Cryptopia Goxing, when it will happen?
Cryptopia has started to ban users who ask about missing coins, they even ban them from the chat and delete their tickets, how long till Cryptopia its shut down by authorities?
Cryptopia Goxing, when it will happen?
Glad I got my shit out of there the other day. Sucks for any of the rest of you faggots.
Oh come the fuck on I just signed up. Don't make me use that ED bullshit.
This is why i avoid skycoin. Did you lose anything op?
I want to get into skycoin, but not cryptopia.
Lots of activity on the cryptopia thread on bitcointalk, a guy under the name Lafu seems to be important and is answering questions and problems.
I don't think they turned scam.
fuck I can't withdraw skycoin from there and I dont want to sell it either
why dont the asshole devs just pay to get it on bittrex
>be exchange
>make shitton of money for literally doing nothing
>be greedy enough to pocket users money
why are they this fucking stupid? like every fucking time
Shit exchange with shit coins, won't be missed
>shit coins
that's the beauty
They get corrupted with their own power and greed
ED is fine if you're not a brainlet, p2p trading
>muh zclassic
their wallets are shit, why can't i just feel safe keeping it on cryptopia....
Cryptopia is actually a great exchange I really hope they don't exit scam. They are the only decent volume exchange for coins that haven't blown up.
>ED is fine if you're not a brainlet, p2p trading
Yeah I bet it's nice and all, but I'm not spending 2 days learning how to buy and sell on an exchange with such a nighmarish UI.
As someone who helps run a cryptocurrency related project, I can tell you that if anything goes slightly unexpected or if there is any user-error, a certain percentage of users flip the fuck out start writing in death threats and lawyer threats. Then even if it was user-error, they will never admit it was their fault and will start making demands and such.
For example we get users trying to use stolen credit cards to purchase altcoins. When we catch them and ban them they usually write articles on dozens of websites about how we cheated them, they then email in asking for payment in exchange for them to remove the posts.
I swear, after this year I pray I make enough to get out of crypto and retire. Dealing with these newcoiners is like the worst. Theres a reason not a single exchange is free of bad reviews.
I sell my PHR masternode rewards on there daily, only problem I've ever had was their ETH wallet frequently desynced from the network and it becomes delayed... I quit buying ETH to withdraw and switched to LTC and no problems since
3 reddit posts isnt enough to give proof to federal fraud
this. i like them, never had any problems.
literally took me 2 mins to figure it out, its very simple. you are a brainlet
I learned ED in like 15 minutes. if you are familiar enough with ETH to understand smart contracts, and you know how to make limit orders, it's the easiest thing in the world.
>if you are familiar enough with ETH to understand smart contracts
Nope, have no idea what you just said. The crypto tech is beyond me. I'm just in it for the money.
My thoughts too. I can not stand reddit. 95% of the time its just retards not waiting long enough or they did something wrong and then they make these huge long posts.
These cry babies are going to ruin it for the rest of us
Same. I’ve got about $25k tied up in CEFS I’m only holding on to for the dividends and have no other option but to keep that on Cryptopia.
That’s said, I’ve been a Cryptopia user for a year and never had any trouble. Same with Poloniex, they get tons of hate but I’ve always had a flawless experience.
Don't expect to make it too far
Fuck you. I just withdrew skycoin from this exchange after seeing this post.
Poloniex locked my account 3 months ago and will likely never respond to my ticket. Go look at their twitter. 100s of cases and growing. Gl to you.
guess what happened to all the retards chasing the dot com bubble at its peak? those who had no idea what the tech did... lost all their money, enjoy many sleepless nights which will ultimately amount to nothing, as you will fail
And the people that understood the tech also lost their money. What is your point? Everyone in this will lose all their money if the bubble bursts you fucking idiot.
I don't really need to understand the minutia if I can trade and read the market.
With the recent influx of idiot newcoiners, as you can see even on Veeky Forums, I'm willing to bet it's user error
not if you have a brain and know when to take profit- my point is all the retards who have no idea what they are buying are the ones who will crash the market you pajeet
>don't understand the basics of ETH or smart contracts
I guarantee you all the computer science blockchain nerds are worse traders than people that don't know shit about the tech but know how to trade.
My background is in finance, I have no knowledge of computer science, but understanding the basics of how blockchain works is easy, many resources available all over the net
Sounds like typical normie whinging about leaving their passwords stickied on their computer at home or something.