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>person who keeps calling my accountants number shouting bitconnect on different numbers

You Need To Leave This Poor Guy Alone. He Did Not Do Nothing Wrong.

Not talking because he lost their life savings. But what do I know?

Why the fuck do you people torture such beautiful sources of memes? If given gentle care and love this man could become a meme factory of legendary proportions. Instead you drive him to suicide.

>calling accountant and shouting bitconnect
never change Veeky Forums


pls tell me its real

haha fucking funny


>He Types Like This

>youre the main actor in a promotional video for a scam ponzi
>the owners exit scam (theyre anonymous shocking right?)
>he becomes a meme because hes the face of bitconnect
>somehow is wondering about it how ths could happen



Why Do Shitskins Always Type Like This


>>Hi this is Stephen with American Accoun-



Cant believe no one noticed "Honk" Kong yet


I Feel Bad For Him. He Was, In Many Ways, Our Guy. Just Bought The Wrong Coin.
He Was Deluded By The Ringleaders Of The Scam And Made To Promote It, Taking The Fall Instead Of The People Truly Responsible. They Used Him. We Used Him. And The Effects Of This Will Be Felt For Years. The World Isn’t The Way It Used To Be.
Mmmmmmmm, nonono.