
No shit it's a scam, why would OP advertise it otherwise? You need to understand that if something is too good to be true, someone is trying to profit from you.
"Trojan Detected: ZeroAccess.hu (Trojan) "
He has affiliate links in the description so the review is obviously biased and doesn't tell you that most people lose money with those bots. Otherwise it would be too easy. Maybe some people who configure it in a very special way get a profit, but they're not the majority.
thanks user for the sound advice. after bleeding my eyes dry on hours on end it seems like hodling is the strongest technique for crypto gainz
pics and it still didn't happen
And there is never pics/proof
I like gunbot, but if you don’t want to pay full price, here’s a link
>pic related
you da man
if you need a bot to do trading for you, you're a confirmed brainlet.
what the fuck is the state of biz.
I always fuck things up when trying to trade
Can bot save me? I don't need much profit