This is the face of a cult member. Won't listen to reason, can't listen to reason...

This is the face of a cult member. Won't listen to reason, can't listen to reason, and too brainwashed to leave even as they're walking into their own demise.

Hey Cyrus Khajvandi, go shill Mobius on Reddit you curry shit stain.

Oh look, the mobius marketing team posting the SAME EXACT thread again.

you fucking pajeets are disgusting

>waaaaahh stop bullying my shitty cult
fuck off

ur loss faggot

>another pajeet appears

theres a street over there, go shit in it

i switched to mobius. Looks like that team can deliver instead of faggot sergay

Shouldn't you be sucking on Jamal for your daily paycheck you stinky linky



Whats your PnD group? You’ve been fudding aggressively all day

no this is my face cunt

delusional. Face it dumbass. You lost to the superior tech. Mobius is going to do what link couldnt. Im not missing out on tj
hat moon mission.

This board has reached a
all new low with this batallion of street shitters blatantly shilling mobius.

tick tock tick tock
times is running no-linkers
tick tock tick tock

hype is building for mobius and its dying for that shitcoin link. Stay poor faggot

>full 24 hour downtrend



Hey curryhead go back to your shitting street (every street in India)

Actually yes, when it's in a dip you buy dummy, not when it's at ATH.


nah, ill be driving my lambo soon. Fuck off with these gay threads for this dead coin. It was cute when it was first announced, now mobius has entered and BTFO all you retards.

You can barely read or write, so I doubt you can drive lmao!

Remember: Poo in loo curryhead.