Correction over - Time for moon mission

This is matter of days now, get in or pink wojak later.

- High quality whitepaper
- Solid roadmap
- Great upcoming events
- Responsive development team
- Concept that actually works, public trackers will love to earn more money, this will allow them to do this

Other urls found in this thread:

how heavy are your ath bags

OP is a member of a discord shill group that will kick him out if he doesn’t make 1 thread shilling UFR every day

1. Mention ufr/upfiring in your post
As much as this seems obvious, most forget to do this. When you write a reply, please make sure you mention UFR/upfiring in your post. The more often the name is mentioned, the more likely it will stick. And a name that sticks will naturally become a meme; a replicatable culturual asset

2. Use an image from the #pictures channel
Our specialized team has really put their best effort into creating high quality memes. In order for these images to become part of standard crypto culture, we will have to repost them until they get picked up by others. That's how memes work, the replication part is essential. Including one of these pictures will net you a nice bonus in shill points!

3. Make long/detailed replies/threads
Everyone can say "bump" or "buy ufr", and it really doesn't do much to convince any other potential investor when read. In order to really convince people that UFR is a proper investment, we obviously need to explain why UFR is a proper investment! Therefor, lengthy posts are awarded much more points. You can literally get 2 days worth of shillpoints for a well-written lengthy post. Please do not take this guideline lightly, it's really important!


Not heavy at all, bought the dip, comfy.

Thanks, almost wasted my time researching this.

Nothing wrong with shill groups, we're not doing PnD, simply increasing recognition of worthwhile projects.


Reminder that they will be done shilling this coin in February.
I'll make some threads with screencaps of their next coin when it happens.

Shill something that doesn't have a fucking joke of volume that can be manipulated like a ragdoll.

Fuck these PnD shills, just hold until it gets listed on non-shit exchanges. Don't buy at 7k now, I think it will dip to 6k at least

>muh discord shills

read the fucking white paper, this coin has a lot of potential and not only that, it will solve actual problems in the p2p space making torrenting faster and PAYING YOU to seed for others to download

a discord group doesn't affect this coin being a great pick and a promising project

imagine looking back on this after the token moons and the project starts gaining traction, you are going to feel retarded for FUDing a fucking discord group

nice copypaste faggot

Couldn't agree more. In the shorter term once Upfiring comes to a decent (mobile) exchange with ETH/UFR pairs I expect we'll see a bit of a bump too.

my bags are sitting very comfy having only bought into UFR recently.

highly recommend this coin. Lots of potential

You guys could at least rename the file you downloaded from the shill discord.

All of he Fuders will get burned in the next few days when UFR begins its rise. They will probably be the ones FOMOing too.

prove it knigger

It's ok, people will FOMO in as soon as it starts mooning.

If you want to see joke of a volume go look up REAL. One user with a half decent investment can easily temporarily pump it by a few £, doesn't mean it's not a solid project, same goes for UFR. DYOR and then make your mind up but don't hate because others are trying to bring attention to undervalued projects.

UFR has one of the most beautiful white papers I've ever read, and they're well on their way towards creating a real working product. If you don't have half the brain to even realize that, you don't deserve to make money.

Release of the alpha is coming up boys. Don't say you weren't warned. The first rise to ATH may have been a result of the bull run we were in prior to the flash crash, but this coin has actual potential and will soon be on a new exchange.

stock up fuckers we getting ready for liftoff

UFR team is regularly reporting the progress and it looks like they are on the schedule. This means that alpha is coming in Q1 and until then it's time to buy.

holy shit you can literally see the end result of this shilling in this very thread lmao they literally reply JUST like the recruitment post