Mooning tonight, strap in.
Mooning tonight, strap in
Other urls found in this thread:
I am strapped, senpai.
dead coin compared to TRTL. get in turtle coin if you want serious returns
nope. literal shitcoin.
Everyone knows this is a keylogger, just stop.
>t. literal shit for brains
mobius is better. Fuck this shitcoin. At least mobius has actual fucking partners like wtc instead of bullshit swift rumors
I FUD link in all these threads and hold over 20k
you boys make me kek
I like the
>clover = luck
subliminal message
This coin mooned already. 13 cents to almost 1.40. It's ogre. The pump and dump is complete, the charts have double topped and now we bleed out for the next few months, until the final bagholders dump this shitcoin down to a new ATL.
Getting mad, Mobius dev?
It's time to give up. The LINK dream is over.
>mobius is better.
literally a pajeet shit coin.
enjoy those bags fuckhead. Move to mobius or fuck off
This is literally the insane asylum for biz.
Yea a fucking coin with fucking WTC as a partner. Link has.............."""""""swift"""""""
kek. yeah a keylogger up 200% in the last hour and mooning
>posts in a Chainlink thread
>Move to mobius or fuck off
Why are people still shilling this shit...
its over...
just leave it...
Ur life is over...............................
rsi not oversold yet fags. but it looks like its forming a inverse head and shoulder. sell at 11k sats
i love this daily meme. This is going to become historical soon.
>. At least mobius has actual fucking partners like wtc instead of bullshit swift rumors
it's still too early for 9/11 jokes
enjoy the bags loser. Ill be in my lambo on the moon. Link is a fucking dead shitcoin with no partnerships
>link testing with swift
>vaporware pajeet token partnership with another vaporware token
kys mobius rajeet, no one wants you here, go make your own thread with your own memes, stop shitting on this street.
I don't usually get memed when it comes to investments but goddamnb you guys got me good with this one. Not going to sell but I really should when I can get back half of my eth still
its open code on github and uses xmrstak, please show us where the keylogger is almighty one
Enjoy your replica.
i lol so hard every time i see this guy's fucking face. when will stinky linkies learn?
testing mean fuckall. there is no partnership at all. just delusional bagholders crying like babies and clinging to fucking nothing. just face it, mobius won.
The devs are sketchy as fuck about it, they are banning people that ask about it in the discord and scanning the file with any virus scanner sets it off. Don't be stupid and please stop trying to trick people into installing the wallet file.
>enjoy the bags loser. Ill be in my lambo on the moon. Link is a fucking dead shitcoin with no partnerships
sirgay gave a presentation in front of a toilet, and you worshipped the toilet.
Linkies, be aware of the fud campaign by the mobius marketing team full of literal pajeets
>mobius starts becoming more popular and getting partnerships
>linkies start crying that there shitcoin is being exposed.
get a grip on reality.
Hey guyz, I brought you a present
If anyone has a sexy female voice — feel free to edit the end of the video too
It is a nice webm I made, that can't be uploaded here, cos it has sound.
When is this coin going to move?
pajeets cant grammar, rasheed.
Honestly, all of you stinky linkies are pathetic.
There are literal fucking chadcoins mooning left and right with 5x and 10x gains. And yet you fucking losers hold this glorified json parser. Unreal.
Ayyy m80s
you won't believe it
I just sold all my Link (I had 1337k)
and bought this hip new token called Mobius
Link is dead
(I'm not from India by the way, trust me, some Indians are ok in my opinion)
>id is brown
>trust me im not pajeet
>is actually pajeet
>>is actually pajeet
I'm not from India but I have many respect for this great developing country. They already sent rocket in space and have biggest movie industry, seriously, very respectful
if you were a smart pajeet youd build a fucking shrine to sergey and stop shilling your shitcoin mobius
When is mobius releasing their product?
they wont. 100% exit scam right after link mainnet goes live
Hey if the monies right man!
yeah, im sure thats why wtc partnered with mobius. You fucking link idiots are reaching new lows
answer my question you retarded rajeetIt's a serious one.
what do you know, they dont have a fucking answer because its another imitation with no substance.
Literally the poorest excuse of a shitcoin ever. This coin was a "good idea" in October and that's all. There are other projects out pacing this with news, this will be on third page of CMC by March and will bleed out to 10 cents by June when literally every shitcoin will be doing 10x. Do yourself a favour and don't invest in this memecoin, it's literally the worst crypto in top200 to invest in literally everything else will outperform it even scam coins like verge. DONT BUY THIS MEME EVEN FUCKING DOGE COIN OUTPEFORMED THIS SHITCOIN IN LAST 4 months
>Everything you just said
Stay poor, crypto noob.