well Veeky Forums is he going to make it?
Is My Friend Going To Make It?
Poor thing :/
i think he will holds
hmm... doesnt seem like biz shills tho.
not even your average reddit shills, reddit hates on tron and ada as well.
is that.. the result of facebook shilling? he wont make it, sorry.
might take years
Well ADA is really not a shit coin just like NEO (Its not their fault some chink exchange got hacked). Rest of them are either shit/joke coins or coins with not that big of a potential.
he will make it with XLM BUT with trx it might take years
Yes his NEO will make him rich
neo lend xlm the rest yeah i dont think so
so poe is a shitcoin now?
Ok faggots...
i like all his coins to be honest! TRX WILL TAKE TIME THATS ALL
Tell him to go 50% XLM 50% NEO
RIP your friend after his eventual suicide
cryptocurrecies arent going anywhere he will be okay
tell him not to stress about TRX many will realize it later
XLM ADA NEO and TRX great choices. i like poe too
he wiull do good
5 year hold? You'd have to be a literal brainlet to pick coins that won't at least 10x with the market in the next huge bull market. I'd say most of OP's friend's picks qualify, so yeah, he's gonna make it.
>MFW none of my friends are into crypto
>meet an old friend from school on a night out
>oh your into crypto as well, cool user what coins do you like
>shows me his blockfolio
>1 eth, doge, paccoin, trx
>nice one mate, your gonna make it