In case some retard in Veeky Forums doesn't know yet about this
>Take a look at the whitepaper.
>Now take a look at the marketcap.
>Then take a look at google ad revenue last year.
>Finaly look in wikipedia "Brendan Eich", the CEO
In case some retard in Veeky Forums doesn't know yet about this
>Take a look at the whitepaper.
>Now take a look at the marketcap.
>Then take a look at google ad revenue last year.
>Finaly look in wikipedia "Brendan Eich", the CEO
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't worry OP, they'll learn soon enough.
>switching browsers to avoid ads
Then take a look at the ads NO ONE WANTS TO SEE
It's crazy how this thing hasen't hit $1 yet. It's the only project that makes any sense to me and isn't led by complete losers.
Plugins are on the way. Rumours about possible firefox native integration.
>firefox native integration
>after they kicked out this homophobic bigot
>LOL, adblockers!
Have you ever seen the PC of a non neet? It has more virus and crap than your gf vagoo from all the crappy ads they click.
Ads are a huge market. And a necessary one, small and middle companies need to be known. And google is fucking them hard with their prices right now.
Also think of the amount of free mobile apps with ads. Is also one of the main use cases for BAT.
Go back to re*dit to be pegged by a 400 pound pink haired trans, you nigger piece of shit.
nah hes a cool ass guy. Niggers have to put up with getting called niggers, spics spics, whites cracka's or whitey etc. SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING AGAINST GAYS, S T O P T H E P R E S S E S. PERSECUTE THIS MAN10x OVER
>my random shitcoin is going to replace google advertising
jesus the delusion is strong
so by your logic you dont even want firefox to have any bat extensions since they're SJW fags. Btw no way google chrome will add this extension if it affects ad revenue, they block youtube downloaders from their store FFS. BAT will never take off because ads are supposed to pay these youtube losers not NEETs with crypto.
>the currency is not designed to achieve a $1+ status
Are you retarded or cumulating?
im an early adopter - most of us are if we're talking crypto on Veeky Forums
im not smart, but im not dumb. brave was a nice browser, but figuring out how in the fuck to use my BAT was confusing as shit. i know i could've watched a 2-3 minute video to figure it out, but desu, that in itself is too much of a behavior change.
how long until you think normies can figure this shit out? it'll be a while. sadly sold most my BATs to chase moon mission. enjoy the 100% this week anons.
>bu buh but my browser plugin!
What do you think Batty Boy
>coin listed on cmc on 1st july
>birthday is 1st of july
>mel gibson
>so by your logic you dont even want firefox to have any bat extensions since they're SJW fags
Ah, to be 12 and so full of himself... what is my logic nigger? Of course I want it. Same way I want you in a exchange buying my bags in 6 months. I just don't want to hear your insane and condescending PC crap.
Heh, sorry bud but your anti-semitism isn't welcome here. Take that garbage back to /pol/ we don't like racists on Veeky Forums
I meant June. im stoned.
Do i hear a x10???? BUY BUY
Except google has made it so you can't monetize unless you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watched. How is anyone supposed to produce enough content to generate revenue with those rules? Not that I care but that's a pretty strong use case.
Also they have been the only team to have a presentation at facebook hq.
Nebulas has just had one. NAS
Search engine of blockchains. Former antshare & neo founders, rank algorithms etc.
Thanks, will be looking into them too.
Leave schlomo
You wont regret it. They based the company in San Francisco, to push a global platform and to avoid any Chinese regulation or interruption.
BAT being over 1 dollar defeats its purpose
Wrong, majority of Ads and banners are clicked by the same people over and over again, in most digital Marketing cases you shill your shit for the same minority people over and over again
>source: digital marketer
but you are obviously more qualified as professional NEET faggot
My father works at nintendo too.
As a digital marketer you should be the first one to understand the size of the market and that ads are not going anywhere.
Now fuck off
Sitting on a comfy 11k
is it true that eich is a h*mophobe
how can you invest in a man who hates pic related
When do you guys think BAT will moon?
God hates faggots like you.
Soon I hope
bought at 5200 fml
lol where the fuck do you think you are?
>Once bitcoin stops shitting the bed, or
>Coinbase integration happens, or
>Twitch integration happens, or
>More platforms integrating BAT payment systems, or
>More youtube shilling occurs, or
>BAT payment ads start rolling out, or
>BRAVE adoption increases and/or browser plugins roll out.
You are an abomination and I hope you burn in hell forever.
I-it’s not a plug-in! It IS the browser. If you can get most people to replace the browser that’s already built into their computer or phone from day one by offering them imaginary money, it’ll be huge.
To be fair the mobile browser version is far better than most if not all other offerings.
Shit's fast. Gotta go fast.
I got >50k BAT and if I can't buy a house with my profits in 2 years I will eat my own dick.
Honestly, i'd be surprised if you couldn't do it within the next 6 months.
I don't get why normans would go out of their way to download a different browser rather than just using a plugin like adblocker.
I would argue that the average normie would be more willing to download a new browser than to start installing extensions. If brave starts to get the reputation for being the new browser on the block like firefox did a decade ago, people will switch, especially if you tell them they'll save battery life.
im suprised people are still holding this coin. a bunch of huge name youtibers and twitch people shilled it didnt they? right? thats what you were waiting for, right? because that was supposed to make this shit "explode" lol. everyone and their mom was going to download the brave browser and start buying useless bat tokens, so they could give money to their favorite youtubers, remember? wait you mean it didnt catch on? holy shit im shocked. who wouldve thought, such a horrible piece of shit idea like this wouldnt get amass adopted. color me surprised
The entire market has been tanking and BAT's been holding on like a motherfuckin' champ.
Yeah, getting paid for browsing websites, who would want that?
Yep. People keep trying to shit on it, I'm the only one that hasn't lost money recently. BAT was basically tether recently.
This BAT is hodling the line like no other coin, we will see what it is like in the next month or so
if this is the best argument that bears have, I am going to be very comfy this year
If you think inputting a card to receive BAT through a browser without needing KYC is tough then trying to buy coins off exchanges is REALLY tough for normalfags