Will asian girls think its cute if you tried to speak their language to them?
Will asian girls think its cute if you tried to speak their language to them?
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It depends on how you try it
Fuck no
Asians are not people don't attempt to speak their bug language
If I said "kudasai" and "desu" to a Japanese girl, she'd suck me off, then and there, right? It's some of the only words I know :(
Step 1 stop trying to impress asians
Step 2 grow some balls and be a fucking man
Step 3 ask a white girl on a date in english
they will feel like as if a homeless man came up to you asking for change
ur a fucking retard varapi
Also girls want MEN
Not some soyboy faggot
Do you think a girl would want Bruce Wayne or Some nerdy tryhard soy?
no you autistic fuck lol.
Why does everyone on this board love Asian girls? Their vaginas are too tight for a big dick like mine.
I like my wide pussied white girls.
>Ask a foreigner if i can fuck her in an alley in her language, while my massive gut wiggles in anticipation, my "masculine" smell from not showering for a week emancipating the air
>She gets offended
>only guys with asian fever objectify women
The absolute state of women.
It's a white supremacist thing
Whether a woman finds you attractive or not is dependent on your looks,money and status
this is like a girl telling other girls that no one likes tomboyish girls and that she needs to be super feminine
Exactly. Slap yourself everytime you say something nice or smile/laugh for no reason.
Only if you're in fucking Asia
You say that and link a video, but a white guy can go to Japan and get laid easily, just for being white.
Tomboy girls still like men you fucking retard. Actually you have to be super manly to have a tom boy gf.
So your argument is invalid. Girls dont like little faggot bitches. The people who like those are other faggot bitches.
tru lol
>calls me a fucking retard
>doesn't understand a basic analogy
Congratz on retardation, free money from the state. Free housing also in the crazy house.
There's a difference between being a normal white guy with masculine traits and being a fucking weabou.
hilariously the woman in the related vids seems to only date white guys kek. but they aren't beta faggots that carry on katanas
>called you a fucking retard
>because you think just because there is tom boys that girls like whiny bitch soys
That is completely untrue. I have previous experiences of tomboys liking me (it was fucking weird imo).
Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
Did I hurt your fee fee's are you going to watch cartoons now and cry because life isn't fair and people are mean?
Yes, it works for me.
I think you mistake tomboys with trannies faggot.
Why are Asians so attracted to bugs?
Pfffffffft, someones mad that a tomboy never liked you, is that your fetish/dream?
>Muh need to be Chad
Wow, it must be awful to have a fat, disgusting, redditor manchild for a father. Poor kid.
Fuck. If there was anything to make me believe more in the state it is gremlins like these. We need eugenics.
Don't worry. Just be rich
>see some qt nip girls wearing kimono
>sumemasen, anata wa kirei desu
>a-anata wa kirei d-desu
>we're korean
fuck hanbok :, (
Yes, of course user, if the rest of you is attractive as well