Is this a shitcoin? Have i been meme'd by Veeky Forums again?
Buy high sell low
Kek OP btfo
Yes and yes
I dont think so. Gonna sit on that Trusted Node.
Sitting on a trust node feeling comfy about this project, might as well sell OP you weak handed faggot
No its not, its held up pretty well in the crash. However I will say its a highly risky coin, but it has tremendous upside. If its not a scam, then $2800 burger bucks will net you a pretty profitable masternode in the future.
Worth a flier if Ive ever seen one
2800 is not a lot of money you poorfag
Also I was here during DGB and it was stupidly overhyped. It was the equivalent of what Linkcoin is today. Most obvious hot-air crypto ever.
i have 15,000, bought in at 0.035 $, but the recent fud ive been reading here is making me question the capability of the team of reaching the final goal. not weak handed, im just trying to make a rational decision here
If the FUD of random anonymous pajeets make you question your decisions, this isn't for you. Might as well sell and buy something safer.
Recent fud? It's been fudded since after it blew past twenty cents. Veeky Forums fuds pretty much everything, especially on red days like this.
I'm comfy, the team is active on the Telegram and the release of the platform isn't far from now
It's a bear market everything is going down, this has remained strong above 20 cents the entire time and has gone sideways. What exactly is the issue? Are you in the team's telegram where they post updates non stop and answer questions about the project?
There's no reason to doubt at this point, if you have 10k and you're not in this for the long term then drop those bags and give it to someone smarter
It will not make you lambos and mansions but I see an easy x2 there. I predict the price will be around 1$ after they lauch the product, which is actually good.
im on the telegram, but it annoys me that they dont answer question regarding details of how the escrow is going to work.
on the other hand im kinda comfy that the team cant sell their tokens for a long time, so they must at least pretend they know what theyre doing until the end of 2018.
it's funny because I've lost more money due to FUD than gained. Can't count how many times I was fudded out of some coin that mooned.
You need to realize that fudders only do it so they can buy your bags
Shillers are people who bought into a coin
FUDDers are people who have 0 cost basis in the coin
ask yourself who you trust more.
should i sell my kcs to buy a masternode?
The second part is often not true and it shows you haven't been doing this long if you really believe that
I dropped my bags at .25 right before it mooned to .50 thinking that it would keep going down. Thankfully the dip gave me a chance to buy my bags back cheaper but I won't make that mistake again.